Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Meteorological Spring! March. OSCAR Sunday. Fire Weather in Carolinas. Still Cleaning Up From Hurricane Season in W NC......


I found this yesterday.
Wild scribbled thoughts on pics I did.
Year my mother died when writing....
...writing in a diary was difficult.

Paradise Lost this year in LA.
Actually several pics of Malibu... a visual journal I kept that year.
things cut off that are private ;)

March 2nd, 2025

March marching in like a lion in some places or a sneaky fox as there's winter weather out West and in parts of the Carolinas it's fire weather as it's sunny, cool and yet dry windy weather in some areas of our beautiful region and that's known as Fire Weather. This can be deceiving as you look outside and think "perfect day for a BBQ" and yet not really if you live in a region with fire weather. Humidity way down (yay) but so low down that I woke up with my head all fuzzy and reading about fires last night in an area I love in South Carolina. Low humidity is nice, but when you have sinus issues it does funky, fuzzy things to your head. 

Sipping coffee this morning slowly, savoring the moments as I watch the morning sun illuminate the new red growth on my maple tree that's reminding me that in this region Winter is on the wane and Spring is springing at us fast! Can yellow pops popping on the Pine trees be far behind?

Social media is a hard place to be right now and oh what's that saying, let me think...

There it is! Good ole Google. "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you. If you can trust yourself... " blah blah blah... you know the quote. Rudyard Kipling who I share a birthday with (day not year ...obviously) was a Capricorn so he was always trying to arrange and organize something including his peace of mind! I have a Sagittarius friend who cheerfully always says: "Do what you love!" but they have their Mercury in Capricorn..... I know this is not an astrology blog, but it is my blog and I made it years ago in a tropically dull June when everyone else was fighting with each other on message boards about how slow a season it would or wouldn't be. It was a busy season, people feel the need to argue things that are hard to know ....especially when it comes to the future.

I do feel badly for anyone who lost their jobs or is afraid they will lose their jobs. In truth, I also feel badly for people I know who lost their jobs in the same government agencies because they didn't trust the vaccine and were let go, fired without benefits. I have friends who worked for Disney companies who lost their jobs as they didn't want "a jab" "vaccine" "shot" and felt bad for people who were getting Covid and dying. I also feel bad for many who died early on before we knew the best way to treat the lousy disease and yes we an always say "everything is meant to be" yet that's a sucky thing to say to someone who is suffering.  I'm not posting my thoughts on X though I am liking posts others write at times. It's my quiet season when I blog less, watch the weather forecast less and don't obsess on the water vapor loop too much. Trying to Ignore politics tho it ain't easy .... 

You can go to sites for quotes and get a quote on inspiration for happiness or depression, laziness or ambition and note someone is always charging for inspiration somewhere. Writers need inspiration and often they steal inspiration from their muse as did F. Scott Fitzgerald whose literature I love and yet I always know he took parts of it from his wife Zelda's diaries and never really gave her credit, and yet he did make her famous. Also locked her up in Asheville when she wanted a divorce and wanted to dance and wasn't producing properly. Wow......I sound jaded don't I? I practically have a Masters in F. Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda and writers of that period writing about the American Dream.

Some dreams turn dark over time.
And, I'll add for many writers Mother Nature is their muse always. Watching a full moon rising in the sky, reaching out to embrace it but it's too far away so they simply write their heart out ...after being inspired by the full moon climbing high in the sky.

Weather is a touchy subject these days.

I remember back in school we were always being told some jobs would disapeer due to computers that can do everything faster and better and that was before AI. That was before I used to use Metacrawlers (Google it) at the library on the reference desk. My brother is a Real Estate Appraiser, our father was a Real Estate Appraiser, and he's constantly told they can just use "Zillow" to get a price value and being an Appraiser is a job that may be eliminated in the near future as less and less companies are demanding an appraisal by a certified Real Estate Appraiser. And, yes the computer can spit out an estimated value, an approximate value yet they lack the nuances a real human being knows about land values in the area and the reason prices may go up or down and how much your house is really worth. He's working, he's busy but he does see the writing on the wall and he's at that age where he will probably retire before they are totally eliminated. But how much of this is about this subject and how a computer can do this or that and slash the budget. I worked for the government library and there's a lot of fat in budgets and usually not fed to the people working there or the needs of the patrons. And, a good government job comes with chains around your feet, your brain and your hands at times as you can't just say your mind nor can you expect someone, somewhere won't complain about something you did and write the Mayor. 

Ya.... it's a mess. And, you can't ignore it even if you want to as you go to a site such as Earthnull and get this message reminding you, reminding us of the realities of life in 2025.

Note.........I left, jumped to a job at a Private University managing their library at a new campus as I was getting tired of the drama and low pay at the city library. While my job was secure they'd let people go often at the drop of a hat because they suddenly realized they were over budget and cut the people who were not full time but working 38 hours a week with no notice. Not such a good government job. The University gave my older kids nearing college age free tuition and I had great benefits including a guard downstairs that didn't allow crazy people into the library to play practical jokes as the city library was a shit show at times tho sometimes funny. My own strange problems.... you have you not really lived until you see a huge old schooner parked in the parking lot blocking the whole entrance seemingly abandoned there and the library director freaking "who would leave this boat there like this" and then you see the name on the "boat" freshly painted and you quietly sneak into the library like "I saw nothing" and I should mention it was a block from the beach and I could wander over at lunch and get great pics as a developing tropical storm was sliding by our beach producing real waves and squalls! Great job choice though it was scary leaving a job where I was treated well and in the process of raising a lot of kids on my own. What if the University closed? What if..... in the end I got married, left the job and my friends there and it was a good choice though I did miss my friends at the City library.

This is my blog, it's my journal and other than the Fire Weather today :( there is no real weather to talk on in my neck of the woods. There is no tropical storm or Invest or tropical wave or cluster of clouds in the Caribbean on satellite imagery. Just little red blossom like things bouncing in the breeze reminding me we are one step closer to closing the door on Winter and 91 days til Hurricane Season. 

May I mention the NC Government is still trying to get a bill passed for Western NC ravaged by Hurricane Helene (the H Storm not the M storm) and we are 91 days away from Hurricane Season.  This upset me as it should have been done a long time ago. Thank God for the private groups that got help in there and the Storm Chasers who have been chasing charity and finding homes and trailers as many have been riding out a cold, nasty winter in tents until recently when supplies began to roll in and hey NC government is close to finalizing a bill. Just no words and that's all I'll say on that.

March 1st is Meteorological Spring. A short February gets us there faster than other seasons.

I do have one issue that bugs me and it is meteorological in nature. 

This fire was dangerously close to places I love.
Any fire is bad especially when the wind blows.
But the dry marsh and vegetation on fire... really not good.
And, people live there to enjoy the beautiful views.

I went to the NWS to see the warnings.

Fire Weather needs more attention here.
If it was a Hurricane Warning there'd be graphics.
A red link that someone may or may not click on... not enough.
Sorry but true.
Maybe a red border or a fire sybol?
Please think on that.

You look at the graphics and think "oh my gosh gorgeous weather for a BBQ" and few click on the little red links. Same way people go to the main page at the NHC and it says nothing happening and they never click on the little link that shows that something might be forming later in the week. 

In the world of 2025 where to be honest Mike can make graphics and say "the NHC will probably draw a Cone something like this" there should be a better visual, better graphics where it's one stop for all and people see the whole picture. The Cone is similar, but Mike can add in his little details whereas the image from the NHC is static and it's 2025 it should not be static. 

This is not impacted by firings at the NWS's a mindset.... it's a refusal to really make changes in the year 2025 for the general public to see ALL the information on one screen without clicking on links. While some changes were made last year, they are all in all minor and it's a refusal to let go of the past and what was once Iconic and make upgrades. This is said by someone who is often accused not letting go of the past. I wish the main page at the NHC looked more like Zoom Earth.

Lastly.............where's the money to fix the buoys that have not worked and not been fixed forever and are in theory an important tool for forecasters to use especially come hurricane season.

I woke up this morning and reached for my phone slowly, not wanting to get up yet. I had to force myself to do so and the thought occured to me if this was Hurricane Season I'd grab my phone half asleep trying to find info on a developing Invest. Then I remembered there's no football games, no hurricanes and maybe I should just go back to sleep. And, I did.....

It's my's my diary. Lord knows I have blogged way too much personal stuff but we are over 80 days away from Hurricane Season, tho as Dabuh reminds us the changes in the tropics begin well in advance of June 1st so keep that in mind.

Winds out of the North.
Not done with Winter yet.
Tho doubt we get snow again...

I sat for a while on Saturday, my Sabbath that I am offline, and read through some old diaries and "to do" notebooks and it's amazing what you remember when you see things you put there to remind yourself to remember down the road. And, that's good we all need a bit of centering sometimes. The image above on Malibu hit me and I remembered writing it, scribbling my thoughts on a beautiful picture. Another one showed a different angle of Malibu and had notes on it's history. Now it has new history. Usually the biggest concern was boulders falling down onto Pacific Coast Highway aka PCH.

Gotta tell you.
Curve of the coast........
...and lay of the land.
The mountains from this angle always awesome.

Someone should do a movie about Malibu.
Motion Picture Industry

One of my degree is in English and the other in International Relations with special emphasis in Russian Studies so you really should be glad I am not going there today. Nor am I going long on the Kurds and how they always get screwed in foreign policy as we kiss up to Turkey and ignore the one country in the region that allows women to be fighter pilots and they are some of the best and baddest yet they are surrounded by countries that don't even allow women to go out in public without a male relative. Seriously, where are our priorities? Treaties can help us and treaties can tie us down with chains.

Jobs can be that way too. They feed us, they fuel our daily lives and yet not everyone is happy in a good government job. I  met a man recently at a business event my husband was attending who runs some business he started on his own and is making huge money. Everyone said I need to meet him as he's a meteorologist. I was almost livid inside like "why would he be doing THAT?" (think it's dog grooming or something like that) and he told me he wasn't getting paid enough. He has a Masters in Meteorology, loves weather but he had to make a living and he can follow the weather as a hobby. My husband has a degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management as he grew up in a family that owned a hotel and restaurant in the Catskills... he decided he'd rather do something else tho he does love to cook and is a trained chef and volunteers his time cooking and arranging events at our Synagogue.
Do what you love!
Indeed, good advice from a wonderful friend!
But, not always easy.

I love writing. I'm writing this morning.
How about you?

At some point I'll go to Sephora and return something that was the wrong color and buy something I like.  And, I'll probably watch the Oscars because well I grew up watching the Oscars and I've lived in LA and been there during Oscar hoopla  :) and it's a sad time for people who live there :( and watched their homes and lives go up in flames. Will they stick to that topic or get all political? I'm a purist, the OSCARS should be about Hollywood, glamour and respecting the writers, producer/directors and actors and the people who write the music and design the costumes....

Time will tell.

Prayers for anyone who has lost a job or who is in fear of losing a job. Prayers the buoys get fixed before hurricane season (probably won't happen) and sorry for those who lost their jobs back when 2020s turned out not be to as fun as the Roaring 20s..... 

I pray a lot. A girl can only do so much and I like to believe prayer works.

If not it distracts me at least from writing way too much personal stuff in my blog. But, hey... it's March and that's about March Madeness where I live not hurricane season.

Why are you reading this? Hopefully some people are too busy to read this ...this week!

Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on X and other social media tho X is mostly just weather updates.

My favorite JB CD 
Did you know Fitzgerald wrote fantasy lit??
Did you know JB studied literature??

One of the best scenes in one of the best movies.

Holly Golightly and not really Fred ...
great scene.

Sweet Tropical Dreams!

Friday, February 21, 2025

100 Days Til Hurricane Season..............Still Winter But..........Something to Think On......


Names to remember.......or will be remembered?

Note Dexter has made the list!

As people look towards Spring and begin making their "to do lists" of things to organize, clutter or declutter it's worth remembering that at the end of Spring the Hurricane Season arrives on June 1st! So corral your hurricane supplies and make lists of things that were past their expiration date or that you need to add to your kit that may be a dealbreaker if you're in the Cone for a Hurricane!

And, I'll throw in a thought, though I'm not ready to discuss it much. Every state along the SE Coast from Texas to the Carolinas and Virginia has had a winter weather storm; and many cities had snow or ice along our beautiful beaches. Was this just a one season event.........or could it continue into 2025 with multiple landfalls along our much loved coastline? 

Have a good weekend...........wherever you are!

Sweet Tropical Dreams,
@bobbistorm on X
X mostly weather vs Insta whatever!

Ps may KW forever and always stay safe from a hurricane!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Snow Day in Raleigh!! Magic of Snow... 2nd Day of Snow Falling & Swirling to the Ground! Love It! Spring Can Wait a Bit.................


It's a mug for all seasons!
Hurricane girl in a wintry world!
Love the snow....'s magical!!

Actually now under the darker blue...

......yes bigger flakes than yesterday!

Been waiting for something to write about and I knew this winter weather event would show up later in February but "knowing" in your calculations and "seeing" is two different things.  The snow is so magical, it's like a snow globe right now, sitting in my bed near the window with the little floor heater "fake fireplace" on for the proper atmosphere.... in love with the snow.

I know we don't get many winter weather events in Raleigh. I have a friend in Flint Michigan and another friend in a small town in South Dakota who sees way too much snow and a lady in Montana whose home is literally buried at times in I know.......they can't wait for Spring and for Winter to be over. But, the beauty of this part North Carolina gets a little taste of the seasons and we are too far inland usually to get much damage during Hurricane Season and rarely do we get snow so high it doesn't melt in the warm sunshine in the afternoon. Tho what melts usually refreezes at night and becomes the dangerous Black Ice! Spring is beautiful, though we do get a Pollen Season that turns everything mustard yellow for about three weeks and Fall is magnificent if you like Fall and so if you love "The Seasons" it's definitely an incredible place to live!

It's been a long three years since we have seen real snow and to be honest, more than that as it's been a while since we've had a real Snow Day!

Passion is important in life. Having a passion for something, someone or a field of study that you can study endlessly on important. Never good to be just "okay" or as many say "Meh" because it's easy to miss what's in front of your eyes if you are a "bah humbug" person or a contrarian....though contrarians do have a passion for being contrary!

I do love Spring here. I can't wait to see the Bradford Pear Trees most locals hate that are covered in white blossoms. The Redbud trees by the golf course nearby bloomed already. Wondering how they are doing with this heavier bout of snow this morning, will check them out soon enough.

But for today I'm just gonna just enjoy the snow day. I may make Bourbon French Toast later today for lunch! Ignore the world and the ever changing flow of news and the demands of social media, family and friends. Love them all but I just want to "enjoy" this a bit. I have projects I'm working on and so sometimes you gotta do what's right for you. 

I need to think. I need to organize. I need to prioritize.
I'm a Capricorn, this is important to us as we function best when everything is moving along properly.
And, then maybe figure out how to have some fun.........

But today the fun is indeed the snow. Swirling silently in the wind and coating things that didn't get coated yesterday.

Hurricane Season is off in the distant future.
Winter is not done with us yet.....

Hope and pray that wherever you are as you are reading this you are enjoying the weather you love the most.  I do love tropical weather and I can...wait for Spring. There's an old saying or song "love the one you're with...." and in this case I'd add "love the weather you got" and as that old song goes... to everything there is a season and this is my snow season today, this is my snow day.... I can play online tomorrow!

Sweet Snowy Dreams.... Mid February!

Magical, truly magical!

@bobbistorm on X
 X mostly weather.
Insta whatever.....

Ps I'm not proofing this today.
Just hitting send.
Snow Day!

Those who know me ....
....know I'm an 80s girl when it comes to music ;)

To Mother Day.... today she's magic.
Not enjoy the magic!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Models. What Do The Models Say Regarding the Rest of Winter? And...............Come Spring?? Rainy Day Writing Exercise, Thanks For Reading!


The Euro with icy promises for next week.


What does that word mean to you?

When I was little I'd help my cousin do his models as we build Mustangs and Ford Pick Up Trucks! He always got to choose the colors as they were "his" models. Raised more like a brother than a cousin. Good memories....

When I was older I stared at the models in Vogue and numerous Teen magazines that taught me what to wear, how to do my make up and how to hold my body. Full disclosure, my mother put me in a modeling class once. I had lots of classes growing up as my mother loved to put me in classes. Ballet, Baton Twirling, Drama and Modeling. I could walk across the room and do a turn while carrying a book on my head and without it falling off my head! Very important to keep it level!! Thank you Mama!

Then one day......the weather people began talking on this new thing called "the model" and nothing was ever the same. Children screamed out to their mother's suddenly, "Mommy! Mommy! The models say we are going to get the hurricane!!" and Mommy came running to stare and hear what Bryan Norcross said as she only really believed Bryan!

Then there was a littany of models, a parade of models with alphabetical initials that danced across the screens on TV and online and still everyone talks about the models today be it Hurricane season or Winter. And, models always promise you something like a politician at the State Fair while distributing hot dogs to the crowd standing around. And, amazingly we get a new model run every so many hours. Alas no hot dogs, no beers and no batons doing figure 8s in a blur of perpetual motion by a cute girl wearing boots and purple velvet outfits that look a whole lot like swim wear but with a pink satin bow with rhinestones on our ass while we manage to toss a spinning baton into the air and catching it just right while marching. Long run on sentence, but I'm having fun and tossing words here around the way I can toss a baton in the air and catch it behind my back!'s like riding a bike, it all comes back to you!

Excuse me if I think the weather models come up way short and baton twirling is more precise. 

Old but you get the idea...........
.....good thing the GFS doesn't try that!!!

A model promises you that you will look fashionable. 
They teach us how to sashay across the stage.... modeling classes.

Love that dress........

You think I digress but I do not.

The point is...........models are just a visual crapshoot of what or may not happen down the road and used my many who are not good at actually progressing.... the weather today and moving it way down the road with the most probable solution leaving the door open for being wrong. Models are a suggestion and they change their minds often until the storm forms and is on the move and by that time we pretty much know where it'll go. But it's "fun" to look at models. Well, in the same way that many play Fantasy Football.  And, seriously everyone, including me, has to peek at the GFS way down the road promising us snow or a Category 5 Hurricane fifteen days away!

GFS for the same day.
The Snow Man Cometh!!

It's in the upper 30s here in Raleigh, on a gray day when the rain falling almost looks like grey snow falling in phantom style down onto the ground. Slick rooftops are silver, shiny and slick. There's no wind, the rain just keeps falling steadily, almost endlessly but it will end eventually. And, there's now the promise of snow falling silently, beautifully way down the line. Only time will tell.

Nope, not going to do a snow dance.
Just waiting, watching.
Peeking at the models.

As for fashion....
..I love Dolce & Gabbana.

Their forecast for Spring/Summer 2025?
Ummmmmmnnn a li'l bit of everything.
Black bikini tops with satin skirts and a fur.
Guess we should be ready for ANY weather ....

Hey...more fun to look at than the Groundhog!!

Remember it's as reliable as the Groundhog at least!


Thank you for reading along.......... I type without much thought.
Just having fun.......
When I start typing.........
.... I don't even know what's gonna come out!

It's February.
Hurricane Season is far, far away!

Sweet Tropical Dreams........ the depth of winter.

@bobbistorm on X
X mostly weather!
Insta whatever........

And, I love Willie!
Had a li'l cowgirl outfit and boots.
Always gotta have boots.
Boots and a baton ;)

Monday, February 10, 2025

The Morning After Super Bowl Sunday.... Winter Being Winter Again. Redbuds in Bloom Early in Raleigh. Commerical Conversations. New Champions as the Eagles Beat the Chiefs.


Thought on the Super Bowl first, then some thoughts on Weather.

Full disclosure I was rooting for the Eagles! I've never been the biggest KC fan, though I have a lot of respect for them. This probably goes back to being a Miami Dolphin fan as that was always a problematic game for us and often the worst time to lose. Either way, as I live in Carolina and the Panthers have not been producing wins and the Dolphins are uneven and in trouble I have watched many teams this season and the Eagles was one of them. When they are hot they are hot and last night they were hot and Kansas City was not. 

I've watched the Baltimore Ravens often this year and enjoyed watching them, but they often self destruct at the worst time, so close and yet so far still to go. Maybe next year they can pull it totally together?

My father always said "defense wins games" which was a boring sounding statement to a young girl who enjoyed high scoring offensive games. My father was right. Special Teams showing up was the icing on the cake! And, their offense had bursts of inspiration and excitement. It just wasn't KC's night.  I saw that early on as they did not show the intensity on the field they often do. I watch football the way I watch hurricanes, you can literally see the energy on the field and if and when the energy changes sides. Maybe KC over estimated their ability to win? Maybe it was Philadelphia's hour? But for someone who was rooting for them, it was a great game to watch. 

Nothing is ever a sure thing.

That brings us back to weather. It's snowing in places to the North and as always it seems to stay North of the Carolina line. Even when the GFS promises (rolling eyes) and other models kick in with promises I can almost promise you we aren't going to get snow and it'll stay North of the State Line!

Old school favorite radar.

Except for the fascinating fog....
...All the weather is up in the Mid Atlantic.
While NYC and Central Park got snow....

Driving home from Sprouts last night I saw a blur of purple out of the edge of my eye as I was enjoying the scenery near the golf course near my house and literally screamed "Stop, go back! Was that a tree in bloom??" as my husband was driving while I was trying to get a good pictures of the lake barely visible in the Winter; the sky and the golf course on a sunny, beautiful winter day was incredible. But, seriously what the ????? and he made a U Turn, went back and lo and behold the Redbud Trees were in bloom way too early! It was 80 degrees the other day after a way too warm week in what is basically a fake fall as the temperatures this week flirt with freezing at night, most nights and yet there it was the tree was full of purple blossoms. If it snows again, and it could even just a little that could cause problems as the weight of the flowers on the trees weigh down the tree and more so if we get ice. We could, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it anymore than I'd have bet the farm on the Chiefs to beat the Eagles just because they were the champions as.............on any given Sunday any team can win and in any given February we could get a winter Storm .............even if the beautiful Redbuds are in bloom a month early!

Sweet whatever dreams you want............

@bobbistorm on X
X mostly weather
Insta whatever

Good commercials last night, though I'm too much of a football fan to get that excited over all the other drama but the one below has this song stuck in my head and I'm guessing others have it stuck in their head too this morning. Growing up in Florida Mountain Dew has always been a favorite, the country parts of Florida anyway. Loved the Jeep commercial with Harrison Ford and the little girl growing potatoes for the Lay's commercial made me smile. Love popping chips into my mouth while sipping soda! Though think Coke goes better with Lay's and I'm a purist when enjoying a Mountain Dew. 

Monday, February 03, 2025

Fair Weather. Fake Spring. Winter Weather Coming Back in Mid February.... Enjoy It While You Got It!


Sunny days.
Maybe a daze.

Not a lot of weather going on in the USA today!

Snow is up where it belongs.

Sliding door is open as the sun is setting and it's cooling off. Earlier I had the AC on for a bit. I'm a Miami girl, when it's hot you turn the AC on no matter what month we are in and after an hour or so the sun began it's dance towards the February horizon and remembered it's February and it cooled off again.

Sunny, fair weather days are for people who really don't like stormy weather. Back in the day when TWC did stories on North Carolina having a possible Winter Event or there was a Tornado Warning my best friend in Miami would text me "U got weather!!!" and I'd giggle. Never once did she text me "you got weather" when it was fair, sunny and boring as that was not "weather" though I know many of you love boring, fair, weather days.

So for those of you who are desperately seeking weather in the South know that long range models are flirting with Winter Weather and Ice in Mid February. Well, if there was any time of year when we might get winter weather and'd be Mid February!

So let's take a look and again remember this is only slightly more possible than anything the groundhog may have implied yesterday. 

I'm not going to bet the farm just yet.
2 weeks away.

We will see.

Stay tuned.

We are in "Fake Spring"
It's a tease.
Mother Nature is a tease.

Go figure.....

Sweet Tropical Dreams,
@bobbistorm on X
X mostly weather...
Insta and elsewhere whatever!

Friday, January 24, 2025

Polar Vortex on Ozempic This Coming Week... Eowyn Does Ireland and Scotland. Hurricane Season 128 Days Away... Have a Great Weekend!


Storm over Ireland, Scotland 

Windy, stormy

Going to try and keep this short today!
Trifecta in the N ATL.
Greenland - Scotland - Barents Sea

Look at the size and scope....
...takes up much of the NE Atlantic.
Tail slides down near Africa.
Really impressively wild.
Zoom Earth!

Just a little blog post to say the snow in my backyard that's in the shade is probably going to melt today. Darn. I kind of love looking out, downstairs from my perch in my bedroom or the porch and seeing the snow. A reminder that in 2025 Raleigh finally got weather after 3 years of barely nothing. 

Ireland and Scotland getting a wild storm. That region is actually very prone to wild Atlantic storms we just rarely hear about them. There's a really old classic movie Ryan's Daughter that's a long, sometimes sad love story and yet what I remember most was the storm scenes. Incredible storm scene!! They really have wild storms up in that part of the world, but in 2025 they have storm named Eowyn and don't ask me who names these storms. I'm just playing a long as it's a big storm and as my snow is melting and the Polar Vortex is on Ozempic and just wasting away I figured it was worth making note of a hurricane like storm on January 24th, 2025. Okay I Googled it for ya! I do love horses, they are truly joyful!

As for the the rest of Winter I do believe the Carolinas will get a chance again, doubt Florida will get more snow tho I don't discount anything this year!

I'm making either chicken or an eggplant dish with ground meat and tehina and carmelized onions or both tonight. I need parsnips for soup and some more culinary inspiration! 

Listening to music these days and doing "stuff" as I enjoy January as June 1st is 128 days away, way too far away for me to obsess on what the 2025 Hurricane Season will be. But I will be looking at historical analogs to this crazy winter to see what sort of crazy hurricane season we may see. You know that old saying "love the one your with" I feel that way about the Seasons, enjoy Winter and the Seasons before they slip away while wishing for Spring. 

Sweet Snowy Dreams,
@bobbistorm on X
X mostly weather, Insta whatever

Not the best soundtrack.....good storm scenes.
If you can catch it on Netflix

So let's watch some awesome dancing.
I studied dance, remember?
Read profiles.
It's kind of like tap...
...not as colorful as Bollywood.
But I have a friend who loves this.. I love it too1
Also incredible dancing.......
Eurovision so much better than the Oscars!
