Wednesday Map Day -- Sunny Cool Day By Me

Wondering how it is by you?
As I look around the Nation it seems most people are having a nice, blue sky, sunny day with cooler than average temperature and a steady breeze.
Enjoy it.
When you get a day like this go for a walk, sit by a window... have a cup of coffee outside or if you still smoke go for a long walk somewhere. Breathe in the color of the sky and the scent in the air.

In Miami ... Miami Beach... go over to Books & Books and take a seat inside what used to be the walkway to the Sterling Building and have a yogurt, fruit and granola plate. The best...very nice start to a morning and watch the parade of life walk by, bike by and roller way they way by you as you sit and enjoy a beautiful morning. Not as busy as other spots and good food and a nice atmosphere. I know... I grew up in that building in ways, my father had an office there and his porthole window was my window on the world as I did his paperwork. You can eat outside, but usually they have tables inside where you can look out. Choose your view...

It's just a beautiful day in the neighborhood, and later on in the day it will most likely rain so go out now!
As for me... am definitely going out later, but not which place and going to enjoy what's left of the Fall Color up here that I missed last year when I spent the whole month of November in Hollywood.
Speaking of Hollywood... if you are there try
Not as trendy as South Beach, but just as laid back and nice... enough chocolate to wreck any diet and an inexpensive breakfast outside under the palm trees.

Or go over to the "Beach" and walk on the boardwalk as I have done countless times all times of the day.
Enjoy breakfast at the Greek Restaurant as a lot of people do...
Or just walk around and enjoy the sights and the sounds of life..
Yes... every place has it's beach, but few have the feel of Hollywood Boardwalk.
The point I am making here is not to sell tickets to Miami and South Florida...although Jetblue and Southwest do have great deals until Thursday so book your trip now if you want to travel this winter... but to point out that all those beautiful beach towns up north that were washed away had beautiful weather days like today too!
Every place has it's sunny days, nice days, breezy days and many of us run around like White Rabbit in Alice and Wonderland, always in a rush and always worried on being late. I never liked Alice in Wonderland as a child or as English student studying it in Fantasy Lit at FIU. Nope... nervous sort of characters that made me feel uncomfortable, why would I read something that made me feel uncomfortable. I'm a child from a restless family, a workaholic father and a mother who restlessly changed what she was studying in college every semester for over ten years while my brother's were growing up. She studied art, music, sculpture, design and the list went on and on... they rarely knew how to stop and enjoy the moment. My father did love Hollywood Beach at night... we would take a long drive, talk, walk...get a drink and drive back. Always rushing back and forth somewhere in a hurry and rarely enjoying the moment. Luckily I had an Uncle and an Aunt next door growing up who taught me to enjoy the moment, to be happy and to laugh and to dance when the music was playing.
And, the music plays.... in every city across the great country somewhere the music is playing... go out and enjoy a nice day! Or..find a spot by a sunny window and enjoy the view ...the way the sun lights up a patch of the trees taking you deep into the foliage, illuminating every leaf... as well as a bright red bird sitting and waiting for his chance to land on the bird feeder. Go put a sweater on and have some coffee on the deck or park the car and sit outside at Starbucks rather than waiting in line for ten minutes at the drive through. How can you go to Starbucks and NOT inhale the incredible aroma of coffee when you walk inside??
You are short changing yourself if you do any less...
It is your secret formula against stress.
Baseball camps are starting... Miami Marlins fans are outraged...
Nascar is ending...
Football is in high gear..
Basketball is reving up in the Carolinas...
Fall is falling fast and winter is on the rise..
What's your passion?
What's your pleasure?
If you are a newshound like me... you can sit by the TV and flip channels watching the news go by...
Tomorrow Petraeus is scheduled to testify... according to NBC... tomorrow you can sit by the TV.
Today... go enjoy life while the sun is shining.
Because I can promise you this... Winter is going to be wet, wild and filled with more snow than you saw last winter with shades of 2009 and 2010. You see 2011 was kind... 2012/2013 won't be so kind unless you like cold weather, snow and a possible Ice Storm somewhere...
Each season has it's day... in Miami it's almost tourist season as the early snowbirds flew south a bit early this year... in Carolina it's Fall still... in New York it's clean up and give thanks for making it through the storm.
Seize the day as they say... and enjoy it!
Besos Bobbi
If you really want to fly south for the winter or fly north to see winter...sales on through Thursday.
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