Waiting on Tornado Season... Winter Leaving Slowly... Hurricane Season 34 Days Away. Ever Try to Understand Storm Chasers?

It's that time of year when we switch over from worrying on winter storms to wondering where the Spring storms are and when the Hurricane Season will really get going. Many are calling for an active early part of the Hurricane Season that being June/July/August with the possibility of a May named storm forming. You can see from the loop above that "cold fronts" are still moving down towards South Florida. Severe weather for now is not showing it's face across the US in any real way.
Note winter has for the most part departed.
TWC has almost sounded apologetic of late regarding the lack of tornado chasing coverage. That may change in the next week or so but for now there has been a curious lack of tornadoes to talk about. In the realm of time everything has it's season. Baseball begins, then we watch our storm chaser friends chase tornadoes, then as the NFL Draft gets underway we count down the days until the beginning of the Atlantic Hurricane Season. There are 34 days to go; I know there are 34 days to go because my friend who has a count down going told me so. To everything there is a season and I'm sure at some point we will be watching those storms clashing on the plains somewhere as one unmovable force meets another and the winds begin to spin up into Twisters. It's just a matter of time....
Also it's just a matter of time that people will need hurricane supplies on hand. Should you have a jar of Jerusalem Artichoke Relish someone gave you that you can't figure out what to do with... hold onto it because it will spice up your hurricane picnic as you eat the remains of what was in the fridge once the power is out come September... Personally I stock up on cans of premade Cuban Coffee for my caffeine addiction in case the power goes out. To each his own.
And know that when the weather is quiet in one part of the world it is often raging somewhere else. In Israel this past week friends who made Aliyah from Miami were posting one video after another of what looked like Miami May Monsoons. Thunder, lightning and flash flooding both in the city and out in the Negev in areas that are known for flash flooding. People died, dams collapsed, rivers ran wild and weather doesn't pay attention to politics when it comes to who lives or who dies. Weather is an equal opportunity provider of tragedy.
My suggestion to you is to assess your needs be it Severe Weather, Tornadoes or Hurricanes and stock up on what you can to help you survive. And, as always stay in top of late breaking weather be it an App or the old school weather radio or even asking Alexa. As for me I'm addicted to Mikes Weather Page and www.spaghettimodels.com.
And, if you are finding yourself missing tornado coverage you may want to read a good book that explains how the mind of a storm chaser or meteorologist works. The how and why and just when it happens that a person falls in love passionately and obsessively with some form of weather. Whether you are obsessed with hurricanes or hail or tornadoes the process is the same in the way you fall in love and begin to follow the weather even if it means chasing the weather as some of us have done. Spoiler Alert once you do it .... you may be hooked for a life time and you may indeed also become hooked on weather.
I read the book on my way to Seattle and I have to tell you it was my fastest trip to Seattle ever. Time which seems to hang still on a long set of flights unless you are the type to fall asleep and I am not.... moved fast the way an approaching line of storms roll across the Plains or the way a squall in the outer bands of a strong hurricane races across a city warning people it's time to hurry up and finish preparations because the hurricane is almost here. It's a good read. I'd recommend it personally to a psychologist as it is as much about how the human brain works as it is about barometric pressure and dry lines and humidity.
Besos BobbiStorm
@bobbistorm on Twitter
Ps... I didn't know Tim Samaras but I knew of him from his friends and his incredible pictures and impressive life work. I watched the funeral and pondered on how one minute you're wishing Carl Young happy birthday and suddenly he along with Tim and his son were gone with the wind. That's true. And, we've all wondered when someone would actually die in a storm that they were chasing while standing at the beach on rocks with the wind ripping at you trying to see in the middle of a strong squall. We've been lucky or maybe that was just dumb luck hard to say. I will say that a life lived fully and shared with people who you enjoy being with is.... well a life well lived.
Labels: books, chasers, football, hurricane, life, music, storms, tornadoes, weather
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