Invest 96L Hurricanes Are Back in Style... on the Field and In the Tropics. The U is back on Top. UM Beats Notre Dame Convincingly Moving Up in the Statistics. 2017...the year of the Hurricanes!
96L has 50% chances of forming.
You can see it out there.
Far away not coming near us.
And yet it may get the name Sean either way.
In motion it's clearly visible.

As I've said many times in November systems pop up out of nowhere and often get a name. Case in point would be Invest 96L that formed in the distant Atlantic over the weekend. Where is it going?
Don't count on the Portugal track..
...few make it across the coastline of Portugal.
But time will tell.
As Mike says it's not going West.
But it is out there.
And yes I'm still watching the Caribbean.
Writing about an area that may or may not form and may or may not become tropical in November is like lying under the covers in Raleigh watching a Steelers game. Every week the Steelers are on here and I don't know why other than those smart enough to move South to more temperate weather have made Raleigh a pseudo suburb of Pittsburgh. Every week they are on TV here and often I watch because I love football even though I do not like the Steelers. I'm a Miami girl any way you slice it and it's impossible to "like" the Steelers. So today I am rooting for the Colts! I am writing about an Invest closer to Portugal than Florida with about as much interest as I am showing for the Steelers game. Note the Steelers are so far losing. There's another half to go and we are at halftime with Invest 96L as it has a 50% chance of forming, but from the discussion you can tell this is pretty much a done deal. Colts could lose if the Steelers wake up and 96L could miss the name if the NHC is wrong, however they were fast to make an Invest. It's also near the Azores and we have bases there...
Later today the Panthers are playing the Dolphins and I won't say who I am rooting for.... nope. Keeping my mouth shut on this one. Pretty sure those who know me well will know who I will be rooting for..
Speaking of Miami and football.... the Miami Hurricanes from the University of Miami are back! Figures that the busy hurricane season in the tropics would translate to a winning, undefeated run for the Miami Hurricanes. Born in the year 1926 when the newly formed college had barely started their first classes the Great Miami Hurricane blew through town. As a symbol of "we will rebuild" the mascot was named the Ibis... The brave bird that is said to be the last to leave before a hurricane and the first to reappear afterwards. You can Google it yourself the quote below is from Wikipedia.
Some things are hard to explain. Hurricanes are back in style this year both in the tropics and on the playing field. My father graduated from UM when he moved to Florida (kind of like a snowbird) for his health and met my mother whose family goes back to the 1800s here. Mother had a pass to the UM games as she was taking classes there just after he graduated. She insisted he only dated her to go to free games at the UM, but that's not true. He thought she was beautiful, talented, smart and obviously they ended up married. My father taught me as a little girl that Canes were Dynamite while sitting on his lap watching UM football games. Last night I watched the Miami Hurricanes aka #TheU trounce the #3 team in the country almost shutting them out. Can't wait to see the new standings for the coming week.
I love football and I love weather. Even when it's a distant Invest out in the Atlantic I check the NHC to see the statistics and even when I'm not a fan of either team I'll watch a game if it's on. But's nothing like the joy of watching the Hurricanes dominate again on the playing field.
Go figure... 2017 the Year of the Hurricanes! May it continue well into 2018 on the playing field.
Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter
Ps..... watching that game was like staying up late Saturday night for the new models to come in and for each new image on the NRL to load; for sunrise to illuminate the structure of the eye of a Cat 5 Hurricane. Hypnotic! My father always said it's defense that wins games... seems he was right!
Labels: 96L, football, hurricanes, ibis, sean, sebastian., tropics, um, weather
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