Update! 93L Does Philippe Make the Team? Tropical Discussion and How It's All About Football. Lessons Learned from Football... October Games.
2 AM
Latest models

Achieves TS strength.
But where does it go?

Options are there for NE.
IF "Philippe" forms and stays East.
It has more fuel to use.
Better chances of being stronger.
South Florida not totally out of it.
"IT" crosses Cuba.
Recon is sampling 93L's charms.
Finding definition but still "meh"
Looking better defined than this morning.
Again it's a process.
A fluid process.
I'll continue to update as information evolves.
Oh... EPAC got a storm.
You can see these two below.
93L and Selma.

* * *
If you haven't read..
...please do.
I had football and the tropics on my mind.
I had football and the tropics on my mind.
93L 60% chances at 8 AM.
Close Up Loop Below.

Invest 93L
Odds up to 60% for development.
Models shown below.
Models consistent.
Weather in Motion.
Forecast movement of Fronts and Lows.

Sorry I didn't post earlier but I had a hard time falling asleep last night after the Miami Dolphins failed to show up for the Baltimore Ravens game when I finally had a chance to watch them "play" on National Television. I stopped paying the NFL for the chance to watch the Miami Dolphins find new ways to lose games years ago. I follow them, being a Miami girl, but Cam Newton showed more controlled passion when he quietly ended the Press Conference and walked off the stage than the Miami Dolphin team ever showed last night. Despite the Ravens losing their Quarterback to a concussion and an ear that needed to be stitched up the Dolphins still couldn't score.. not even a field goal. I woke up this morning to 23 long messages from my brother in Greece. No he wasn't giving his thoughts on Catalonia standing up and seceding from Spain, it was all about the Dolphin's loss...
So this blog post is going to be all about football and how it relates to tropical weather. You can learn much from studying football and both seasons do overlap and are played out against an October playing field. Football is more than showing up in your team jersey and drinking beer in cold weather. I know that sounds a lot like Meteorologists in Miami after a cold front passes through finally. Mets just love Tee Shirts with their team or favorite hurricane on them. Honest. I have a lot of tee shirts....
A good quarterback on a good team knows he can hand off the ball to a running back who will take the ball where it needs to go to score or at least gain a first down. A good quarterback with a great offensive line can hang back in the pocket as long as he wants but he needs a receiver who can get open down the field that he knows he can connect with to move the ball down the field to either get a first down or to score. It's important, obviously, not to fumble the ball and turn it over to the other team. The object of the game is not to show up and then pick up your paycheck.... the goal is the play your best and find a way to win the game. Often tropical systems in October have much in common with football. A low forms down in the Caribbean, the convection sits in the pocket waiting for the best chance it has to move North with a name and a game plan and then hand that energy off to another player known as a Cold Front. Think of the Cold Front as a really good running back that grabs the energy (ball) and runs with it all the way towards making a score. Sometimes.... the tropical system is so memorable it's jersey is retired and people talk about it for the next 40 years. Dan Marino is to South Florida what Hurricane Wilma is to October Hurricane History. Most tropical systems are not Dan Marino and most Dolphin Quarterbacks are not Dan Marino. Bob Griese (and Earl Morrall) had several players to work with to get that ball out of the pocket down field. Invest 93L is not Bob Griese, however the Cold Front is as reliable as Larry Csonka was for picking up yardage and going the distance. Invest 93L may get the name Philippe and briefly become part of the team roster but it won't make any post season play off games; Lord knows the Miami Dolphins could use someone that can run the ball.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsLVOXH0VM4 Csonka, Kiick and Mercury Morris. Don Shula explains the value of a backfield.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsLVOXH0VM4 Csonka, Kiick and Mercury Morris. Don Shula explains the value of a backfield.

Now let's talk about the Defense. The strong high pressure and dry air to 93L's immediate North is currently inhibiting it's development. Luckily, it has a good Offensive Line that is protecting the quarterback so he is not thrown for a loss or slammed to the ground or ejected from the game with a severe concussion and needing stitches. You see when you stay in the game and you stay healthy a good QB has the time to make the big play. 93L is waiting, patiently to make his move and hook up with his best receiver. When he does .... he can take a track across Cuba or the Florida Keys or South Florida and then up into the Bahamas. Why can't I pin down the exact track just yet? Cause it's fluid (duh) and until any given play starts you are only guessing which receiver will get free and be able to catch and hang onto the ball and run towards the proper End Zone. Receivers are stretched out currently from the Florida Keys to Miami to Havana and the First Yard Line is just off the East Coast of Florida in the Bahamas. Can Invest 93L pick up valuable yardage today? That remains the question. There is one excellent long yardage threat on this team that may wait out by the Outer Banks to catch the ball (energy) and make it up towards the Goaline (New England). Time runs out when this whole team gets to the North Atlantic and yes some New York Jet Fans may leave the stadium before at the 2 minute warning and miss the exciting finish.

Look at that playing field.
The best receiver is still up by Arkansas.
Pushing South....
He played on the Canadian League originally ;)
It's common for some of the better NFL players on poor teams to end up being big stars playing ArenaFootball. Speaking of Arena Football there is a system forming in the EPAC.
Sometimes Arena football is fun..
...it gets odd sometimes
Over the last few days while 93L didn't do much and forecasters at the NHC wrote long discussions explaining it wouldn't do much for several days ... meteorologists began to disagree and even fight on Twitter. It got a bit ugly as this season has taken it's toll on many of us who have sat up late into the night or woken up at odd hours in the middle of the night trying to provide you with the best product to better understand what you may be facing while facing Category 4 and Category 5 Hurricanes. It's as if they no longer know how to just deal with a tropical disturbance in the Caribbean that is going to try and catch a front swooping across the East Coast. It got a little ugly last night on the playing field and it amazes me that the Fins could put together that much energy when they didn't show up when those last 2 scores were made in the last few minutes and any New York Jets fans in the stadium left before it jumped suddenly to 40 to ZER0.
Speaking of Shut Outs.
Many are hoping the 2017 Hurricane Season...
...is shut out soon.
As in "Game Over"
But it's not over.
Hopefully the Baltimore QB will heal fast. The Miami Dolphins can figure out that playing football is not about #strongertogether but #aboutwinning and I don't mean coming behind but putting the game away when they have the chance not having to come from behind always. Seems that part of Dan Marino's legacy is still with them.......
I'll update this blog later this afternoon when the new models are run, after 93L starts to make it's move as it is in the process this morning of pulling together. I want to wait and watch a bit and enjoy the game today... I mean "Invest" :) and one that is wise enough to wait for it's chance to pull North and not a Category 3 or 4 or 5 Hurricane bearing down on terrified people. It is worth noting that if it does affect the Florida Keys that any structures that are weak and barely holding on from Hurricane Irma may have secondary damage from tropical storm force winds. After Andrew a strong squall came through Miami and highlighted damage people thought was light but was not as trees slammed into windows that broke too easily and windows that seemed held into place fell out and roofs they thought were okay leaked as Andrew was a dry storm but the odd squall in the Fall was a wet, wild squall and showed many they didn't make it through Andrew as easily as they thought they had ... kind of like when it rains in Southern California heavy in an El Nino year after years without a heavy rain and you find out it's raining in your bedroom. Who knew the roof had a leak?
Something you may not know about me. I'm a huge Cam Newtown fan so don't be a hater. So taking a page from his way of dealing with press conferences... and I'm outta hear!
Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter
Ps...Is the real center the heart or the blob to the right of the heart below? More later. Looks like a Halloween Valentine... thanks ... you know who you are. There's a Picasso face down there too... Green and brown looks like Carolina Panthers who should #keeppounding.

Labels: camnewton, carolina, coldfront, Cuba, dolphins, Florida, football, hurricane, hurricanes, NE, NFL, obx, october, ophelia, panthers, ravens, season, tropics, weather, wilma
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