Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Sunday, March 09, 2025

84 Days Til Hurricane Season. Turn Ahead the Clock Sunday. Restless Musings........


You don't usually see red out by Africa in March.
Weird but it's been a weird morning.
Sure there's a logical explanation.

A meteorologist mentioned fog in Miami.
Born and raised there....
... fog kind of rare there. 
True out by the Glades can get fog some.
By the water less so ....
But there has been a much fog in S FL this year.
Why I don't know.

This is my off-season.  March I usually lay low while watching winter weather fade away and occasionally watching the flow and set up on water vapor loop. I meant to go to the water vapor loop but hey bright red south of Senegal caught my attention.

They changed the formulation of my favorite creamer for my coffee and it's horrible. Horrific. No clue what they did as threw out the old containers and can't compare though I'm sure someone on Reddit is all over it. I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings but I feel like it's the rabbit hole always with someone always saying something and it's an odd format and yet easy to get sucked in. My very smart son ... actually both of those sons loves looking through it but they are Leos and I'm a Capricorn so that may possibly explain it.  Nuff said on that. I need to find a new favorite creamer and need to spend quality time inside a Nespresso Boutique vs ordering online in Raleigh.

Istanbul Nespresso (Ps) is awesome. Seriously the only Nespresso I don't need to add sugar to and several of my kids tried it and said they need to and don't understand why I like it. Obviously who, what and where we love is personal and works for me.'s been that sort of morning.
Note the loop does work, this is the last image.

Mike's Weather Page tells the whole story.
In an easy glance at the main page.
Snow is up where it belongs in March.
Severe weather in Jax old frontal boundary.

Fires breaking out everywhere it seems.
Well everywhere where there's high priced homes.
Waterfront property.
I'm not the world's biggest conspiracy person.
My skepticism keeps me from going there...
...but its bugging me. 
Doesn't sit right.

This is often my favorite grid on his page.


I feel very sad that Mike lost his mother and yes she has been weak and I'm sure he knew it was coming and dreaded thath reality, but still being a friend of his that goes back so far we don't want to talk about it I'm sad for him and his family as they loved her very much. She loved them.

It's a line that gets crossed when a mother dies and you can look back in time and see how things changed, how you changed and how the world changed. Sadly, many do not think on their mother much beyond the regular "she did a great job raising me" and she "worked really hard" kind of stuff people say, but once she's gone can't go visit her in the retirement home or the hospital it's just forever. 

My father was in a facility for a while before he died. My youngest brother and I would run over Friday afternoons together and spend some quality time with him ever week. We both went often at random times but it was a fast thing we'd do together that became routine and almost normal. He wasn't in good health, we knew he would not last forever and one April ... a while after the OSCARS in LA tho I digress but it's a measure of time I mark...that and well just after the Passover holiday ended ... Daddy died. And, my brother Ronnie would call me up on Friday's often and say how he knows he died but while working at his desk he'd look at the clock and think for a second "getting close to Shabbos it's time to go ...." and then it hits you again and again he's gone. No more running over to say "hello" and wish him Good Shabbos and he though he didn't remember much he'd always smile when we said that and life went on until it did not.

Not being morbid here, just being honest.

Life comes with an expiration date. Kind of like Hurricane Season and Football Season and even NASCAR Season.... but it ends and you have to go on and deal with it and be glad for what you had and remember the good times.

As a friend I feel sad for Mike, yet he's able to be Mike and that's a true treasure to have and he will put it into perspective and yet while he's talking on and on and on come July I'll miss him calling her up while online and hearing her talk to him. It's a beautiful gift to have that sort of relationship with a parent.

That's it.

Nothing in the tropics. Weather be doing it's odd stuff in March. I'm in a mood. Stayed in bed this morning, missed the whole "change the clocks" to do though there's two clocks I have to actually change. A really old weather radio clock in the other room that's probably from Radio Shack and my father's clock he kept by his bed listening to talk radio or falling asleep to the Country Channel. Years later when I'd go to Miami to help my brother with my Mother I'd stay in the extra bedroom (where my father slept lol) and listen to old music that seemingly played forever in Miami vs Raleigh. Either that or the radio was haunted!

Life goes on.......

Hurricane Season is in 84 days!

Have a good weekend! Not proofing this. It's my online diary and there's no real weather to speak of currently so just blogging along.

Sweet Tropical Dreams,
@bobbistorm on X
X mostly weather...elsewhere whatever

Honestly my father's signature song.
He loved that song.
I do too!


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