60% Circle in the Caribbean, Hurricane Hungers Set to Investigate
The area in the Caribbean now known as Invest 99 currently has a 60% chance as of becoming a named system... Depression or Tropical Storm Sandy.
Further to the West is an area known as Invest 90L. Both systems can be seen in the image below:

What is interesting is the new Wave in the Atlantic is NOT the Invest highlighted and that wave looks good, very good. Maybe tomorrow it will go poof but as of 11 PM it's very noticeable... but we are going down into the Caribbean to look up close at a system that seems to have lost some color, and yet... you can now see it's organization in that it is very round. It has great curvature, there is high pressure aloft and low pressures at the surface. There will also be hurricane hunters in the system tomorrow, so we will know more then.
Looking closer...
Note the cold front that went so far south, clipping South Florida and lingering near the Bahamas. Note the far north Atlantic SSE of Greenland is a system we no longer talk about but is still on the map. There is weather in the Bay of Bengal and a small storm trying to form off of the West Coast of Central America in the Pacific..
It's a big, beautiful world out there tonight and every night. And, what binds us together like thread is the atmosphere, more so the moisture in the atmosphere and the current of wind that moves everything around from one place to another.
We are all connected in ways hard to see and even harder to explain.

To put our part of the world in motion... brings it a bit more into perspective.

Models show it mostly going North and then NE, however it's too soon to tell because a lot depends on WHEN it develops and where.
Note how the majority of models can easily overlay the frontal boundary that is currently where the track would be and will be again with the next strong front when that storm gets going. We are in the frontal time zone it seems. Fall. And, Fall also brings Fall Hurricanes that come up out of the Caribbean.
When "Sandy" is forecast to be a big, strong storm... a strong cold front should be diving down through Texas and as Dave Schwartz said a long time ago ... what goes down must go up and on the east side of any strong DOWN COLD FRONT... the air will bounce UP... and so will Sandy.
Hard to say but most likely it's a lock on NE eventually. Then again things can change.
I'll be back in the morning with more details...
Sweet Tropical Dreams..
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