Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Hot Summer Days. Hot Summer Nights. Rainy Afternoons. Tropics Ominously Quiet. Waiting on the Last Week in August. Fronts Draped Lazily Across the South.

Officially nothing happening.
Nothing expected for a while.
Now's your time to prepare.....
... you'll thank me in September and October.

5 day visual graph of rainfall possible.
That's a lot of rain.
You can see the frontal boundary.....
...draped across the US.
Either side of Florida.

Some models spit out a small low by the Carolinas.
Others try to get some spin in the GOM.

Yup... kind of normal.
It's called Summer.
Hot, humid for days.

And then things change.
End of August.
August 23rd or 24th.
August 25th...
Things begin to appear.
As if out of nowhere.

Feels a lot like hurry up, hurry up...
...then slow down, slow down.
Wait until September.

I know it seems endless.

I have to tell you I don't like seasons like this as they are prone to ramp up fast and often causing close in trouble that seems to come out of nowhere. And then when suddenly there's one there's another one and another and it seems like an endless parade of low pressure systems that suddenly can form as if someone sprinkled tropical dust into the dry Atlantic. The Gulf of Mexico calls as does the Eastern Seaboard and everyone wishes we could go back to nothing or they begin to pray for winter to show up the way they prayed for hurricanes or an afternoon thunderstorm to break the hot, humid August afternoon. 

Football is beginning to show up on air and kids are shopping for school supplies and starting school. El Nino is gone and people are wondering if we are moving fast towards a La Nina Winter as whispers of ice and blizzards are out there because there's nothing else to talk about. A Derecheo may form and air traffic in and out of Chicago could be a pain soon enough and afternoon thunderstorms will form and rain themselves out every afternoon in the South. That big huge dry high deserted us...

Put the planet in motion....

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This is why they sing just another Manic Monday.

You'll have to forgive me.
I grew up in LA in the 80s.
That's what Facebook says.
True in ways.
Came into my own in the 90s.

But you know I'm a Miami girl.
And, I'm worrying on the hot summer rain.
It often brings a hurricane....
...up from the Caribbean.
Late September, early October.

Worrying on it a bit.
Til then I'm keeping busy.
So should you.

Learn the lyrics.
They say a lot about life.
My life.

Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter.

For now it's hot summer nights........

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What annoys me is why does the EPAC have old sats?

ft-animated.gif (720×480)

Wondering what new satellite loops will show up ...
... several are currently not working.
What's with that?

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