Post Maria Relief to PR More Compelling Right Now Than Invest 99L... Do Your Part. Tropics May Be a Problem Again 10/7-10/8
And this is why so many listen to Mike.
He's honest, puts it into perspective.
Has priorities.
Play ball... family time.
I'm not saying nothing will form.
Something will try to form.
But it's a messy environment today.
It's a messy environment for a while.

Another set of model runs.

I get a headache just from looking at that model above.

See all those Upper Level Lows...
Cranking up.
Creates shear.
Not happening there...
Euro forms something.
In a week.
NE up over FL.
Gets stronger E of FL.
After it crosses.
GFS forms around the same place.
Goes wide left to Tex Mex.
So yes something may develop in a week and there are models that show something developing and being shunted off to one place or another but not today, not tomorrow and probably not the day after tomorrow.
1... One track shows a system going West and I mean all the way West to Tex Mex land underneath a very strong High Pressure Ridge.
2.. Another model shows the system develops and pull sup NE over Florida as an October Storm would be want to do...
As I said Friday... talking starting around 10/6 or 10/7 and definitely ramping up 10/8 and yet it's still long range and far away today. Nothing imminent and you can better spend today with your family, your pooch or cat or staring at the gold fish. Take a walk, go for a run... help collect supplies or give money to a relief organization who is actively spending the time trying to get relief to those in need. The Red Cross is always there... as are other organizations and just regular people who are working together to make a difference.
Not sure what this song means but my brother Jay will get it... so posting it and smiling. It's very simple yet complicated much like MacArthur Park with that cake in the rain. In an alternative universe this Invest developed last night into a small tropical storm named Nate and in a day or so gets picked up by the currents and become a Category 3 Hurricane and takes a slow, exhausting trip up the Interstate to cities that have not yet been directly affected by a named storm this season. Life is not about what ifs and this whole Invest has been about "what if" and it's time to pull the plug and start over in the early 90s with a new Invest. Let people go... let them enjoy their Sunday and worry on it later. Florida is used to rain... we have the best weather people in the country they got this one. Chabad of Puerto Rico... trying to help distribute supplies.
Honestly Miami people are mostly worried about Puerto Rico than 99L. They are aware there is debris that needs to be picked up but their priorities are pretty straight and trying to help those who got hit far worse than they did. Phil Ferro from WSVN Channel 7 in Miami put this up recently. He's worried more today on Puerto Rico than he is on Invest 99L. IF things change people will worry on the piles of debris rotting moldy in the hot Florida sunshine and prepare but for now...people are honestly worried about those in Puerto Rico.
Phil Ferro Channel 7
WSVN Miami.
Tweeted this... heavy article.
Shows the real human misery.
Americans in the Caribbean.
Without food, water, electricity...
John Morales from NBC 6 Miami...
...also tweeting about things PR needs.
Disaster Relief.
Maria Recovery.
Irma Recovery.
This really is the big tropical story today.
NOT Invest 99L
My son Levi and some of his best friends and co-workers at Compass Realty have been collecting supplies to send to those in need. Having two small children himself he understands the problems parents are facing so he focused on diapers, baby wipes, children's Tylenol, medical supplies.. as well as water, canned soup, tuna and whatever they can get to those who need. Trust me.. my son Levi can get diapers into a war zone... he's had experience and knows how to take control. So... they collected diapers and a long list of things people need. Many people were involved. Costco (where they bought some of the diapers... donated more things) and the stuff is now on it's way to Puerto Rico and down to the Keys. Irma and Maria have left people desperate for more than having the tree debris cleaned up and as Key West is an island and for a while it was cut off from the world even the basic supplies not bought before the storm were unavailable. Key West wasn't affected like Puerto Rico (or Cudjoe Key) but they were knocked out of it for a good few weeks. Puerto Rico is the bigger concern currently and the staging center for much of the relief is in the Wynwood Section of Miami. They have the connections and ability to get the supplies in to Puerto Rico where it's needed the most and is able to be distributed best.
Costco actually gave them 13 pallets of supplies...
...that they were collecting.
Levi and his team got them to Wynwood.. be sent to Puerto Rico.
Everyone pitches in.
To try and make a difference.
So rather than worry on Invest 99L.
I suggest you listen to this song.
And be the change you want to see.. the world.
Give as you can.
Do what you can.
Worry on Invest 99L another day.
Or wonder on Invest 90L..
way down the road.
Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter
Ps.. Pretty awesome. Proud. Now y'all do your part as you can.. Thank you Levi for being you!
You've come a long way Levi.
Proud of you..
Keep it going...
Going off.. allergies bothering me today. Not going to over proof this but may again later. Sorry but seen so many typos lately in major market media newspapaers online it blows me way and I wonder why bloggers who reach the audience I do worry so on a typo. Okay the degree in English probably weighs heavier on me than on many who work with large newspapers. ... PLEASE DONATE where you can...
Labels: bobbistorm, charity, compass, CompassRealty, donate, Irma, levi, maria pr, Puertorico, recovery
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