Updated! Olga & Pablo Form! Short Lived Olga & Small Pablo Within Huge Gale
We found OLGA...
Where we expected.
TD 17 now Olga...
Maybe longer than Imelda existed.
Pablo is my old N Atlantic Gale 98L
Don't they kind of look like bookends.
Opposite mirror like images.
Olga's adjacent Frontal System...
Takes up half of the USA
Pablo's signature takes up half the Atlantic.
NHC continues the editorializing ...
...funny headlines.
"during the next few hours"
(that long?)
"small tropical storm forms"
Um... yeah inside a huge system.
Track for OLGA below..
Discussion from NHC above.
Below we have PABLO
Where ya gonna go Pablo....
Cities in the path of Pablo...
A strategic place in WW 1 I believe.
Google it ...
That's it.
I'm not going to discuss this further.
Danger with Olga is flooding and rain.
Cold weather coming.
I am becoming a believer on next week's storm.
We'll talk on that next week.
As for the N Atlantic.
Busy times up there this year.
Next name up is Rebekah.
Personally I thought we would hit that name.
Maybe Sebastien..
Hey at this rate we could get to Tanya.
November really does bring oddities in the tropics.
This whole season has felt a bit odd for sure.
But wayward wrong way storms.
Caribbean systems..
If any form and a front is near South Florida.
It might give them a scare.
Or cross over Cuba...
Or who knows.
Welcome to 2019.
Olga and Pablo.
Scratch them off the list.
2 beautiful romantic type of names.
Why they upgraded computer info on Pablo 1st?
Who knows.
I no longer care.
My job here is to provide information.
Hopefully a bit of entertainment.
A bit of tropical discussion....
...history and geography.
Have a great weekend!
If you didn't read the blog already...
...please keep reading.
Theres's our world on Friday afternoon.
Oh did I mention this?
Yellow in Atlantic.
Next week might be interesting.
Discussion from NHC below:
Real time blogs are funny.
This is definitely the case of the missing Olga.
But as it's a live real time blog.
We will solve this mystery soon!

Note both our systems.
One looks like a large...well Pablo
Or Olga.
But 17 looks like a Cold front suddenly.
Perhaps it's just in comparison...
From outer space on Earthunll...
...up above at the top.
You can see the real Tropical System.
The one deserving of a name.

Up to 80%
Can I get a name at 5 PM?
Pretty please?

Do we really have to wait til morning visible?
Check this out.
How odd.
Tropical Tidbits has it as Pablo.
Did I miss this while being off for an hour?
But let's look at it up close.
Kind of looked like it had an eye briefly.
NRL has it as Pablo.
What happened to O?
Maybe it's in the wind ....
Whether 17 is Olga or not soon.
Flooding and Heavy Rain remain the threat
Compare and contrast below.
Our 2 systems on both sides of the Atlantic.
Tropical Depression 17
Cities in the path of TD 17
Possibly Olga later today.
Good discussion as always.
Explains the behind the scenes thinking.
TD Discussion from NHC
1 thing to mention ...
... don't laugh it off as a weather maker.
Tornadoes... Water Spouts.
Severe Weather Rushing in North.
Tornado Warning in Gulfport MS
Most likely waterspout on shore.

#tropicaldepression #TD17 not #Olga (oh...could #98L be Olga?) what a day... tropically speaking kind of like a new reality TV show... #weather #drama https://t.co/vEWhwZSiWe— BobbiStorm (@BobbiStorm) October 25, 2019
Fast Summary of today's Blog.
Explanation of the discussion on yesterday's blog.
My fascination with the North Atlantic Gale.
Now Invest 98L raised to 50% chances.
Invest 97L now at 100% chances.
Introducing Invest 98L
GOM at 100%
TD 17...
So which gets the name of Olga?
Such weather drama today.
Yesterday's blog.
Why would I lead with a N ATL Gale?
Because I knew it was coming.
(Cheerwine beat the PSL ones... just saying)
A look back at yesterday's blog.
Where do your eyes go.
Mine went to the N ATL Gale.
Tho the GOM gets high marks.
Weather wise high marks.
Location wise much closer to us.
But oh wow look at that Gale.
Takes up 1/3 of the Atlantic.
Today is the day weather people wait for at the end of the hurricane season when basically anything and everything goes and everything and anything is game to be named in the tropics. North Atlantic Gales out near the Azores get sudden upgraded attention and Gulf of Mexico Hybrid Systems hooking up with a cold front get named in some way as they head to important ports of call such as Nola and suddenly ride up the Mississippi River Valley vs taking yesterday's "carved in stone track" that leaned NE towards Georgia, North Florida and the Carolinas. Am I the only one who will admit or talk on how they totally pulled the model track for 97L to the West (left) and changed the orientation as it's moving fast, forming fast, falling into the pattern that the Cold Front is forcing as it merges into some wild weather maker. And.... as that pushes more to the North it whispers problems with the next system that may be colder, stronger and diving down deeper. As Dave Schwartz, of blessed memory, used to say... when something goes UP... something else comes down. The Atmosphere is like a wild ride at the fair, it's never stagnant it keeps on spinning.
Today is one Crazy Weather Day.
And next week (coming soon)
Going to be Crazy too!
Greatest Show on Earth.
Again a real weather maker.
Things I wonder on...
Did anyone but me notice?
Or admit?
That they changed the track drastically.
Yesterday it went over me in NC
Now it's straight up the Mississippi River Valley
Because the front was stronger.
Diving fast... grabbing 97L
Next front dives deeper ...
And below ... beautiful.
Our beautiful systems.
97L now TD 17
N ATL Gale now 98L
But look how it's all connected.
Greatest Show on Earth. #weather #tropics #Olga & North Atlantic Gale maybe system too https://t.co/XLVVLmtkcS #writing pic.twitter.com/wYE3sJigtg— BobbiStorm (@BobbiStorm) October 25, 2019
Look how it's all connected.
I'll live update today.
It's going to be a crazy weather day.
Note next week will be crazy too!
I'll correct any typos later.
Special thanks to Bulletproof Coffee
and... my asthma meds.
The State Fair was good..
...not as good as last year.
But a bit much for me.
But oh my gosh so much fun.
Quick look at Earthnull.
Understand October storms ..
..are rarely perfect.
From outer space it's all about 98L
But.. when something is near Nola..
It's all about Nola and Louisiana
Not perfect.
Packing TS Winds...
...but just TD 17
98L wow...
Big military base there..
Much Love,
@bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram.
Ps...and they play country music.
Heard this song often.
So leaving it here now.
Great song.
Many great songs.
Or this song also is good............
First time I went to the NC State Fair.
They were playing Carolina Girls.
As I entered the gate...
...and I smiled.
Because the Southern Girl I was raised to be..
...finally found a real Southern Town.
Do you remember your first kiss?
Your REAL first kiss?
Your first hurricane?
Do you remember your first Fair?
Do you remember your first Circus?
Labels: 97L, 98L, hurricane, Olga, Pablo, season., TD17, tropical, tropics, weather
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