Since it's a quiet day in the tropics and I am in a mood I figured I might list a few
1st things 1st though..
there is a low of some sort in the Atlantic off the Florida coast that probably could or would turn into a subtropical and go quietly out to sea except no one wants to talk about it because there are other bigger issues in the world such as whether the goon squad that has parked itself down at my old Alma Mater will or won't make the heat so hot at the NHC that everyone will BEG Bill to go back to work at the NWS where it seems what you say is not paid much attention to by the Press even if you are Mary Glackin who is the Acting Head or something..
Lesson # 1 Bill
NWS = invisible
NHC = highly visible and press always looking for sound bites
Lesson # 2
Never promote from outside a department and expect the locals to be happy. To Quote one of my favorite country singers "there goes the neighborhood"
Lesson # 3
No one likes a group of five or six people from your bosses in Washington parked for two or three weeks conducting an investigation of your department looking at everything from paper clips to time cards to comments made in the bathroom or written online. Working for the government isn't all it's cracked up to be. And, many who have.. have left for their own reasons. That's why guys like Jeff Masters and Steve Lyons no longer work in the public sector but have found happiness and respect in the private sector. Add in their Joe Bastardi... So, imagine if you had your far away distant bosses camped out in your cubbyhole you would wish Bill would go back to the NWS too!
Lesson #4
To quote another song she sings .. NOAA would "Rather Have a Good Ole Boy!"
as for weather round up..
There is an area of low pressure somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle that isn't getting much attention because the NHC is the big news these days.. not the storms....
and the wave out in the Atlantic Ocean that was being monitored was downgraded to a regular wave and not one with a closed circulation. That decision BTW was made by none other than QUICKSCAT ...the satellite that is responsible for providing data to distant waves out east of 50w and ... well.... guessing if that was a Cat 3 and not a weak wave you'd be happy QuickScat was on the job ...
Anyways... so that's the weather round up.
Did hear that MJO is moving into the Atlantic Basin soon and things might heat up.. then again i believe in the MJO, do you?
I do. Hey, I even sort of miss Joe these days lol.
somethings you might not know about Bobbi if you are still reading this and yes that is a pic of me up on the top of this blog in a somewhat pensive mood.
1) I won awards at FIU for my academic studies in International Relations. National awards. Money $$$ not grants for school or to be used for books in the gift shop. I think I bought some cute heels and a nice jean skirt and saved part for trips to NY. Maybe ;) But, I did win big awards and got As and was on the honors list etc..
Studied tons of INR classes, Geography of EVERYWHERE, Demography of a lot of places. Took meteorology classes that I also got As in as well as Oceanography and Geology and also got As... I didn't do Chemistry or Biology, sort of an earth science girl you know? And, it relates to International Relations because well... you have to know a country's resources, economically specifically and weather is real important. If you don't think so... then Russia spent too much time way back when trying to find a warm water port.. Not to mention the whole Peruvian fishing boats that get argued over in the International Courts of Law. I took International Law too. And, I have a second degree in English. Two degrees in less than four years of college, go figure.
So you see... Bobbi really could have been Condi Rice but
2) I joined Lubavitch to see the world and make a difference. It's sort of like a Jewish Peace Corp. I was married to a Rabbi and had the title of Rebbetzen and a Chabad House and well... Long Beach was nice, Santa Monica was wonderful.. L.A. not as nice as Long Beach... ended up back home in F L O R I D A. I missed the South. My daddy missed me and convinced my ex-husband to move back to Miami where we continued working for Lubavitch. I helped a lot of people. I can't say that it was a bad decision. Nothing I am not proud of with regard to my work for Chabad. A lot I don't agree with and bugged me and others, working for any organization isn't easy but I am proud of it. Would rather personally currently have Condi's job but well we all make decisions and we have to live with them. And, I got to meet James Caan and the Spock guy and a lot of people Chabad is close to on the West Coast. Giggling... hey James Caan is cute at any age. A sweet man.
Oh...and I had a whole bunch of kids ..some named Mendy, Levi, Zalmy... well if you know Chabad you know the drill.
But then...............
3) I got divorced. And, I left Chabad and a lot of things changed and took a break and eventually took back a lot of things and now I am currently very close with Chabad again. I even have kids who live in Crown Heights and Postville, how lubavitch is that? Postville is beautiful, I love it there! I do have a picture of the Rebbe! I have quite a few pictures of the Rebbe lol..and I do Ha Yom Yom every day! but as it says in my divorce papers
"something changed"
speaking of something.....
4) I no longer speak to screen writers who don't get the scene correct it was about food on a stick not food in cones, on a stick and things you can hold in your hand... and it was supposed to be a private conversation and someone under an assumed personality said they wouldn't use it and I don't think changing it from a stick to a cone is well... we no longer speak so it doesn't matter. Corn Dogs. I love corn dogs. I love tacos and burritos. Onion Rings and other things and egg rolls and well I have pretty much given up food in a stick or that you eat in your hand. It is usually fattening... ever notice how you don't eat brown rice out of your hand? In a bowl. Yep. Then again you can eat Tofu in your hand can't you? Hmmmnnn well...oh and sushi. Oh I aint givin up sushi so yes I still do eat food I hold in my hand. I stand corrected. :) I am in a mood today but then I warned someone. But, I have given up screen writers for breakfast and given up directors for lunch and producers for dinner. Given up waiting to wear the shiny necklace to the Oscars cause well.. I'm not planning on attending next year... though dinner in Laguna again would be nice. I'm looking for a diet of NORMAL these days. Hardworking normal. A honest, good, hardworking normal good ole boy who knows how to come home at the end of a day and make some noise... have dinner, watch the sunset, watch the stars come out and think on where to take the kids or ourselves for a nice vacation. N O R M A L. And, I really hope and pray I find it!
5) I am not getting back together with ED. So, you remember you heard it from me first... on the books, on the record... accept it, deal with it.. was a long, long time ago .... move on.
We weren't Romeo and Juliet ..it was just a prom.
Ed here
Bobbi there
Never the twains shall meet. And, Marc stay out of this one please!
so that brings me to
6) I work very hard as a librarian and I love it. It doesn't pay well but well fits in with my life and maybe someday I will finish that novel which will not be made into a movie. And, I get to be surrounded by books! And, nice people. And....I do writing freelance and I get paid for it..sometimes. And, I love to write, I love the way words play with each other, flirting, playful, serious... compelling people to think.
7) I am sorry for insulting someone here on the blog once (RR) and I truly do hope you forgive me... really. Though it may have been good writing and I was very upset ..it was wrong. I think you have way surpassed Big Daddy and you are truly a caring, important person. And... I do mean that.
8) 8 is my favorite number. I used to love to talk about numbers with Rebbetzen Doubtfire but we no longer talk. But, I do love numbers and I will never forget long walks and talks on the beach (sorry about the trash on the ground) and watching that plane swoop down so low I thought America was under attack but it was just a jetfighter on the way to a game at the stadium lol. And, thanks for the memories... Good to have good girl friends to talk to sometimes when you need to take a break from reality. Remember to take your medicine darling! I so worry on you sometimes..
9) There will be nine hurricanes in the tropical atlantic this year? lol. I want to be on Cloud 9 again...
Seriously... the truth is in ways we all have 9 lives..
We evolve as people.. we change, we go through heartache, we go through pain... we ache and we bleed and we think we can never get past something but we do... we have to, because well... life is about survival and it's about being happy and finding joy in impossibly hard situations sometimes. It is about the beauty of a rose unfolding, the rain coming down, the moon coming out... you know that, standing out in the middle of the street staring up at a full moon (i was there you didn't see me) and well... it's about weather and love and magic and karma and it's about sometimes you hit a home run and sometimes you strike out. Sometimes even the heart and soul of the team like Johnnny Damon moves on but you still have to go on... with him or with out him, life moves on.
So... this is me.
This is Bobbi!

I love country music, old rock and roll, jazz and swing and big band music... even songs like Mr. Sandman and Fly Me To The Moon.
I love purple and green and shades in between and I have even somehow learned to appreciate yellow.
I love Key West.
I love history and maps and geography and weather.. and yeah even rocks but don't quote me on that.
I write. I read. I love words. I love music.
Looking for someone NORMAL to love and to help brighten their life as I hope they will brighten mine. Life is way too short to live it alone so yeah... I am looking for love and maybe in the wrong places but well... maybe I'll move, who knows.
So... there is it... play it again Sam... and have a wonderful weekend ... be happy and I'll check back when there is something to write about tropically speaking.
Thanks for listening.
Good Shabbos!
Ps.. I gave up mousse but I still love the Redsox, not giving them up EVER!