Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

African Wave Sunday

African Wave...still too close to Africa to figure out what it will do when it sits and spins a bit. Hard not to watch. So hard. Looks so pretty sitting there.

Great color on this satellite site. Might be old compared to the newer fancier ones but still...high definition, great color.

Speaking of color. Trying desperately not to go to Home Depot today and find some paint to paint my backroom a different color. Did this last paint job on the day of the elections.. bush/kerry. Hate it. It's a big room. Big job and not the wishy washy type who would go out and paint one little area one color like they were tasting some forbidden sweet but can't commit to it... and can't decide. Not much Libra in my chart. Have this overwhelming desire the last few days to paint it yellow, pale yellow... drop of honey in it in but not bright. Mind you this is wierd as I am not a yellow peson. Feel like suddenly I need it to be warm, soft yellow. Go figure. It's a sky blue sort of turquoise color right now. Doesn't have enough green and is too dark to be the color in my room...reminds me of a dress I had when I was 16. I hate the color. May just paint today.. who knows.

My mind is too fragmentated to think today.

The joy of reading DaVinci Code yesterday was that I read ONE book. One thing. My mind focused. Usually it flits around from site to site, place to place, request to request..thing to thing.

I need to focus more. Pick a subject of the day and go with it.

Otherwise it's like wandering around a Pic N Save in California looking for something to catch your attention. In the old days. 80s. Was the place to be wasn't it? And, oh what a place it was.

sorry I lost the little baby blue/sky blue pen that guy gave me but it's okay cause I lost the king pen so may as well lose them all.. now days we type instead of write
then again, i so love pens

wish i was here or in Santa Fe today.. I am a girl of many moods
like to see the colors of the sky today
at least i know why
i have a reason
what's yours?


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