Updated Yellow Circle Africa... As I've Spoken About... And EIGHT in the Atlantic From 99L Forecast to Become Gert Tomorrow
Yellow Area off of Africa
As I spoke on earlier we have a busy wave train.
Note the yellow orange circle is TD8.
8 has been late to the party for a while now.
The convective complex over the US is stronger.
The wave by Africa is stronger.
But TD8 gets a prize for being stubborn.
Another view of this perplexing question.
Why does the Land Cane over the USA....
...look like an eye is about to pop out.
Guess we will just have to keep waiting on Gert.
Maybe by 11? Or 5 PM?
Morning visible shows a right sided system.
I just want to say one thing about 8.
It's a thought not a forecast.
The high is beginning to build in above it.

See the dark blues.
It is possible that TD8 can get a big closer to the coast than previously thought, however the shortwave moving down should catch it and take it out to sea. Think of the shortwave as a safety making an interception.
EURO is slower and weaker (of course)
But has a gift with purchase...
Another wave behind it.
And where is he Euro going?
Oh of course moving slowly towards South Florida.
With a bevy of tropical beauties behind Harvey.
I mean seriously all bathing beauties want to do South Beach right?
Sorry no sound.
This is a video ..trying to teak 8 to dance..
Here's a song for me and my friend...
So enough music... as for the yellow area off of Africa, same plot, new characters and same locale for this tropical romance novel. Harvey is noticed first by the hot to trot GFS yet it is offshore and SE of Charleston on the 21st (official eclipse day) so they will just have to worry on regular afternoon thunderstorms. The EURO sees it now but moves it slower and keeps it further away from Charleston. Oh and the Euro now seems viable waves forming into storms everywhere. Actually closing off systems faster than TD3 can spell EIGHT. Stay tuned...things are ramping up in Hurricane Country.
Discussion from 5 AM is above. I'll update at 11 AM or whenever the NHC goes with the G name. G name get it... Actually maybe this storm should be named GERD not GERT. Gee... I made a joke that maybe only one person might get if they remember. I need more coffee. Everyone have a wonderful Sunday and please keep on reading the blow below that is still filled with valid information.
And that's what she said................
* * * * * *

Tropical Depression EIGHT has formed.
Justification for it's formation is below.
Again a look from the NRL site.
I posted this earlier.
When NRL posts the track map...
..usually they are getting ready to upgrade.
And they did.
It's the best it's looked.
It doesn't look all that great.
But it's EIGHT!
Cone is shown below...
And despite being a fish and staying away from land.
It may flirt with Bermuda and Canadian Maritimes.
See wind probs below:
So showing their own map...
..as you never know it could come close to land there.
There's 8/Gert and the front that is forecast to catch her..
...and go dancing out to sea with her.
A good loop showing all the players below.

So that being said...
If Eight becomes Gert
(and it is forecast to become Gert)
...where's Harvey?
Please read my earlier post comparing models.
New Wave off of Africa...
GFS shows a storm this week in MDR
Euro says no.. no surprise huh?
More discussion in the link below.
Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter
No music... play whatever song is in your head tonight :)
Labels: bobbistorm, charleston, circle, depression, flappers, gert, NHC, TD8, tropical, tropics, Yellow
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