Happy Thanksgiving Week Monday! Tropics Dead or ??? Something for Dessert? Carib Convection .... Winter Made It to Miami!
There is nothing being officially tracked in the tropics by the NHC. But, as you can see there is a large area moisture surging it's way through the Caribbean in an area that is familiar with late November development. This is a "know it's there" but so is cold water off the Carolinas and my daughter in Miami is "absolutely freezing" and she's not kidding, because when those first cold fronts charge through with great determination they bring with it an icy cold feel to the wind, despite the tropical looking colors of Miami life. They also bring tourists for Thanksgiving and Art Basel that begins December 2nd!
As you can see from the Water Vapor loop below, if something were to even try and form... it would be scooted out of the Caribbean far to the South of Florida. Nothing organized, but colorful and very there so thought I'd mention it. Weather at the top and some thoughts on life at the bottom of the blog.
This is not to say....
...some areas getting heavy rains.
Flooding has been the signature of 2024.
So while not organized.
Can still cause trouble.
Ye Olde Purple Splotch is down there.
Anchored tho the moisture surging NE
This shows the front stalled out down there.
Way down there...
Currently in the Carolinas.
I'm making Thanksgiving.
I love living where Thanksgiving really looks like a Seasonal Holiday that's more than eating Pumpkin Pie! My youngest son is coming for the holiday with his incredible girlfriend as they snuck me in after Arizona and the Domincan Republic before Art Basel hits Miami like a colorful tornado! Stronger than a hurricane. The traffic, oh my goodness. IF I was going to be there soon .... staying in the hotel and or with my best friend for Shabbos. We will see. For now I'm in NC.
I was sick for a few weeks. Okay I was sick for more than 3 weeks with a Perfect Storm of allergy, asthma, a cold or the flu or a virus that lingered until I was put on a few different medications and it's awesome to feel alert, alive and aware again. Seemed everyone had it recently, I was commiserating on WhatsApp with my ex-husband who was making himself Throat Tea while I was making Breath Easy Tea. I like what Reed Timmer called it when he warned anyone chasing not to come near him as he had the Fall Plague. Yup, sounds right. The Fall Plague.
Personally yesterday morning was a hard day as I had to process bad news that was horrible, horrific and tragic and that does happen way too often these days. My close friend's granddaughter found out that her husband's sister's brother was murdered in UAE. I knew, but forgot her husband's oldest daughter from his first marriage that she raised as her own ... was already married and had a husband. Wow life moves fast when you aren't paying attention. Not easy when most of your closest friends are in Miami and you're in NC you miss a lot. Though I have some awesome friends here in NC as well. But I pushed on.... with shopping lists based on another list of menu options; making 2 meals Vegetarian Thursday Lunch for the beautiful Blaire and followed up with BBQ Turkey Legs late snack for my son later in the day. And, an additional huge Thanksgiving Turkey meal with real turkey Friday Night and they can eat leftovers on Sunday. I may have gone overboard, you know how mother's are with their youngest child who actually is like a close friend as well. Actually, my brother spoiled him but that's a different story as he lived by my brother when I moved to NC while he was in high school promising to move here because "fresh air" but he tricked me so I'd get remarried, move to beautiful North Carolina where he'd come and go over time. Kids can be so sneaky ;)
Cherish the good times, the good moments. So that's what my friend said to me in the end to me yesterday morning as we talked through our thoughts and feelings ... savor the moments, enjoy every minute. Good advice! Then I spoke to my best friend Malka til 2 AM while she was cooking for 26 people coming to her house on Thursday for Thanksgiving.
What do you eat for dessert on Thanksgiving???
I'm a Pumpkin Pie person. My husband isn't. I don't know why. He was raised a Vegetarian but started eating meat in his 20s so perhaps it's just one more vegetable to him. I have a friend who I'm sure wants Lemon Meringue. I bought a Pumpkin Pie at Trader Joes and an Edwards Chocolate Chiffon Frozen Pie for Thursday and serving Pineapple Upside Down Cake on Friday Night for Shabbos because my son likes it and it's a specialty of mine and I had Pineapple Cake Mix and Pineapple in the pantry! Damn, I need cherries. Always forget something right?
Running into Whole Foods ...
...last store, one thing I needed.
I looked up at the sky and OMG.
Snapped one pic fast.
To show my friend I was....
...enjoying every single moment.
Have a wonderful holiday and may you only have good times, happy memories and enjoy whatever weather is tossed at you!
Remember to look up at the sky... the trees....feel the breeze and give thanks for the beauty around us!
Sweet Tropical Dreams,
@bobbistorm on X
X mostly weather... elsewhere... whatever.
Rather than a songs.
Here's a Trailer.
It's my ultimate ....
...oh my God that's my family!
My mother always terrified neighbors ....
Funny old movie.
Almost died watching it the first time.
Hope yours is not as chaotic!
Ps My mother refused to make Thanksgiving usually.
She didn't want to cook a big old ugly bird.
Eventually she'd relent and send my father out...
...to the butcher to buy a "Frozen Turkey Breast"
Slathered in Chinese Gravy.
Drove me crazy.
I just wanted a "real Thanksgiving"
Like my Aunt made before my Uncle died.
My father would take me out to a Cafeteria....
Thanksgiving Week...
"Don't tell your mother"
I didn't ;)
I keep secrets
Happy Holidays!
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