Tropics Tuesday.... Remnants of 92L Follow Ophelia. Watch Stalled Out Front. Enjoy Life!
Nothing...nada ...happening.
Note the progression of storms towards GB.
Areas to watch above.

You can see the front going stationary...
I'm in Jacksonville Florida this morning watching TWC in the hotel room and on very slow wifi so this is going to be basic and short as I am traveling back to North Carolina today. I'm back on top of the tropics, but still traveling so as they say "it is what it is" and it's been pretty good. When in Jacksonville we often stay at the Ramada Inn near I295 as it is near the Chabad House so my husband can do morning prayers and it's also near the Whole Foods so I can shop, wander about and get a few things before heading home. They also have one of the nicest on the road breakfast buffets anywhere. If you are kosher they have the widest selection of yogurts, fruit and cereals (etc) I've seen along I95 and if you are not there is a kick ass hot, breakfast buffet. We are also going shopping for a few things at the near by store that sells kosher products to take back with us to Raleigh that is a great place to live but has less of a selection... so we stop here often when Northbound. I like Jacksonville it's got much to offer and it's still in Florida, though it feels more Carolina/Georgia Southern in ways.
Anyways........ have a great day. The cold snap up north is not lasting long as we are in that period of flux between a very long hot summer and a slow moving Autumn on our way to a questionable winter as models offer various solutions as to just what this La Nina will hold for any particular part of the USA. Stay tuned.
Wild fires are still burning in California and I've heard (but it hasn't been confirmed) that it may affect the taste of the wines produced this year. Seems logical... And in England the red sun was not just from the Saharan Dust that was pulled North yesterday by Ophelia but smoke from the wild fires across parts of Spain. It' that type of year and two regions that have very similar geography and weather are both sadly affected by fires burning out of control. And, lastly along the East coast of Florida that are strong Rip Tides so keep that in mind if you are going to the beach. A teenager in JAX died yesterday playing in the rough water with a strong onshore flow creating life threatening rip tides.
Miami was good. Nice my brother is happy (as is his bride) and nice to be together with my crazy, warm, lively family. I'm getting to know a new daughter-in-law who I like a lot and touching base with my kids and enjoying some rare time with a grandchildren who live far from my husband and I in North Carolina. And, that is why I'm often on the road back and forth .... Life is good. My sons have a knack for picking nice, solid, down to earth but extremely smart, creative wives. As my youngest son says often "sweet" and sweet it is when you see your kids happy. Having a lot of kids keeps you very spiritual.... because you end up praying a lot. Praying they all find good partners and great hobbies; good jobs they enjoy and a life that is richly fulfilling lives.
Weather has always been my hobby, though at times it seems more like a job. I studied meteorology in college with regard to my major and one of my degrees is in Writing... (English...really hard to believe I know) so I get to combine two things I love in this blog that has been close to exhausting this particular year as 2017 will go down in the history books (another subject I love) as one of the all time busiest Atlantic Hurricane Seasons ever.
Stay tuned...
Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter
Ps... It's worth noting people were killed in Ireland as Ophelia took several lives in different ways. However, as the storm was downgraded prior to making landfall with hurricane force weather it's doubtful the NHC will retire the name. After the season is over they announce which names will be retired and Harvey, Irma and Maria will for sure be on that list.
Labels: bobbistorm, fronts, ireland, life, ophelia, tropics, weather
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