Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Proenza Gets His Day .. Congressional Hearings On The Menu

In a very well written story by Marion Mercer at the Miami Herald it seems that the big news in the world of Tropical Weather is the congressional committee hearings where Proenza will get a chance to testify and Lautenbacher may have to answer some tough questions.

And, my biggest question is exactly high how up was the decision made to fire Proenza from the job? I mean was that Lautenbacher or did it go all the way to the President? I mean.. usually when a government official is told to "SIT!" they are expected to sit and to sit damn fast. Yet, Proenza didn't and he kept barking and begging people to pay attention to deficits in budgeting for improvements in Hurricane Forecasting which only come with money given to research.

We should applaud anyone who wants to improve intensity forecasting and hurricane research.. not tell them to shut up and just come and have a nice photo op at a birthday party that costs millions. Most Government officials would have put on their Black Tie and gone on down.. made some toasts, take some pics for the old scrapbook and retire somewhere in the sun far away from storm surge. But no... Proenza spoke up PROACTIVELY as I said earlier for you and me .. for the PUBLIC. And, got shuffled off to Buffalo.

So.... seems Proenza will have his day in the sun tomorrow and I am sure down the road as this is not going away so fast.

Ah yes.. the world of Tropical Weather... and tropical weather people. As Dr. Gray used to say.. either you are a tropical weather person or you aren't.. (the exact quote is in my weather weenie file ;) lol) but I am... and personally we need more people like Proenza who are proactive and don't just try to figure out what went wrong AFTER some hurricane predicted to be a Cat 2 hits a pocket of hot water and explodes into a Cat 4 just a few miles off shore of the Miami-Ft. Lauderdale area...

As for the gang down at the NHC ... buckle up it's gonna be a bumpy ride and we are in for some stormy weather in the press.

And, since Avila enjoys getting press coverage I will include his thoughts here and offer my suggestion that if he is so stressed from being party to an insurrection at the NHC than before the heavy weather sets in he might get a good discount with a shrink and speak to them and not the media for a while. Possibly that nice lady who was fired by the Caveman on TV. Maybe while filing her nails she could help our own Avila deal with the stress cause I think personally it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better and he can go back to his Pre-Proenza easy life.
Either that or maybe he can hire a meteorologically minded Ghostbuster.... no words.

"I thought this thing was almost over, but it keeps haunting us,'' said Lixion Avila, a senior forecaster at the hurricane center."

I think there is a spot on the sofa.. as the cute caveman moved on.. and you won't even have to wear a button down white shirt for that appointment ;)

stay tuned.. developing........


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