Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Quiet Day in the Tropics Officially Tho Always Convection Somewhere and Usually Over Florida and North Carolina. Where Will Hurricanes Go This Year? Expect Landfalls... Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst.

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This loop is shown at the top on Mike's site
Great loop.
Old 96L in SW Carib faint pulse.
Wave behind it nearing the Islands.
Front going flat soon across the SE.
Much moisture off shore that needs to be watched.

If the Atlantic is shut down for now.... things that could form close in.
Currently the NHC says nothing forming,
Rule of thumb is to watch old frontal boundaries.

There is some stormy weather near Spain...
...and a kick ass wave is coming off of Africa.
Slamming into a huge plume of SAL for now.

Nothing expected currently.
This is the time you should prepare.
Make plans.
Take stock.

Colorful convection scattered around.
Not expected to develop.
But fun to watch.

Going to show you a mix of previous areas of concern.
Yellow Circles and Zones for Development.
TD3 remember that one?

If patterns persist.
We could see more down the road.

A look back...

And remember back when........

Listen it's possible nothing hits Florida.
But it's as if Florida has a bulls eye on it...
Weak systems... nothing to worry on.

But if the pattern remains the same.
It's something to worry about.

We take them storm by storm.
But you should shop day by day.
As you see sales....
...or if you are at Big Lots or ALDI
Or you see something on sale on Amazon.
Make a Wish List.
Check it off.

Rob from has a map.
A map for 2019.
A graphic for where storms may threaten.

The map for 2019 is up above.
As mentioned online Barry impacted one of his areas.

Below is his graphic from 2018.
Florence and Michael.
Rob nailed it.

Graphic from Rob for 2017.
The IRMA MARIA corridor.
And other storms less remembered.

His site is for pay.
It's a good deal.
But he is on Twitter so you can read some there.

I sincerely hope and pray this does not play out this way.
I hope and pray all slide by off the coast of FL ...
...curve out to sea before missing the Outer Banks.
No storms go up near NJ NY Long Island and NE.
The Gulf of Mexico gets shut down.

But with the pattern the way it is now.
The huge high.
Storms forming or intensifying close in..

Once SAL loses it's grip at the end of August.
The High moves a bit as it is want to do...
Climo kicks in and there is no looking back.
When things amp up they do it FAST.
So hit the Road Jack and get to the store.

So if you see something you at Big Lots...
...or ALDI or the Dollar Store... get it.
If you see something on Amazon..
Buy it!

If you live in an evacuation zone...
...figure out now where you will go.
To a friends inland?
To a shelter?

Now is the time to figure this out.

I'll be back tomorrow.

Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram.
Follow me there for real time discussion.

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