Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

11 PM. Debby Being Debby. Offshore...Almost Over Land... TWC in Raleigh!! Weather Spreading Out Far From Center. Waitng to See What We Get in NC. What Else Is In the Tropics? Thoughts on TWC Coverage


This is not about tracking an EYE
The weather far removed from the center.
Center down by the beach still.... moving inland in NC
Raining lightly here in Raleigh
TWC in Raleigh!
Makes me believe more...

This is kind of the calm before the storm I suppose. As I'm sitting here watching coverage, local coverage and TWC as it makes it more "real" and to be honest I've seen more weather in California living in LA where it never rains than in Raleigh. Well, I've seen snow and I've seen ICE and a few hurricanes trashed our area just a little... Florence, Matthew took out huge trees and left some flooding. A few smaller ones caused minor damagers here and there ........but usually the weather goes around Raleigh. Not sure who pays off who but it's kind of bizarre. At some point the luck runs out. Fran and Hazel made it to Raleigh with Hurricane Winds and took out tens of thousands of  more trees. 

So we will see. Looking out towards Africa and the Eastern Atlantic I want to point out THAT WAVE!

That Wave!

Will update in real time tomorrow.
Keep reading if you did not do so already!
Oh and there was a tornado down by the coast.
Not at the coast but inland some.
Harrels...2 Homes Destroyed.


It's a strange storm.
Add an adjective.......

Cone from NHC tightening up.
We know where it's going.
We know where it's been.

They've dialed back the flooding forecast.
Flooding possible for sure but...
...currently not as bad.

In other parts of the tropics.
Low chances wave 10%
Into BOC

Let's step away a bit.
See the whole picture.

Wave train fairly healthy in Atlantic.
Sliding low under what's left of the SAL
Debby devoid of deep moisture....
...suddenly, like "where did it go?"

Note this is MY own discussion, not the NHC and NOT the official line. Debby grew in girth in her older age and spread out more like a subtropicalstorm with weather far from her center and we can definitely see her center though the Mojo transfered and zoomed North way out ahead of her. We saw this everywhere she went, as she moved inland the weather was far out ahead of the center. Her weather has merged with whatever powers that be in the weather world and is already on it's way towards E NC and the MidAtlantic areas that after last night don't need any rain. There are silent steering currents in that we don't talk about them often. The Upper Level Low or Mid Level Low (heard it described both ways) has driven the High West in place keeping Debby at Checkmate and Debby was never a great chess player to be honest. 

To it's East is a system that needs to be watched and I will talk on it later. Time is limited today as I have places to go and things I need to do. See the swirl there, interesting. Nothing to really think on too much now but have seen some interesting models and it's fun to watch. They almost look lately like a figure 8 you see that and it's funneling moisture UP and away from Debby towards the NE. And, yet she will rain on the Carolinas though where the moisture goes may change as she evolves in this transformation as she tries to hold onto her glory days. 

Watch the purple splotches :)
They often go yellow.
Especially where the blue in the purple is..
poor grammar but true

Except for Saturday...
..this has kept the weather beautiful and doable.
We had a way too early HOT July with 100 plus temps.
The cooler weather is awesome.

Weatherwise ...time will tell.

The Weather Channel's coverage has been fun to watch and I say watch as I have it muted almost the whole time until someone or someplace I want to see comes on. Cantore in Charleston is always golden, he knows the city well and his interviews with strangers who came to talk to him are informative and make it special. A sweet man brings a Tomato Pie to one of the Mets he thought would like it another brings old photos of Charleston before the concrete covered most of the marsh. Real heart in those stories and interviews and as always Jim lets the story come out and let's them speak so we get the flavor of life both culinary wise and history wise.  And, like in Miami when you cover the swamp with concrete ....when the heavy rains come it tries to go back to being a swamp or in Charleston's case a marsh. Pumps are needed to pretend it's not a swamp or marsh as it's built up and I'll add beautiful buildings with beautiful views but it's still the tropics. 

Lynette Charles on TWC is a true gift in her ability to discuss weather, pinpoint serious issues that need to be discussed and she does it always with style, grace and she should be an example to young meteorologists how not to lose your real self that makes you stand out and yet not distract the viewer from the real story. Enjoyed her since her first day that I happened to be watching and she gets better and better with time.  I miss Tim Wooten not being there, he was good in the studio and awesome on the road. I heard he's in NYC now with a large channel doing their weather. 

Fox Weather is awesome and what TWC used to be, very focused on forecast and maps of all sorts. Less special effects and agenda (honestly for good or bad and many love it) TWC is very agenda driven. I get enough agenda on every news channel, when I want to see the weather I just wanna see the weather. I live in a weather world where we can do commentary and dissection of every event ....when I watch TWC on in the background I don't want a travelog nor agenda, I just want deep, weather discussion. I may be the minority here. And, yes often I leave it on, muted in the background while I'm on YouTube or my phone or in chat with friends... like a night light. (Sorry but true) Times change. Oh Paul Goodloe is always great too. And, don't roll your eyes because they are FOX vs CBS or ABC or CNN ...they have Bryan Norcross doing his thing ...actually better than he did it in his glory days. Maybe these are his glory days??

I'm running late, I have places to be today. Yes, definitely hoping to get some weather out of this but if it keeps the temperatures cool for me it's a win, win, win, win! Will see what happens in real time. Will they retire the name as it's left a path of financial destruction and six people at least have died. I wonder.

Temperatures where I like them.

Besos BobbiStorm
Personally not sunny and 75 tho that's good.
75 degrees and any weather is fine!


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