Models. What Do The Models Say Regarding the Rest of Winter? And...............Come Spring?? Rainy Day Writing Exercise, Thanks For Reading!
What does that word mean to you?
When I was little I'd help my cousin do his models as we build Mustangs and Ford Pick Up Trucks! He always got to choose the colors as they were "his" models. Raised more like a brother than a cousin. Good memories....
When I was older I stared at the models in Vogue and numerous Teen magazines that taught me what to wear, how to do my make up and how to hold my body. Full disclosure, my mother put me in a modeling class once. I had lots of classes growing up as my mother loved to put me in classes. Ballet, Baton Twirling, Drama and Modeling. I could walk across the room and do a turn while carrying a book on my head and without it falling off my head! Very important to keep it level!! Thank you Mama!
Then one day......the weather people began talking on this new thing called "the model" and nothing was ever the same. Children screamed out to their mother's suddenly, "Mommy! Mommy! The models say we are going to get the hurricane!!" and Mommy came running to stare and hear what Bryan Norcross said as she only really believed Bryan!
Then there was a littany of models, a parade of models with alphabetical initials that danced across the screens on TV and online and still everyone talks about the models today be it Hurricane season or Winter. And, models always promise you something like a politician at the State Fair while distributing hot dogs to the crowd standing around. And, amazingly we get a new model run every so many hours. Alas no hot dogs, no beers and no batons doing figure 8s in a blur of perpetual motion by a cute girl wearing boots and purple velvet outfits that look a whole lot like swim wear but with a pink satin bow with rhinestones on our ass while we manage to toss a spinning baton into the air and catching it just right while marching. Long run on sentence, but I'm having fun and tossing words here around the way I can toss a baton in the air and catch it behind my back!'s like riding a bike, it all comes back to you!
Excuse me if I think the weather models come up way short and baton twirling is more precise.