Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Still Raining in Carolinas.... Clean Up in Carolina Beach Goes On.... Roads Out in Places.... NO NAME #8 Came with Strong, Surprising Punch. All Eyes Now on Caribbean & Ensemble Models That Produce Carib Storm & Then ?? FL ?? Lots of Questions.... Stay Alert


Tropics Today. 
Even Gordon is dead.
(some say he will come back-not today)

via Mike @tropicalupdate
He does easy, good posts always.
Without hype!

I think the main message regarding the hyped hurricane out of the Caribbean that takes on all of Florida needs to be addressed. Yes, it's very possible that a hurricane can and will form out of the CAG and the general overall pattern is a concern for Florida. It is also a concern for Cuba, Bahamas and other parts of the Gulf of Mexico. Everything depends on timing. IF a front is coming down or IF a front stalls out and then WHERE the front might be when the storm makes it's move. 

Ripe with potential landfalls.

Weak African Waves.
Waves hit a WALL.

The Storm has NOT formed but it's that time of year when storms do form in the Carib and take aim on Florida. Nothing new here to see, but it's a great reminder that the Hurricane Season is not dead. The Atlantic Basin can be divided into two different parts, the MDR and East Atantic that has seemed "dead in the water" or "dead in the Saharan Dust" and the Eastern part of the Hurricane Basin that has hosted that have all made landfall. That is the signature of 2024, not a very busy MDR but landfalling Hurricanes.

Gordon on the right is the dud.

So know this is the way of the hurricane season as we move towards October, and I have said multiple times this year we are at least 3 weeks ahead of normal. I have the windows open and the ceiling fan on and it's actually on the cold side in Raleigh, damp and cold. Today anyway, then warms up but trees are beginning to show color that usually happens deep into October and peaks in November.

Keep watching. Enjoy a "quiet" day in the tropics. Mike says... a lot of people have Hurricane Fatigue lol and I'll agree tho for me it might be PTC8 fatigue, it's like the guest who came for tea and won't leave. And, yet it's cool and beautiful and I have the windows open so not really complaining but worth mentioning so I'm going to take the rest of the day off and just do whatever I want, without worrying on the tropics.

A yellow circle will show up somewhere soon and there's also musing in some circles another close in system may form along the coast as the moisture is not going away and pressures lower. Then again when that happens a strong cold front can move down fast sweeping it away. Problem with that in late September is that what goes down, stalls and comes back up as a warm front and then ....more so formation at the base of a stalled out frontal boundary often happen this time of year. Sometimes, those close in storms become part of an overall steering current for a mean, big hurricane down to the SW in the Carib.

Have a great day. 
Crazy news day, pick a news story. Plenty to stay busy with other than hurricanes today.  

Sweet Tropical Dreams
@bobbistorm on Twitter
Twitter mostly weather, Insta whatever.

Ps It's all about the barometer.
Less hot water.
When barometer drops....
... storms more likely to form.
Watch the moisture rich areas.
And wait.......

one of my favorite songs.


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