Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Debby Moving Slowly...Heading Slowly Into the Water ... Then Moves Back to Carolinas to Dump Lots of Water. FLOODING .... Note It's Raining NOW Far From the Center So Ground Will Be Saturated When It Stalls Out Over Carolinas. FAST MOVING 3rd Act of Debby Races UP I95 From VA to Maine ...

Radar Presentation of Debby.
Location below.

Going long here with words as words matter as much as pictures that you can get anywhere online. If you're reading a blog, you appreciate words not just pictures. And, I appreciate you being here reading! Note the very slow movement of Debby in the short term. How fast it moves, how far East it gets over water is not 100% clear but that's the current track. Debby likes Water. I've said this before jokingly, but I'm being honest. Every storm has it's own nature, it's own history and it's as if she's taking a quick swim, sucking up as much of the ocean as she can before moving back across the shore to land where she will spend 2 days dumping said water (rain) over the Carolinas.  The area near the SC/NC line should get the heaviest though it's hard to tell until it begins raining who gets the worst of it. South of the Border the famous spot to stop and take pics will have a very wet parking lot..especially as it was build kind of in a low spot...lower land there off the side of the highway.  Note the slow movement across Carolinas and Carolina beaches in the picture below from the NHC Cone.

Next is the part I am concerned on ...
...more so as it's hard to convey the dangers.
There has been a stalled frontal boundary.
It's been raining in places in the Mid Atlantic.
Will rain more before Debby arrives.

As Debby begins to move ... steering currents come alive.

So in a 2 day period.........
...she moves from Raleigh to Maine.
Moves FAST thru Virginia!!

Speeds thru NJ NY CT
Not to mention...
..she'll blow thru DC!

This is a big concern. Steering currents have been weak across the US and that's the reason Debby slowed down and crawled up I95 on her way to crossing over to the beautiful Carolina Beaches, taking a swim and hanging out before coming back for round 2. Then there is round 3 and this is a fast moving set up and anyone and everyone living in the Delmarva up into the Cheasapeake .... Maryland, DC ...where the bridge is still out and into Cape May... NJ... NY etc all the way to Montauk that gets strong wind..and then Maine.

Travel on I95 will be very difficult with fast changing conditions on Saturday. 
The ground will be wet due to recent rains and any strong winds from the passage of this decaying but still dangerous Debby storm can topple hardwoods and create drama, damage and destruction!

Pay Close attention to local experts, keep Apps on your phone and be aware of weather changing quickly. 

In the Carolinas we have had days to prepare for this "flooding event" and we are very aware of what happens when a once stronger hurricane decides to retire and spend it's days lazily raining across a good part of mybeautiful area. No one will ever forget Florence and Matthew that had stronger winds in my area added a layer of flooding as well way after it was a Major Hurricane somewhere else. A wet, watery shadow of it's former self ... less wind, more water. Water kills. (I JUST HEART THUNDER AND IT GOT DARK HERE.......inside thoughts) So beware of the WATER don't think "oh it's not really a hurricane anymore, please take it seriously if you are in the Cone.

Lastly, Raleigh rarely gets tropical weather or even the remnants of a Hurricane and they usually do when it's moving fast caught up in the flow. Both Hazel and Fran are prime examples of fast moving hurricanes and this does NOT have the winds that they had, but it has the rain and this part of the Carolinas has elevation here and there, creeks that overflow and the areas used to flooding will flood. Obviously, you can imagine I am so ready and will be happy if I can have some rain falling on me from a system that started from a tropical wave that left Africa... a little tropical DNA. And, it's keeping the temperatures down out of the high 90s flirting with the 100 degree mark as we had a few weeks back. 

Some areas will have strong flooding, possibly historic......though that can only be said in the rear view mirror. 

Prepare, be aware and do not drive into standing water. Do NOT drive around barriers they have put up to keep you safe. People died in NC when that happened... 

That's it for today. Unless something huge happens. There is a Tornado Watch East of I95 to the Coast as waterspouts and tornadoes can happen in sudden squalls. Lots of warnings. Got things to do.

NHC has done an AWESOME job so far!
Let them figure out the models.
Either way they are coming together.
Strong confidence in the forecast.

Stay Safe... BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram

Ps...yes this storm went from near Key West.. Coast of Carolinas.
My kind of storm ;)


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