Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Who is Dreaming on a White Christmas? I'd Like Snow for my Birthday.....Either Way Loving Frosty Mornings in Raleigh. Cool Air! Fresh Air. A House Decorated and Trying to Ignore Models that Promise Possibilities ...then.......Yank them Away!


Going to be honest. I'm not promising anyone anything for the holidays. 

Elevation matters....but you still need moisture to get snow!

Cold in place helps, but you still need moisture to get snow!

Much depends on the atmospheric flow to get snow!

I'm laying low these days on X as I scroll along feeling like the Grinch stole Christmas has taken over X and Instagram and fill in your favorite social media because everyone is kvetchy and no that is not a mixed metaphor! I can definitely blame this on Hollywood. All those movies and commercials that end with snow falling silently into the silent night and with children smiling and lovers kissing. Closer we get to December 25th and people are feeling cheated because they have been promised happy endings and snow for the holidays.

Link below to a tour ...of the lights in KW!

If you are not a snow lover then go South to the Florida Keys where everything is lit up with little Christmas lights and tinsel on the palm trees and tropical drinks to toast you're far away from roasting chesnuts on an open fire.

This was last year in Fenton, NC (Cary)

Huge tree on other side of Ice Skating Rink.
other side with the Ice Menorah.
All beautiful.

Chanukah, a holiday I do celebrate is in the Winter usually around the Winter Solstice and it's very magical outside at night with a crowd around an Ice Menorah that's singing with the glow of the candles and it feels like a Hollywood movie as we connect seasons to the holidays. I have a friend or two from Austrailia and they have to suffer through all the "winter nonsense" as Christmas and Chanukah are Summer holidays in the land down under where they grew up. I know how they feel.........I grew up in Miami. Tinsel and a can of spray snow was the closest I got to a "White Christmas" and being the only Jewish kid on the block everyone would come over and ask if I wanted to put "tinsel" on their tree or spray the fake snow on it. And, yes I did. I'm really good at throwing tinsel softly on the tree. At the library where I worked I was in charge of helping decorate and as I'm Southern... we just love to decorate!

I'm not really sure what you love the most as you read this long rant on the things I love vs the ranting online about "not getting snow" "getting snow" or "why is it so warm in the winter" vs people a few states over whining about "why is it so cold this year" and on and on it goes.

Have we become a nation of whiners I wonder?

I blame this also on THE Models and I do not mean the Victoria's Secrets.

The models are the updated version of the carrot and the stick. In order to get us to come back every six hours or so this must have been programmed into them by some evil programmer who was told to do anything to get them to come back in six hours.

In one week I was promised no snow and  I was promised warm weather and then I was promised an Ice Storm and now it's promising me January will be really white, wintry and cold. The same models that promise us a Category 5 Hurricane hitting New Orleans on the 10th day are now up to the same game except they are offering the weather people snow on the 10th day. 

Do not fall for it!

It'll snow when it snows. 

If you can't get snow go to Montana or  Wyoming in January and February and wait until it snows. If you can't afford a ticket then turn off all the lights at night, turn on videos of snow falling on YouTube or whatever and pretend it's real. Hey I did that for years....................growing up in Miami.

Meanwhile I'm enjoying the cool air, the cold air and the scenic room heater that looks like a mini fireplace you can get at Target and it throws colorful, fake flames against the fake wooden bricks in the background and warm air that doesn't make my head feel funny the way it does when the actual reverse cycle AC/Heater blows heat. Sorry not complaining, just saying love the little fake fireplace.

I'm enjoying what showed up this morning and that was frost !! Also something I didn't see much in Miami growing up.

Love Winter. I love the cold fresh air that feels light, crispy and doesn't weigh you down like 90 degrees in the Summer does. Love whatever I can get and sometimes that's frost and this morning there was frost on the rooftops and on the cars and it sparkled like diamonds in the sunshine!

Little rainbow effect as well.
simply beautiful.

Important to enjoy what you got....
...rather than staring at models that are not
really always that reliable. 
Especially in the South...
...where snow storms form in real time.
Not like you can track them for a week...

I'm a Capricorn. For years I've been cheated out of presents because "here's a really nice gift for your birthday and Chanukah!" which goes over the way no snow falling from the sky after being promised by the Models continously until it evaporates into reality goes ....  I have a friend at the Temple who was raised Catholic and born in Mid December and apparentlty she got the same crappy line except "I got you a really nice gift because it's almost Christmas and your birthday" and she ranted longer than me and to be fair she rarely got a birthday party because there were so many parties going on who would come? Not easy being a Capricorn, you wonder why they always seem to be depressed if they aren't making jokes.

Not snow but whoah!
Dark blue shiny cartop...
...showing frost and shadows from the Elm Tree.

Maybe it's a sign....

Stay tuned.
Listen to the songs you love.
Cook the food you can that you love.
Send love, share love.

Stop kvetching about models...
..there's more to winter than snow.
But trust me it's at the top of my wish list!

Sweet Snowy Dreams,

Link to Trolley Tour ... goes right past my family homestead that was on Whitehead Street :)

I also blame Irving Berlin and Bing Crosby
Decades later....people drawn in....
Helps to be in New England
Montana or anywhere there's elevation.
I have 2 kids with families in North Georgia this week!
Seems Helene helped GA Mtns tourism wise.

No one remembers Bob Hope.
Only Bing Crosby wishing on snow.........

Yup, it's Hollywood's fault!

Best advice I can give a screen writer.
Make sure it snows at the end.
People will love the movie more.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

December Weather.... What Weather Are You Wishing For Tonight?? Henry Miller and Weather and a Short Mimic Loop. Weather in the Tropics but... Just Weather.


Not beating a dead horse. 
It's not dead actually.
Producing wild weather still. there's that. Weather in the tropics.

Talking on Weather History.
62 years ago was 1962
Cold freeze in Florida

Post by Matt Dewitt on X
35 in Miami wow...that's cold.
10 in Tally!!!

Enjoy. Odd doings in the Atlantic.
I made a short Mimic video!

Odd doings in the Pacific.

Seen any drones recently?
lolol sorry not funny.
Maybe funny.

Saturday Night update on the Weather.
Everyone wishing on something...
... winter weather in many places

In truth the weather has been gorgeous, incredible and I'm not going to complain. Blue skies, cool but not too cold and sunny! That's not bad. Yes, I want snow, but it's only December and I have miles to go before... well you get the gist of this.  

I spent the day reading, because I couldn't fall asleep and it was inspiring to lose myself in reading. What inspires you I wonder as I sit here typing watching a movie partially on mute that I really should not watch. But you know the little fake fireplace is going, blowing warm air into the room and it has mesmerizing colors that remind me of the Northern Lights that I am now obsessed with and I decided to blog this evening as I have been missing in action with this blog while on a vacation. In truth, the Hurricane Season is officially over, though December storms do happen and who really reads my blog deep in December? 

Don't worry this isn't "true confessions" this evening, but just being myself and in a mood!

This is my blog.
This is my weather journal.
There is no weather here except fair, sunny and cool weather.
So if you are here for the weather..........move along and come back tomorrow. 
I'll get over it. Just y'all come back now. I'm Southern, really and we do say stuff like that! thing I learned today while reading an old Henry Miller book I found at the Used Book Store in Pittsboro was the Greek word for water   νερό  that's how you spell it in Greek but we would say Nero in English! I should have known that but I digress, at the moment I smiled. Hey I had to pass Russian for my degree in International Relations not Greek. The most I know how to say in Greek is the high school sorority I was in high school. Gamma Lambda Phi! Now back to the book.  I typed "reading" but when I find an old story or book by Henry Miller I haven't read then my reading is more like surfing along on the waves as his descriptive phrases are like waves of words beating towards the shoreline and you can feel the warmth of the fire he's watching and sense the taste of the food he's swallowing and the way the weather feels and makes Henry feel as he takes everyone along on a journey through his mind. You don't even really care if there's no plot, because it's just a joy to read his words, flowing along magically. And, then I saw this paragraph where he waxed poetic about Sherwood Anderson and weather and I literally said out loud "oh that's so cute" and yet it doesn't surprise me as Henry infuses weather into all of his writing. Oh, bonus for people who are reading as this IS about weather.

"To be aware of the weather, to be in it, battling with it, meant everything to me. In Antoniou's countenance there were always traces of the weather. And in Sherwood Anderson's writing there are always traces of the weather. I like men who have the weather in their blood. . . " The quote is from "the Colossus of Maroussi" by  Henry Miller in 1941. Just to be clear here the ". . ." was the end of that paragraph and he did that way before the Internet, imagine that!

Henry Miller evokes the mood with words you may have to look up in a dictionary if you have not spent your life learning words to use for that special moment such as the opportunity to use the word lugubrious shown below. The NHC does that when they put out a Tropical Weather Outlook and they call the tropical wave "vigorous" the only problem being that's really the only good word they use to describe a healthy tropical wave. Yes, I used "tropical" three times in a sentence! They need to be a little more creative....


(they rhyme!!)

I don't think I would want to drink Retsina, but who knows though I wonder if it has magical powers like Absinthe? I have a writing friend who drank the real stuff just before getting on a plane coming back from Europe. He said it made him feel sick, nauseous but rather than throwing up he wrote the whole flight back vigorously and didn't stop until the plane landed at JFK. 

Link to an article on how Retsina deserves a second chance is below.

I have a friend who writes like Henry Miller in that he likes to toss in huge words that you aren't sure he made up himself to show off his wide knowledge of vocabulary that he rarely uses it a text message. Sometimes I'm jealous at the wave he weaves his words so perfectly one after another and once I threw something he wrote across the room, because it was almost to painful to read things he was saying that made way too much sense to me and were written so perfectly. Then I went over, picked it up and went into the backyard so my children wouldn't worry on me cursing and throwing things at the wall. I'm a sucker for a good writer. Apparently writers are a sucker for me too. 

So as I sit here in North Carolina hiding from the world, finished with the hurricane season while enjoying the last golden vestiges of Fall as a few leaves mostly on maple trees cling to a mostly bare tree and the two huge Oak Trees that were once markers for the property that was most likely a farm 200 years ago where I currently live in 2024 turn shades of gold with the blue sky peaking through as the cold wind blows showering me in golden leaves and I smile as I love naked trees the way a naked wave looks beautiful even though it's not a healthy sign for the wave....  you can see the spirals, the banding visible on the visible imagery. Redundantly beautiful if I may say so. Miller loves tossing in simple words like naked into his prose even when nothing sexual is going on and I'll add I'm close to a hundred pages in and nothing is really going on other than me getting high on the wild eloquence in his flow of thought prose that is similar to Anias Nin, but honestly hers is better. Again I digress.

Waiting on Winter Weather. Wishing on Winter Weather. I may just go Up North and hold my breathe like an angry, stubborn child refusing to leave until I see snow falling in the daytime. To be fair, to be honest I love watching snow fall in the Carolinas in the daytime specifically. The deep, dark green pines and the magnificent Magniolas provide a colorful backdrop to white snow covering everything else. It's easy to leave and go where it snows but I want to see snow in my backyard, on the huge Oak Trees covering their brown branches and stand there in awe, amazed and totally in love with weather.


Sweet whatever dreams you want......
@bobbistorm on X
X mostly weather
Other social medias......whatever.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Back from Holiday..........Dreams of Snow Collide with Atlantic/Caribbean Spin in December?????? Odd Year...


This is an unusual signature.
I'm not expecting much.
But I'd be a miss if I didn't mention it.

Top right you can see the swirl.
It's swirling West of WSW

Some models have shown it spinning up, coming together in some manner and moving West and at some point it fades away or gets picked up. I'm not really expecting anything and I'm basically wishing and dreaming on snow but figured I'd throw it out there.

Being honest.
Been on vacation.
Home for a while...
There's the whole basin.

Again I'm wishing on snow for my birthday.
End of December.
Time will tell.

What will happen?

Time will tell.

I should get back to blogging Monday.
Or maybe Sunday.

Good to get away.

Sweet Snowy/Tropical Dreams!
@bobbistorm on X
X mostly weather
other sites whatever

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Good Mornin' from Beaufort South Carolina. A Cold Morning! Beautiful Town with a Whole Lot of Hurricane History. Beaufort Inn Awesome Place to Stay!!


Woke up in Beaufort, South Carolina.
Life doesn't get sweeter than this.

I wasn't supposed to be here this morning. We were going to drive to Florida which really I can do another time, but there was some business thing for my husband and I figured I'd see the kids and it got rearranged so my husband suggested since we had started driving we could spend the night in Savannah or somewhere in South Carolina by the coast where I love to wander around and soak in the Southern Charm. If you know me, my family lived in the South since the 1880s and parts of my family on my mother's side go back to the first Jews who went to Savannah in 1733!! This literally is Southern Heaven to me as well as a bit of Hurricane History as the 1893 Sea Island Hurricane blew through here literally and many of the old Victorian places here were built after the hurricane or fixed up and repaired after the hurricane. Such is life along the Hurricane Coast!

You get the idea. Block from the Bay.
Hurricane History of Beaufort.
The really BIG storms.

1893 Hurricane Track below.
Late August.
Tracing the High Pressure...
.....then BAMN into the coastline

Note the Sea Islands Hurricane impacted Savannah too..
...and then up into South Carolina. Hurricane History from Hurricane City!

The pirate history here is off the charts as well as hurricane history!

There's that moment tho.... just feel so at home.

Like Key West and Charleston...
...but not.

My brother said.......
Has water.
Has a bridge.
Has sailboats.
Has hanging moss.
"I wanna live there" 


Apparently Jimmy Buffett slept in the hotel I was in...

Makes sense....feels like Key West.

Then we drove up the coast to Pawley's Island where I danced on white soft sand in my cowboy boots wrapped up in a Sherpa Jacket and it was freezing cold with a wild wind blowing. Love wind, love fresh air, love the smell of the sea and the marsh in Low Country.

I just want to remind you that even tho it's quiet in the tropics there is still weather.

May not have a name.
But it's making impacts.

More tomorrow.
Just back in Raleigh.

Check it out!

Out that window.... black away is the bay :)

Sweet Snowy Dreams,
@bobbistorm on Twitter

From Savannah to Pawley's Island........ cannot go wrong.

Life life like a song !!

Sunday, December 01, 2024

December 1st! Hurricane Season Over......Meteorological Winter Begins! Winter Dreams & F Scott Fitzgerald & Zelda. Keep Donating to Help Those Trying to Get Back to Normal in NC & FL.

Out with the old..... with the new!

There's obviously moisture down there... the SW Carib.
Down where it belongs.
Clouds off OBX Brrrrrrr

Was 30 Degrees in NC....
...before Sunrise.

Remember this only tracks the center.
Strong weather happened outside the center.

2024 Hurricane Season shown above. Nothing hit Miami or OBX ...go figure. There was a bevy of Hurricanes no one remembers as they stayed far out in the Atlantic in the shipping lanes. Yet everyone remembers Beryl that began the season and Debby and Helene and Milton. There were many other memorable ones such as the No Name Storm that swamped parts of East NC in flooding that the NHC refused to upgrade even though it had a closed warm core and winds close to 70 MPH! But I'll let that go now that I ranted and move on.

I think we should move on. But, I show this video above because it was a memorable storm that impacted my area even inland and it shows the harsh truth that not only did West NC get historic Hurricane Helene but it's worth remembering that Eastern NC also was impacted by tropical weather without a name now dubbed a 1,000 year storm.

2024 Hurricane Season was especially harsh on North Carolina and Florida; obviously the two states that tend to get hit the hardest by Hurricanes but this year was especially hard, harsh and historic. Heavy hitting and in both states the clean up goes on and on and on. Feels endless in ways.  The Mid Atlantic I may mention got lucky this year. 

As I always say Hurricane Season is locational in perception, if you had a hurricane harass your town then you remember it always, if not it's forgotten the way those storms out in the Atlantic in the shipping lanes that didn't land on anyone's radar are not even a blip in anyone's memory.  To this day ...people keep asking me why they skipped over several letters.... they didn't obviously so I'll show a few many never knew.

In the Carolinas it's been beautifully cold, we are in peak of the season leaf wise or just past peak. Fall collides with Winter and I love that. I don't like to miss a minute of Winter up here and if I go anywhere it'll be Colorado to visit my son and his family there and/or Upstate NY to visit a daughter and grandson there.

Miami is penciled in for later this week or more specifically Hollywood Florida where my husband has business and I have several kids who live there to visit and a best friend to hang out with...and we really, really need alone time. Then back to NC to appreciate the layers and nuances of Winter.

I'll talk more on the hurricane season soon, but really I think we are knee deep in holiday decorations and holiday music and collecting gifts for friends and donating to those who need who are still homeless living in tents in the mountains of NC in the harsh cold weather that many love to go visit to see snow and ski but remember while you are there at some resort there are many without a home, trying to get a trailer or something they can live in while volunteers bring them supplies and they try and get back to some sort of "normal" life that is normal in that schools are open but nothing is normal.

And, I'll say that again and again...........after a hurricane hits hard.........nothing is normal for a long time.

I'm blessed to be in boring Raleigh (it's not so boring, but it usually avoids the worst of the weather) and my youngest son is here in the house with his steady girlfriend whose oh my gosh adorable and I'm under the covers typing on my weather journal I share with the world while sipping coffee and trying to remember what I want and need to take to South Florida for a fast trip in and out with stops a long the way.

Sweet Wintry Dreams,

Ps So many songs I could leave you with today but my mind is on Scott..specifically F. Scott Fitzgerald and a short story he wrote that was a sort of his own muse to go deeper with the themes  that he expanded on his Winter Dreams taking them to New York City and writng The Great Gatsby. If you read my bio... I have degrees in English and International Relations; a good part of a Masters in English that's heavy in Scott and Zelda that I never finished because life got busy.  So enjoy the pretty imagery and if you get a chance, make a cup of hot tea, coffee or buttered rum and listen to the story Scott wrote when he was young about Winter Dreams. Ice Castles, oh my..........brrrrrr.

An unconventional end for a hurricane blog.
But....I'm a big unconventional!
Whole story is above if you have time.

Some snow falling 1920s music...

I asked Grok but it's not doing well.
I'll go with the last one.



Monday, November 25, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving Week Monday! Tropics Dead or ??? Something for Dessert? Carib Convection .... Winter Made It to Miami!


There is nothing being officially tracked in the tropics by the NHC. But, as you can see there is a large area moisture surging it's way through the Caribbean in an area that is familiar with late November development. This is a "know it's there" but so is cold water off the Carolinas and my daughter in Miami is "absolutely freezing" and she's not kidding, because when those first cold fronts charge through with great determination they bring with it an icy cold feel to the wind, despite the tropical looking colors of Miami life. They also bring tourists for Thanksgiving and Art Basel that begins December 2nd!

As you can see from the Water Vapor loop below, if something were to even try and form... it would be scooted out of the Caribbean far to the South of Florida. Nothing organized, but colorful and very there so thought I'd mention it.  Weather at the top and some thoughts on life at the bottom of the blog.

This is not to say....
...some areas getting heavy rains.
Flooding has been the signature of 2024.
So while not organized.
Can still cause trouble.

Ye Olde Purple Splotch is down there.
Anchored tho the moisture surging NE
This shows the front stalled out down there.
Way down there...

Currently in the Carolinas.
I'm making Thanksgiving.

I love living where Thanksgiving really looks like a Seasonal Holiday that's more than eating Pumpkin Pie! My youngest son is coming for the holiday with his incredible girlfriend as they snuck me in after Arizona and the Domincan Republic before Art Basel hits Miami like a colorful tornado! Stronger than a hurricane. The traffic, oh my goodness. IF I was going to be there soon .... staying in the hotel and or with my best friend for Shabbos. We will see. For now I'm in NC.

I was sick for a few weeks. Okay I was sick for more than 3 weeks with a Perfect Storm of allergy, asthma, a cold or the flu or a virus that lingered until I was put on a few different medications and it's awesome to feel alert, alive and aware again. Seemed everyone had it recently, I was commiserating on WhatsApp with my ex-husband who was making himself Throat Tea while I was making Breath Easy Tea. I like what Reed Timmer called it when he warned anyone chasing not to come near him as he had the Fall Plague. Yup, sounds right. The Fall Plague.

Personally yesterday morning was a hard day as I had to process bad news that was horrible, horrific and tragic and that does happen way too often these days. My close friend's granddaughter found out that her husband's sister's brother was murdered in UAE. I knew, but forgot her husband's oldest daughter from his first marriage that she raised as her own ... was already married and had a husband. Wow life moves fast when you aren't paying attention. Not easy when most of your closest friends are in Miami and you're in NC you miss a lot. Though I have some awesome friends here in NC as well. But I pushed on.... with shopping lists based on another list of menu options; making 2 meals Vegetarian Thursday Lunch for the beautiful Blaire and followed up with BBQ Turkey Legs  late snack for my son later in the day. And, an additional huge Thanksgiving Turkey meal with real turkey Friday Night and they can eat leftovers on Sunday. I may have gone overboard, you know how mother's are with their youngest child who actually is like a close friend as well. Actually, my brother spoiled him but that's a different story as he lived by my brother when I moved to NC while he was in high school promising to move here because "fresh air" but he tricked me so I'd get remarried, move to beautiful North Carolina where he'd come and go over time. Kids can be so sneaky ;) 

Cherish the good times, the good moments. So that's what my friend said  to me in the end to me yesterday morning as we talked through our thoughts and feelings ... savor the moments, enjoy every minute. Good advice! Then I spoke to my best friend Malka til 2 AM while she was cooking for 26 people coming to her house on Thursday for Thanksgiving. 

What do you eat for dessert on Thanksgiving???

I'm a Pumpkin Pie person. My husband isn't. I don't know why. He was raised a Vegetarian but started eating meat in his 20s so perhaps it's just one more vegetable to him. I have a friend who I'm sure wants Lemon Meringue.  I bought a Pumpkin Pie at Trader Joes and an Edwards Chocolate Chiffon Frozen Pie for Thursday and serving Pineapple Upside Down Cake on Friday Night for Shabbos because my son likes it and it's a specialty of mine and I had Pineapple Cake Mix and Pineapple in the pantry! Damn, I need cherries. Always forget something right?

Running into Whole Foods ...
...last store, one thing I needed.
I looked up at the sky and OMG.
Snapped one pic fast.
To show my friend I was....
...enjoying every single moment.

Have a wonderful holiday and may you only have good times, happy memories and enjoy whatever weather is tossed at you!

Remember to look up at the sky... the trees....feel the breeze and give thanks for the beauty around us!

Sweet Tropical Dreams,
@bobbistorm on X
X mostly weather... elsewhere... whatever.

Rather than a songs.
Here's a Trailer.
It's my ultimate ....
...oh my God that's my family!
My mother always terrified neighbors ....
Funny old movie.
Almost died watching it the first time.
Hope yours is not as chaotic!

Ps My mother refused to make Thanksgiving usually.
She didn't want to cook a big old ugly bird.
Eventually she'd relent and send my father out... the butcher to buy a "Frozen Turkey Breast"
Slathered in Chinese Gravy.
Drove me crazy.
I just wanted a "real Thanksgiving"
Like my Aunt made before my Uncle died.
My father would take me out to a Cafeteria....
Thanksgiving Week...
"Don't tell your mother"
I didn't ;)
I keep secrets

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Wild Storm Last Night. 37 MPH Winds in Raleigh... Close to Tropical Storm Force! Temperature Dropping After Sunrise.. 39 Degrees. Falling Into Winter


Look at that Swirl, swirling.
Propelling Cold Air South.
We had a front whoosh thru fast last nite!

Yay! In the  morning there were leaves ...
...left on the tree.
Wild winds last night.
Always amazes me the tenacity of the leaves.
15 years here I'm still in awe of Fall!

There's an old saying "can't see the forest for the trees" and I suppose in this case it applies to me. Why you ask? Because as I was obsessing over the incredible Pacific Coast Hurricane Force Low AKA Bomb Cyclone (this is why hurricanes have names, so much easier...) I wasn't focusing on the Ohio Valley Low that I knew was there as my friend as been watching it on X... I digress. I wasn't paying close attention to my local weather while watching hurricane force winds in Washington State. 

I knew the cold front was going to come through and I knew there was a Freeze Watch as a second front will push through and secure temperatures so low that we will be just above freezing ... probably. Always hard to say in Raleigh and to be fair early ... late November Cold Fronts do tend to overproduce! Kind of like Beryl on July 1st!! Another brush with freezing temperatures is supposed to usher in December here.

Again, one of my degrees is in International Relations, so while I try to ignore the threat of WW3 due to the Ukraine War heating up........I tried so hard last night to just lay back and relax and enjoy the CMA Show listening to Country Music I love and letting the world turn without me last night.

Suddenly there was this noise, more like a roaring sound as if we were suddenly getting lashed by a Summer Storm or Tropical Storm as what sounded like rain against my bedroom windows was loud. I figured it was raining, but I couldn't hear the rain. By the time I got outside on the balcony the wind had subsided some from the initial Gust Front and there was no rain but it looked much like the tail end of a passing tropical storm that had caught a cold front. That happens here often......a wild scene as the pines dip down so low you'd think they would snap and the maple tree moves in all directions like a scene out of a Disney Cartoon. 

Then I remembered "The Front" ... my front....that I had literally ignored as the big, huge swirl out West was so compelling. I also remembered Cantore and others said that DNA from Sara's remnants would help infuse the the front with tropical moisture. I stood there in awe, finally going back to the bedroom and the CMAs and as the window was open some in the bedroom I listened to the howling wind as a background component to the incredible CMAs.

When the CMAs was over the News came on saying many parts of Raleigh had Power Outages as trees had fallen on power lines and accidents happened in the suddeness of the storm. Happy I still had power I tried to go to sleep, but it took a while as the sound of the wind was wild. Gusty, fast wild and sudden and then quiet again and just when I thought it was over another gust hit the house and knocked something off the windowsill by the open window.

Typing fast without brakes this morning.

As I want to share the joy of that first strong cold front from far up somewhere else that suddenly comes and rocks your world. 

I love weather. I love Winter. Clear blue skies, I can see the sky as the hard wood trees have lost their leaves and everything is magical here for a Miami girl who grew up bored in perpetual summer with the only "fun" thing that happened ever was a Hurricane. That's it. Literally all that ever could happen was a Hurricane and on rare occasions in my childhood hail that covered the ground like snow. Oh, an once in a while my father's boring white Chevy was covered in reddish brown Saharan Dust.

There's a reason much of my High School Class of over 700 kids live Up North somewhere, usually Up North - Down South as we enjoy the Seasons, the change of weather and we know Summer has an expiration date.

Have a wonderful day and pay attention to your local weather while watching the global dance of the atmosphere as most of us do...

Sweet Holiday Dreams,
@bobbistorm on X and elsewhere... 
X mostly weather and mostly just on X because I'm too lazy to try and be everywhere all at once.

Ps I asked my husband when he came in just now from outside "is it really that cold out there?" and he's a good indicator as he was raised in Upstate NY in the Catskills and he said quickly "Oh yeah!" as he's not as easily impressed with cold weather as me. After living in Miami for College he ended up in NC as he "loves the seasons" but not shoveling snow all the time. Yup, that's big in NC lots of people from NE and Upstate NY and Pennsyslvannia... seasons but and less shoveling snow!

I'll spell check later and maybe Edit, but trying to be spontaneous here today.