Is Matt Lurking Down in the Caribbean?

Well we know he is somewhere... and most likely there.
Doesn't look like much right now... but in a few days...could be a BIG problem IF the storm does form and does intensify over extremely HOT water and catch a ride north with a trof that will be digging down over the country as the pattern has been broken and change is about to happen.
Unless Matt forms and flings himself towards the Pacific..he most likely WILL feel the tug north in the same way that the storms in the Atlantic turned north and recurved. Same set up but here .... he would turn into land not into the Open Atlantic.
Everything is on the table right now.. including tons of food at my house and half cooked food... but seriously, every place is in play... could be the Central Gulf Coast, North Florida, Cuba.. South Florida... curving up the East Coast with a front...
Just too early to tell.
I'll be away until Saturday night as I go into the Jewish Holiday of Sukkos. We eat outside in little huts made in the yard or on the deck and we eat in a way that we can see the permitting. Sunflowers on the table and little blue shell lights from Pier One decorate our outdoor dining room. Family and friends... leaves falling... reminding me again and again with every leaf that falls... the pattern is changing.
When Matt forms we may see how much the pattern has changed .... and the force field that protected the US from a landfalling hurricane has been turned off... won't work from the South and when I hear Brian Norcross get that sound in his voice... I know something is going to happen.
Be well... keep watching... all eyes south as this area that doesn't look like much pulls himself together into what will most likely be one of the more memorable and destructive storms of the 2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season.
Besos Bobbi

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