Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Friday, September 13, 2024

TD7 Only Cone in Town! Waiting For It's Crown!! Could Carolina No Name Storm Steal it's Crown? Stay Tuned Raining in Raleigh This Morning...Sign of Things to Come


Only Cone in Town

In the Atlantic we have this dance going on, there's a rhfythm out there... 

                                         One comes off low........   Next one comes off HIGH!!!
                 Next one comes off low.... 

Have trouble really believing in these waves rolling off Africa.
They are on their way with bravado and their NHC circles
But will one really get across the pond?

Up close in the East Atlantic.
Wide Atlantic below.

It's as if you could draw a line down the Atlantic Basin. Before the 70 yard line, and after the 70 yard line and if they manage to make it to that golden point...they have a chance. There are hidden dangers from dust to upper level Low's and shear is there where it's not supposed to be this year. Watch the waves, but don't sell your soul to any of them thinking this will be the one to go the distance. One may, most will not and we will wait to see that Wave that flares up as an overachiever late in life closer to our shores. 

Francine is gone, and yet not really totally gone. Yesterday I woke up to this technicolor sunrise and this morning an extremely loud, determined lightning bolt hit somewhere near my house and it sounded more like a bomb than lightening. Nothing for a long time after that... so quiet I thought I was dreaming, and the the rain came, heavy, steady with an almost lyrical beat. Distant flashes of lightning could be seen in the predawn darkness. Needless to say I was awake early this morning. And, I thought..."Francine is that you or is that a trailer for the movie running soon in the Carolinas?" and I smiled.

The yellow circle over the Carolinas may deliver tropical like weather on the edge of the seasons changing, on a boundary line with few possibilities and an almost firehouse like set up that'll pound the Carolinas and maybe parts of Virginia with an onshore flow and we will know soon enough. Does it get a name? Is it Gordon or Helene? NHC has yet to crown Tropical Depression 7 as of 7 AM.

Last night watching the horrible Dolphin game, which was truly horrible unless you are a Buffalo fan, it occurred to me as I was listening to my best friend talk on the phone what a coincidence it is that TD7 looks like TOUCHDOWN!   I am not digressing.  My best friend who suddenly has decided we should talk on the phone late at night as if it's 1994 made me suddenly see TD7 differently. Touchdown. 7 points. 

I may need go back to sleep. 
Nah........ let's talk tropics........

Connect the dots. 
I know some of you can.

When they get past the Islands.
Let's talk then.
Past 70 W

The Carolilna Low...
...will deliver rain.

Name of no name.
Next 5 days.
Lots of rain.

That was a slant rhyme.
Means it kind of rhymes.
Kind of like this Season.

Expect the little yellow circle to disappear soon, or get absorbed into a larger feature. What may be a Tropical Storm if TD7 ever gets it's crown will most likely be a Fish Storm. It'd have to really almost die, but stay alive and get further West and come back alive If it is to go the distance and when I mean the distance I'm including Bermuda. 

 See 70 West..
...too many disrupting features.
Just the way it is...

Okay bottom line as there is not much to say here and what is being said is conjecture. What I am say is what's left of Frannie (my nickname, long story) is a ball wound up pulling the convection, the moisture and tropical energy into the Carolinas and the Deep South... 

Picture that green circle spinning.
It's whispers, it calls, it yells.
Follow me.
Come to me.
And the rain is coming.
The rain is actually here....
...but next few days.
They'll be lots more rain.

In the South we use lots of contractions.
This is one huge tropical contraction.
1 part stalled out frontal boundary.
1 old tropical Fran'e refusing to let go.
Fresh raining racing towards land.

Often when tropics can't produce storms.
Can't produce a bevy of hurricanes.
Old storms like Frannie don't let go...
..and Mother Nature will do Mother Nature.
So rather than one big hurricane...
...............on the  move fast.
Rain gets stuck and we get a fire hose.
Usually Charleston floods ...
... houses on stilts out over the water
Crash into the water in OBX
Depending on the track...
...this could impact DC
Time will tell.

Maybe I'll update later today.
new blog, normal blog
Right now I see trouble.
Name or no name.

And I will say this.......
This time of year produces weather makers and some slide tropical rain in sideways as if Mother Nature was holding a fire hose and is drunk having a blast, blasting rain at cities along the SE Coast. And, at some point Mother Nature tosses us a game changer in a huge tropical weather event, a real hurricane, a big hurricane and it goes the distance but it doesn't go East to West, it goes South to North and it shoves everything around including the Polar Vortex and it's a game changer, a finale people don't forget and then cool air rushes down over and over and we move fast from early pretend Fall to Fall and the finale of Winter. And, hopefully Mitch in SC and me in NC gets SNOW. But we aren't done with hurricane season yet so stick around. 

This is the greatest show...... 
                           The Seasons!!!!!
                                         Mother Nature is NOT done with us Yet!
                                                       And we are held here staring at models.......
                                                                   Or staring at satellite loops......................
                                                                                Waiting and watching.....................

Sweet Tropical Dreams!
Sweet snowy dreams...........

Dream any season you want...

...any dream you want to dream.


@bobbistorm on Twitter

Twitter Weather mostly....

... Insta whatever.

music is up above...


Thanks for reading



Silly mood Bobbi!

Will check spelling later.........
... it's just a weather diary don't ya know.



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