It's cold and gray in Raleigh today. Very little GREEN showing anywhere today out there... a few vines, pines and magnolia trees... otherwise GRAY and cold. My husband who is from upstate NY and who is rarely, really cold said it was "raw" this morning when he went out to get the paper. I'm inside keeping warm, watching CNN and nibbling on snacks from yesterday's holiday of Purim. It's a holiday of dress up in costumes and give out what looks like Halloween baskets...vs going trick or treat we drive around passing out treats to our friends. Like Easter Baskets gone Halloween dress up. It's a fun holiday... you drink, you dance, you party hardy.
One cute costume last night at the dinner at the temple was this lady...
Raleigh..........still gray in Mid-March...even at a Mexican Fiesta...
In Miami my kids dressed up for a party in the Grove... more color...
And this blog today is sort of dedicated to them and the ongoing news of the day...of the week...
Missing Malaysian Plane going on over 10 days ...still missing...
I don't want to talk about weather...however...note ANOTHER storm may be coming in a week to ten days... you heard it here first. I'll update if the models continue to warn of another winter storm in late March. Oh...but El Nino may be coming..note the word "MAY" and that may change things in the long term.
Also... there was a strong earthquake in Westwood, California... crazy for me to even wrap my head around that one as ... I've lived in LA and it's Westwood..not out in the high desert somewhere. It's been updated to 4.4 which is just a shelf shaker in LA usually and said to have been Encino. A little unclear here but.. time will give more details. Worth noting tho.. because all weather people are really closet geology geeks.
Busy news day.
Crimea voted to be part of Russia... big surprise there....NOT. Boy, you win some .. you lose some. So Putin temporarily lost Kiev and got back his beach... big win for Putin!
And with regard to the plane have you noted there are no hard facts anywhere. Every new "BREAKING NEWS" starts with the word "MAY" and usually is quoted from an "unnamed source"
I'm a big believer that we will know what happened in the end.. but we are not at the end yet.
Note this did happen with a 727 before which people forget and at that time a 727 was looked at the way we look at a 777. So..not really unprecedented except for this particular scenario....whatever the scenario is exactly as we may or may not know what happened.
This plane is the 727 that vanished...poof...gone. Never found.
So you see when they say it never happened before... did...just different Boeing...different set up
I'm going to go here with my kids, because they truly are the best Reality TV show you could imagine. Doubt any are reading the blog today as they are recuperating from the partying... and well who reads Momma's blog? Will change the names to protect the not so innocent. Enjoy... and it's not in the private family Facebook so figure it's sort of fair game ;) But it does show how everyone everywhere is discussing this missing plane story as it's tragic... a lot of people may have died a horrible death including 2 infants. It's scary as we all fly and it could happen to any of us and that is how we all think.. deep down. It could be in the hands of terrorists....ewwwww. It's a mystery that right now has no ending and no real clues.
Enjoy.. Happy St. Paddys Day and Shushan Purim (basically the Morning After...)
Picture from last night... so this blog is officially Green for today
YOUNGEST SON shared a link.
March 13
“A total flight time of five hours after departing Kuala Lumpur means the Boeing 777 could have continued for an additional distance of about 2,200 nautical miles, reaching points as far as the Indian Ocean, the border of Pakistan or even t...See More
Malaysia: No Debris Where China Satellite Pointed, New Report Suggests MH370 May Have Flown on...
U.S. investigators suspect Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 continued flying for about four additional hours after it lost contact with air...
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MY YOUNGEST BROTHER: Yep that's what I told you when we were talking the other day about it during dinner.. what I think happened was like 911...they were gonna fly it somewhere specific to crash it into....
March 13 at 8:01am · Edited · Like
YOUNGEST SON From 777 Wiki page: "The 777-200LR is the world's longest-range airliner and can fly more than halfway around the globe; it holds the record for the longest distance flown non-stop by a commercial aircraft."
March 13 at 8:16am · Like
YOUNGEST SON Flight 370 Was a 777-200ER.... The ER stands for extended range..
March 13 at 8:18am · Like
ME: Has extra fuel usually than normal flight time. Sometimes planes go missing...usually not missing just not where they were supposed to be and there is always a reason.
March 13 at 8:29am · Like
OLDEST SON So assuming it was hijacked and diverted. Where is it now? Crashed? Or landed on a deserted island. Is this lost tv show??
March 13 at 9:17am · Like · 2
OLDEST DAUGHTER: to S.. on the tv show they were dead... my question still says the same isn't the black box radar locator? Or ppls cell phones have radar gps even if not on.... so .. explain
March 13 at 9:23am · Like
OLDEST SON: They weren't dead. Watch the finale again.
March 13 at 9:43am · Like · 1
YOUNGEST SON: Wait "S:... They were dead
March 13 at 9:44am · Like · 1
OLDEST DAUGHTER: They were in the btwn world ... point is I vote for the aliens
March 13 at 9:56am · Like
OLDEST SON: omg. seriously? I have to explain it to you? Yes, in the finale they were dead. But they lived their lives, they were alive when they crash landed on the island. They just weren't letting go of their connection to the island and sort of floating around at the end of their lives and needed to let go so they can pass on.
March 13 at 9:56am · Like
YOUNGEST SON But they all really died on impact...
March 13 at 10:11am · Like · 1
YOUNGEST SON: I have to rewatch that series
March 13 at 10:11am · Like · 1
OLDEST DAUGHTER: I think I need to watch it too... ugh maybe we all have different perspectives... anyway back to the plane..
March 13 at 10:13am · Like
MY YOUNGEST BROTHER: No you got to stop and ponder and think that it landed somewhere and they are being held hostage somewhere and there would be an announcement sort of ransom demand from some terrorist group if in fact there was no explosion and now usa saying it traveled for at least 4 hours after falling off the radar???
March 13 at 10:29am · Like
ME: to (youngest son) thanks. Note...very possible the plane crashed .. either accident or on purpose... if not.
Hurricane Harbor: Missing 300 Million Dollar Boeing 777 .. Malaysian Vice .... Follow the Money...
March 13 at 1:23pm · Like · Remove Preview
ME to YOUNGER the blog. Its the capital of human trafficking...people smuggling irs not Miami. Love u...
March 13 at 7:17pm · Like
YOUNGEST BROTHER: Latest conspiracy theory is there were 20 members on the plane from a company called Rolls Royce in Texas they're working with the military on cloacking military aircraft and their all mayasian/chinese and their thinking that there might be some type of connection there to the disappearance of the plane..
March 13 at 7:45pm · Like
ME: (to youngest brother) freescale not RR...
RF Military Systems Engineer
Freescale Semiconductor is the global leader in embedded processing solutions, s...See More
March 14 at 1:36pm · Like · Remove Preview
#2 OLDEST DAUGHTER (and serious sleuth like youngest son...) Since ya'll aren't watching.
Malaysian officials have made a statement saying the systems were deliberately shut down. The plane took sharp dives and after that continued to fly at a low altitude... for about 7 hours which is coincidentally, the amount of fuel the plane would have had. They are saying it flew about that long off course, possibly in the direction of Kazakhstan (or Thailand where the passports were originally stolen... My Speculation)
And yet for some crazy ass reason unbeknownst to me, the two Saudi boys named Mohammed with stolen passports, minimal luggage and rock climbing harnesses and gear were cleared as not a threat... Let that sink in for a while.
Personal opinion: when the altitude dropped, they stole a plane, are probably, savagely killing passengers and have plans for the plane that's probably in a hanger on some remote island. Because terrorists think a plane is the ultimate weapon.
March 15 at 12:59pm · Like
DAUGHTER #2 to MY YOUNGER BROTHER: add those engineers (hopefully terrorists were smart enough to make sure they were engineers...) Kept them alive and have plans for them . Can't blame the US gov for everything.
March 15 at 1:03pm · Like
Daughter #2; FYI: did u know 2 of the 911 hijackers were from Malaysia, and to get to the computers to deliberately shut down the communications devices you would have to manage to climb into and under the plane..... Hum...
March 15 at 7:22pm · Like · 1
ME: so far mommy and D#2 are right.." plane could have landed and refueled but either way most likely did not crash (cnn showed points in thailand that a 777 could have landed..) and plane was hijacked diverted whatever u want to call it and think freescale has been awfully quiet... and yeah now looking to see if any might have been from the nw part of china which is arabic not chinese and has been trying to hook up with al kaida
March 15 at 11:33pm · Like · 1
YOUNGEST SON: Firstly I'd like to say its really sad been I've been saying since day one. They will not find this plane. Whatever happened has already happened. Planes been sold.. Hidden... Dismantled.. Whatever. Don't want to even imagine where the passengers are. Easily the biggest heist in 100 years. And if the plane did somehow crash. Friendly reminder that the titanic sunk in 1912 and was not found until 1985
10 hours ago · Like · 1
ME: oh lord u sound like my friend.
9 hours ago · Like
ME nite. and everything floats to the surface sooner rather than later and hopefully wont get worse. love u Z
9 hours ago · Like · 2
ME: wear green tomorrow...oh gee hmmm "M" got the green costume. nite
9 hours ago · Like
DAUGHTER #2: In part to the air France tragedy, our ability to find parts at the bottom of the ocean has improved a bit since 1912/85.... But I think your absolutely right that what's done is done. It's scary as hell.
9 hours ago · Like
DAUGHTER #2 Can google just snap new pics....?
What does that entail?
9 hours ago · Like
YOUNGEST SON: Mommy.... Not everything floats. Titanic is still at the bottom of the ocean
9 hours ago · Like
DAUGHTER #2: Plane parts float, luggage floats.
9 hours ago · Unlike · 1
ME: new "may" have happened
a) pilot's wife and children moved out the day before
b) he was at a court hearing for controversial anti gov leader hours b4 flight
c) others on plane knew how to fly a plane..
d) may have flown at 5,000 ft
e) may have flown at 40,000 ft
f) kazakstan says they saw nothing
g) israel doen't trust them.. setting up what if it bcomes a cruise missle
h) kerry lost crimea
i) big wig ex aviation execs said it may have landed somewhere
j) china doesn't like malaysia
k) it may be at the bottom of the Indian Ocean 20,000 ft below
l) Malaysia don't like pilot who doesn't like rulers of Malaysia
m) co-pilot was looking for girls on board while pilot stole the plane
n) it may have flown over the himalayas
o) al kaida really wishes it had thought of this
p) movies are being written pending ending
q) weezers get no respect
r) don't believe it had xtra fuel they didn't request any (??? wtf huh?)
s) the word "hijack" is as politically incorrect as "stupid"
t) diverted is new world for hijacked
u) Malaysian air too cheap to pay 4 receiver 4 sat signal think virginmobile
v) putin very impressed someone pulled this off... taking notes
w) happened b4 727 ppl have short memories Angolan plane
x) maybe it did have a cloaking device from freescale.. hmnnn
z) pilot liked wearing political tee shirts
BONUS ... song... (stupid friend insists its under the sea...
The point of me using my discussion with my kids is.....
You are ALL doing the same thing...
I know you are and no I am not a spy...or Miss Cleo.
Almost everyone..everywhere is watching CNN again..
for real investigative journalism
..praying for good news
expecting the worst news...
My advice... go on with life.
Live, love and try to be happy..
Kiss your kids, hug them... steal from them if you have a blog... enjoy what you've got while you've got it. Do acts of goodness and kindness. Give charity. Watch the news. Stay informed on the weather and the news... enjoy sports.
And.... a special thanks to my middle son who thinks he is the oldest who went to my father-in-law's retirement home and took a basket of Purim food to an old man... jolly old man who is alone in FL as a favor for his step-father .. my husband. He sat with him.. talked, shmoozed... made him feel good. Make someone feel good today.. while worrying on earthquakes and missing planes and how to pay our bills and worrying on death and taxes...
If a holiday comes along...enjoy it!! My kids did last night at Chabad of the Grove...note the pregnant nun is my daughter in law due in May ... her husband the priest is not the oldest son and only one child here actually wrote in the post from Facebook... it's a mystery...........
May you all be blessed and know when to enjoy the holiday..note Green daughter there is set for today ...
L'Chaim (to life) and Cheers!
Besos Bobbi
PS...if that's true about the rock climbing gear. That's a big hmnn "stolen passports, minimal luggage and rock climbing harnesses and gear were cleared as not a threat... Let that sink in for a while."