Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Evolution of Weather Patterns. Atlantic Closer to Possible Development. Juicier! Good Waves.... No Yellow Circles Yet... But Soon. August 8 Days Away...


This graphic shows candy strip red ...
..where tropical waves will lift WNW
But weather happens in real time.
Models infer waves get further West.

And yet nothing really happening

Graphic of the day.  NHC says nada in 7 days
Nothing... well there is something to watch.
Tropical Waves rolling Westbound....
...then lifting according to models.


Nothing developing now. Just waves....
our purple splotch map shows it better.
Hightlighting the heartbeats of the waves.

It's not one blotch....
Inter Tropical Convergence Zone.
As the SAL dries up....
....the atmosphere moistens up.
Then BOOM!
Have you made a Hurricane Plan??
If not...why not?
If you live in Hurricane Country...
....get a plan, a good plan!

So let's look at the wave train.

Darkness before sunrise above.
Actually prefer that view....
less distractions.
After sunrise below.
After darkness comes sunlight!

Gray/silver dots are Saharan Dust.
Waves below today.....
...will be hurricanes next month!
8 days til August!

In motion...does something catch your attention?

Waves get better in real time.
Day by day...
we are on the way 
to August!

There's not much to say....other than things are rearranging, bit by bit in the atmospheric patterns across the planet. Everything is connected, related and interconnected when it comes to weather. Nothing develops in a vacuum. It's more about the set up than it is how great looking a wave is, because if the set up is not there to support it then it doesn't develop. If there's shear it slams the good looking tropical wave and knocks the tops of the thunderstorms off and no hurricane.

So stay tuned. Use this time wisely, if you see things on sale that would be good for hurricane supplies throw then in your cart and hide them away somewhere. Like a hurricane treasure chest!

Sweet Tropical Dreams,
@bobbistorm on Twitter 
Twitter mostly weather, Insta whatever

Love this song.
Listened thru many a hurricane season...


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