Note that Hurricane Sandy is that little red dot in the middle of the BIG blob of weather due east of Savannah. Yet, her rain, wind and very high storm surge is pushing up ahead of her into the Outer Banks area... Ocean Isle Beach which faces South and along the coast of South Carolina.
The same story is being played out in the Outer Banks both with parts of the roads being flooded and the waves crashing over the Piers.
This will move up the coast in real time, faster than pictures being uploaded to Twitter and Instagram.
The picture below comes from this thread on OBX Connection..showing the flooding as Sandy continues to push water into low lying areas.. and this will continue all day through Sunday and Monday as Sandy continues making progress towards he final destination.. pier by pier, beach by beach will be affected as millions of lives will be affected.
More info on OBX from this great site:
http://www.obxconnection.com/ <--- home site..
Power will go out in many area in her path and FAR from her center so ... let me remind how the world works when the power goes out:
NO ATM machines.
NO GAS stations working.
NO POWER to charge your Cell Phones.
NO Light at night without candles or flashlights and that great flashlight APP you have ..
gonna wear down your cell phone battery darn fast and oh...no power to recharge it so.
time to go old school and make sure you have batteries (AA, D, C...), candles, etc.
Take money out NOW.. just in case.
Fill up the car with gas NOW.. just in case.
BUY batteries, candles, hand operated can openers, canned food ... etc, etc.
A more complete list later..
If you live in or have friends who live on the Outer Banks and Eastern North Carolina.. or vacation there often.. stay informed with Mark Sudduth's Hurricane Track Website as he is out there covering the storm in home territory.
And, up the coast Hurricane Sandy is coming to you...
NOTE...the NOREASTER part of Hurricane Sandy is on the WEST SIDE

She is far out at sea and doing damage along the coast and inland along the Coasts of Carolina.
Here's a video from Myrtle Beach...
Here in the Piedmont.. Raleigh-Durham to be exact it has been windy all day.. very windy. Surprised there are any leaves left on the trees. A little rain, but enough to feel Hurricane Sandy who is far off yet pumping up moisture nonstop that has been training up all day from South Carolina north to Wilmington and OBX.
RAIN... hugging the coast... and wind projected to blow for the next 3 days in the Caroinas where the storm is not supposed to hit us directly.
But, it is moving up the coast...coming your way..
Prepare.. 20 foot waves forecast to slam into the South Shore of Long Island ...
Are you prepared???
More soon.. BobbiStorm
PS... transportation shuts down so ... decide where you want to hunker down and who you want to hunker down with if you are in the area forecast to be "hit" by Hurricane Sandy. Let people know now.. you won't be able to take the Long Island Railroad out to check on your Aunt Sandy if Hurricane Sandy is making landfall.
Here in Cleveland, OH, we are beginning to feels the effects of the outer bands of this system. Visually, I saw what looked like a sky full of Mammatus Clouds. Of course, I do not know if that's what they really were. :) We are making the most of our unexpected detour and are very glad we halted our journey Thursday night - I will continue read your blog long after Sandy is over. As I said before, it was after reading your analyses that I decided to alter our entire route and stopped heading east a day earlier than I had initially planned when I was using only my own experience (very limited) and mainstream weather reports to chart my course. A gazillion thanks!
Very glad to that Governor Purdue declared a state of emergency for the remaining counties in NC that did not declare a state of emergency yesterday, including Dare County. I hope this is enough to scare anyone who may have interpreted our rental agency's rather non-committal response this morning to questions about trying to reach OBX rental homes today ("You should check the weather reports and then make that decision yourself.") as an unspoken green light and that it will stop anyone who still has a notion to take a chance and keep driving towards the coast. It has also made me think about finding a way to visit the banks in the future in a way that will not support any non-resident property owners who do not represent the Outer Banks and their residents' best interests.
Even though Sandy is almost over we still have 2 weeks ahead of us - although we just drove in yesterday, I feel like we've been here a week. We began a blog last year when we were visiting and have started updating it yesterday. It is named for our dog, Brawley. Feel free to stop by and see what we're up to. (see the link below) I usually just provide the photos and my man does the writing - however, I may just barge my way into a few posts of my own.
Take care, Bobbi! Tina :)
(PS - apparently there is no 'link below' to click on - and the link is actually found by clicking on my name - but I'm sure you already figured that out...)
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