Nate - Narrow Center of Nate Making Landfalll. Long Tail Needs to be Watched...

As Bryan Norcross said ... maybe a part of the center touched some marshy area offshore along the beach... he seemed skeptical. Again it's not a well defined center. It's mostly a half a center. And the tornado warnings going on now are far inland in Alabama and one setting up now along the beach near Ft. Walden Beach. Nice to downgrade Nola's Hurricane warnings to TS but did someone warn Alabama and the Panhandle of FL? I hope so...


The dry air moving down on the top left...
is obvious.
I think the blogger below...
...said it really well.
Had I been online the last 3 days i suppose I would have warned on that and I'm not surprised the speed picked up as Nate races towards the trof. Another issue the NHC doesn't explain much but adjusts for is that the forward speed of Nate (reminds me of Hazel or the 1938 NE Hurricane) creates a stronger wind on impact as you add the forward speed to the actual wind speed. A detail not often explained while some government agencies myopically cover the track of the center of the storm. Tornadoes are possible in the tail and the right side of the center will get the strongest storm surge. It's also reminding me of Hurricane Sandy in that it seems to evaporate the closer it moves towards land.
Going through older tweets.
This said it best.
One small pin prick area of strong winds.
I'll update later tonight.
I just wanted to put this up fast.
I did say 100 miles E or W of Mobile.
3 days ago I said that.
I'd venture to say Mobile gets more weather.
For all the hype about Nola..
..the strong weather will be in Alabama.
Models for where "Nate" goes...

Models for where "Nate" goes...

Nate is just off shore.
Another area is being watched.
Maybe a small O for Ophelia.
One red circle in the Atlantic.
Nice to be back.
Had a nice time.
Going to sit and watch Nate tonight.
What's left of him.

Dangerous still.
Killed too many in Central America.
Let's hope no more die from this storm.
Sweet Tropical Dreams.
@bobbistorm on Twitter
For all the hype on Nola ...
the weather is all to the right.
And already a problem inland.
Interesting always to look at the wind history.
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