Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Sunday, July 07, 2019

Sunday Night Update Tropics .... GOM System Chances Keep Rising.

Putting this up here to compare and contrast Monday AM.

NHC religiously upping percentage it seems.
To quote a song poorly...
They must be a believer.

3 images below.
Note the system that lights the fuse is in GA now.
Cruising down the Interstate... 
...looking for a beach somewhere.

Maybe ti stays in Atlanta.
I was conceived in Atlanta.
I know... too much information.
But true.

See the round sort of circle around Florida.
It's as if Florida is in a huge circle.
Note they moved back to Miami because pregnant.
Mother wanted to be closer to her Momma.
Yes I call my mother Mother.
I call my father Daddy... 
Don't even try and psychoanalyze me.

Put this all in motion.

atl_ir4_sat_tropicalindex_anim.gif (640×480)

I know nice littler weak, Westbound wave.
High pressure aloft.... 
Shear decreasing in GOM
Feature descending down into the GOM.

Play in 3 Acts below.

Act 1
Close to my July 10th date (give or take a day or so)
A Low forms in the GOM.
Close to land... close to Florida.
Ups the moisture feed.

Act 2
Our Low... maybe Barry or a Depression.
Dances on stage...
...does a little tap dance.
A shuffle step... 
Cold front appears closer.
Antagonist and our hero shown below.

Act 3
Oh no.......... Cold front turns stationary.
Hmnn what happens?
Does Barry rain himself out?
Does Barry become Barry?
High to the North blocks him.
High to the East (kind of)
Does he go back into the GOM?
(Just kidding... kind of)

Fronts do look a bit flat after all that drama don't they?

The GFS that no one wants to go with shows the energy that might be Barry going up more to the right as a somewhat weaker system and note that can change on the next model run. The "King EURO" as it's called develops Barry deeper as in "can it reach hurricane status?" and takes it to New Orleans to ride a Streetcar and rains fall all across the area West of the Sabine River (according to Larry Cosgrove) and again this could change on the next model run. Larry was talking in general not any one model. Texas for now seems safe but who knows tomorrow.

Some thoughts online and good graphics are shown below:

And Dabuh has pinned a Tweet.

Mike was last seen in Daytona in a big pool.
I believe he said "best $70 ever spent"

He even takes great storm pics on vacation.

Okay living vicariously a bit through him.
He knows how to have fun.
That's a good thing.

Anyway... everyone should relax, watch the models as some sort of lava lamp always oozing about with new solutions and keep one eye on the real system up in Georgia or as some of us call it Jo-Ja and as it cruises past my family's old tobacco plantations in Quincy Florida on it's way to a beach somewhere we will have a better idea if it will be Barry or just a pissant depression annoying the hell out of all of us. Seriously until it arrives at it's destination (not to be confused with Destin) we won't know when for sure it arrives, how long it wants to stay and if the HUGE HIGH wants to push him West towards the MISSISSIPPI (never forget how to spell that) and or if it does the normal lunge towards the Big Bend of Florida. The NHC out of an abundance of caution because they have our backs will watch it carefully as historically systems arriving into the hot water of the Gulf of Mexico where a swirl already exists and shear is forecast to weaken and a high could build in aloft making this a fast changing situation and a set up from hell to forecast. So everyone CHILL OUT get some rest, relax a bit and enjoy the quiet Monday as we will be tracking SOMETHING later this week and it could get hairy... that's hairy not Harry because if it forms it will be Barry.

Breathe a bit and keep watching those California earthquakes.

Sweet Tropical Dreams, BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram. Follow me there for faster updates in real time.

Ps... Went to see Yesterday today with my husband when it was so hot in Raleigh and humid it felt like Miami and it was good. Not as good as Green Book of course but cute... 

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