Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Barry Raining Itself Out... NYC Lights Come Back On.... Heat Wave City This Week in the USA.

The rains from Barry.....
... as High Pressure and Hot Weather take control of the Country.

Windy gets better and better.
So many incredible sites online.

Let's get Barry over with....
Yes 11.5 Million as per TWC under Flood Alerts.
Hopefully this doesn't get worse.
So far so good.
So far as lucky as we thought we'd be.
As we prayed it would be....

Barry will get downgraded soon.
Remnant Low will be it's future name.
The flood threat remains.
And those tornadoes I told you about....
..that threat ramps up as he moves inland.

But for now Barry is the only official game in town.

Nice waves out in the Atlantic.

If they were not strong waves...........
...they would not be there.
They would have been squashed by the High.
Blown apart by shear.
But they are still there.
Weak but they have a pulse.
No model support tho...

Speaking of coming out of darkness.... 

If you have ever lived in NYC and I have.... know this is an amazing picture.
Seen in everywhere but haven't seen who caught the moment.

The canyons of Manhattan...
Illusions of life and lights and motion.
Suddenly grinds to a halt.
The lights go out.
Life goes on in the dark.

The best of NYC was on display last night.
Despite the lack of lights.

The lights came back on .....

What more can you say?

Having that sort of Sunday Morning.
I have hot coffee... but want cold coffee.
This is easy to solve....
Can't decide if I want Avocado Toast or...
...eggs and grits.
Common problem for me.........
Trying to navigate my travel schedule.
Also common problem for me.
Need to pack... but not yet.
Maybe buy a new bathing suit?

It's very very very very hot.
I remember saying that in 1989.
It got cooler when I hit Santa Cruz on that trip.
Santa Cruz not on my dance card.
Maybe Seattle in the Fall.
Haven't seen Autumn colors there yet.

Watched my daughter dance on Instagram.
Best friend's big family party.
South Beach :)
No you can't see those pictures ....
Censored ;)

It's hot and soon the flip will be switched.
We are doing our usual August heat wave in July.
In a month of so we will have Atlantic Hurricanes.
Maybe 3 weeks... 
10 days til teasing Invests in the tropics there.
More Homegrown popping up?
Who really knows.

So dance on....
... have a good Sunday.

Not gonna rant on 3 hour Barry.
Barry not worth it.
Weather IS the issue.
Flooding and tornado threat persist.
So pay attention if you are in the warned area.

As for Barry.
One of the more memorable videos around.

Note this was Dauphin Island not in New Orleans

Having lived in Miami, LA an NYC I wonder.
Was this an accident?
Someone overslept?
Hoping to write off the car for insurance.
(sorry but I've seen some odd things)
Please forgive me.....

End result.
Car there but buried in the sand.

As for people complaining that we take pictures of flooding...

Nothing new about that.
Don't blame it on social media.
It's just way easier now......
It's been happening since we all wanted our Kodak moment ;)

And much more up close and personal.
Jay Barnes. Awesome books.
Words, data, facts, images.
Images caught by people witnessing history.
Saving hurricane history moments forever in time.
Nothing new there.

Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram.
Lots of weather, food and life pictures there.

Ps.......In my world in North Carolina it's gonna be hot, real hot.
Going out early before it's too hot to eat Avocado Toast ;)

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