95L Designated in the Atlantic from Low Chances NHC 30% ..Saturday Night and the Tropics

Let's talk tropics. It's November and we have an Invest with a 30% chance of something forming as of Saturday Night. A bit early for an Invest to be designated, however it has an impressive signature on satellite imagery and it could easily become a SubTropical Storm in this region that often finds such storms popping up in November. I've said here and on Twitter that this time of year you watch the satellites and see what pops up more than staring at waves or models. Model confirmation is nice, but without seeing the Invest named I knew something was forming by looking at the loops tonight. It's November... that's how things go in November. It has low chances still, but it's worth noting it's there. Oh, it also has a "floater" shown above. It has that heads down, dragon like look that shows up in the Atlantic in the middle of nowhere often in November.
30% in 5 Days.
Not orange yet it has an Invest.
November areas to watch...
Yeah, that's logical.
Close up... nice view.
Weak signature on Earthnull.
Close up below.
If it forms it moves up into the North Atlantic.
I'll update on Sunday.
Nice water vapor loop below.

Again it is common for storms here to form.
Pop up briefly, get a name.
Move on..
I wouldn't be surprised it it develops.
Wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't.
Will be surprised if nothing else forms.
Logical to believe we see Rina this year.
Time will tell.
Have a great evening.
This is November.
Winter weather sharing time with the Hurricane Season.
Besos BobbiStorm
Ps.... Snow is not moving into the SE anytime soon.
It seems. But hope springs eternal so...
I'm hoping... but not expecting.
Higher chances to see TS Rina or SubTropical Rina first.
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