The reason I write that is .... it is true. Without two people there is just one person dancing alone.
Some people say that the Depression behind Igor will become a hurricane and there could possibly be some Fujiwara action that could affect the lead storm's path ... which would be Igor.
The NHC who has become frustrated it seems between the mispronunciation of the name Igor (eeegor) and the fact that they did not properly forecast his extreme rapid intensification is now putting out the grammatical way to say his name so... passing it along. EEEEEgor.
My concern is that we need to get intensification forecasting down more better than we have it down now. Track is fairly easy, you run the models, you average them and you give it your best shot. Intensity forecasting remains the Holy Grail of forecasters.
Example... what if Igor (not eyegore) were to have gone from Cat 2 to Cat 4 in less than six hours less than 60 miles off shore of say West Palm Beach? Not so funny... easy to watch and ooh and ahh from a safe distance and Igor is so far, far away right now that it's almost like it doesn't exist in our world. We can actually pretend that he and his sister storm behind him are a figment of our overactive imagination. Nope..they are out there somewhere like JAWS and the Easter Bunny with overly, melodramatic music and annoying hippity hoppity energy. Like that really annoying book Sam something from Dr. Seuss... sorreee I was never a Dr. Seuss fan, a few books are okay but even as a child I lacked a good sense of humor it seems. I do like rhymes... just not that many. I also never was much into James Thurber... but I digress.
My point...
Never underestimate a Storm... especially not this storm.
Here it is today...

Where is it going tomorrow??

Nice model that many like to make fun of but it keeps Igor trapped under a ridge and moving west and when storms have their back to the wall... it's not pretty.
Igor could easily recurve out to sea like Earl did.. maybe it's something about storms with 4 letters in their name?? No Fred here huh? Good.
Personally I think they are too far apart to interact but have read it a few places. I also think Ifor is moving due west or even a drop south of due west... which needs to be watched.
There is a phenomenon called Indian Summer, which I never understood but I am beginning to now. It's like Lucy and the football and Charlie Brown. Every time he goes to kick the ball... she pulls it away. Mother Nature has a way of bringing on the heat after a few weeks of beautiful Fall weather where we get the illusion that summer is gone and we are halfway to Halloween and suddenly the cold fronts go away and the heat comes back... if that happens while Igor or Julia or the K storm shows his ugly face ... then we could have trouble in River City... or some city along the coast.
Takes two to tango... takes two to get petty and childish and two to show a pattern. If another big model shows the same pattern than we need to take it more seriously. Course I like the Canadian... inland flooding could be a problem if the Canadian gets his way... and in the past he has gotten his way, flooding aside and mopped up and moved on with memories of his day in the sun!
Not sure what to think here today so am going to think on it tomorrow.
It's a woman's prerogative in the South and I am as Southern as it gets. So call me Scarlett today or make up some fake name for a board somewhere if that is your game and I'll deal with it tomorrow.
Today...the Miami Dolphins WON their game opener against the Buffalo Bills... makes me happy, floats my boat...
Bastardi believes he will stay further to the south and miss the first trof. Back when we were playing footsies with Earl he was very stubborn on it not doing so yet this time he is hesitant to sing the same song. Why? For one reason he brings up the 63/64 seasons which I have been watching... a pattern with storms.
I'm not convinced that the area in the Carib will go easily into the night.
But, hard to watch anything right now other than the big, beautiful, monster storm Igor which is indeed a monster... beautiful and so far away...where he belongs.

Interesting movie... Coco and Igor... take a look at the trailers... and remember it takes two to have an obsession or a dance
And, we are all ... of course...obsessed by Igor right now...
The leaves are turning to yellow, one by one, here and there... cool air is settling in at night, air is moving again but one day soon it will stop and it will be Indian Summer and when that happens...if a Monster Storm is lingering too close to shore.... it's anyone's guess what will or won't happen.
As for me... am obsessing on football today and going to paint my toes... as soon as I figure out what color to paint them...
Che and Evita never danced the waltz... not that we know of... many things never happened and many things never will even if we obsess on them.

And, I won't be singing Rainy Days and Mondays tomorrow... because tomorrow will be a new day!
For Igor...for me... for you... only time will tell where Igor goes and that time is down the road... not today.
Easy money is Igor staying out to sea... swimming with the fishies... personally am not ready to sound the all clear...
Besos Bobbi... back to football :)