Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Barnes and Noble Buffer Zone

Thank God for Barnes and Noble. Nothing tropical going on, too restless to not think, too awake and upset to fall asleep even though I should have. Listened to a good CD.. went to Barnes and Noble. Cabs are wonderful, like in the movies.. all the good movies in NY... just hail and cab, call a cab...whoosh they come and pick you up and told him to leave the window down so while he raced to B/N the wind blew at me hard. Sort of dazed and let it blow.

Son working night shift tonight, in charge of registers or something and figured could see him and sit all night and read. Which I did..

Beautiful smell of coffee, freshly brewed and music playing all the best hits of a time too far away for most of the kids there. Sat, read, took notes and when I decided it was time to drink some a cup of Joe with a dose of Jose thrown in which should have woken the dead and did revive me a bit.

Read, browsed through the sale rack.. especially the one my son told me to go back to cause everything was like a dollar or two.. good books on cooking, stuff.. good stuff, not anyone's business what I bought but I must say that whoever the cute little person was who stuffed the "Jesus Loves You Tarot Card" into the Weather book on today's date in history definitely deserves at least $20 or a good copy of the song Build Me Up Buttercup which played shortly after I walked in...recognizable even in a fog. Will tuck it neatly in the book I bought someone that I was going to send them later in the week. Touche, whatever... someone gets brownie points for that one I must say.

Anyway... thank God for Barnes and Noble. No news. No dealing with things I should deal with but don't want to.. no CRAPP though maybe crapp was somewhere, who knows.

Thank You Lord For Making Barnes and Noble where people can slither in and out and read forever or at least until they throw you out at 11 o'clock.

No food, resisted the biscotti.. not in the mood.

Understand I am upset about Israel more on a philosophical, political and moral level. This is not about Israel's true borders or a Palestinian State. It never was a Palestinian State.. it was the land of Philistines.. Phoenicians. Are we giving Oklahoma back to the Indians... we promised them the land FOREVER but took away the forever part because they supported the South in the Civil War.. War Between the States and was a good excuse because the White Man wanted their land... always excuses in politics.

I am upset because Sharon, among others, play with people like toys, like pieces on a chess board for whatever their own political needs be. The people, blind and stupid and romantic in their Zionist dreams throw their heart and soul into building communities, farming villages, homes, schools, synagogues and growing fruit and flowers exported all over and believe that they are doing something... following a dream and having faith that Sharon is just BSing when he says things (cause he does so often) and then... when Sharon wants... he rips their dreams away, and promises them money and tells them he has changed HIS mind. Sharon, a man truly without a heart (study his past actions) cannot understand or care that in his pragmatic little mind that some people believe what is told them, believe what is promised them either in contract or implied and .........he's a pig. He's no Henry Kissinger, he is no Einstein and all he is .. is a low life, hard ass, military type who knows how to throw together a coalition and stay in power because no one else has the guts or ability to put together some stupid coalition.

God Bless The U.S.A.

Electoral Vote vs One Man Per Vote counts.. it's still the best system in the world.

And... we have great Barnes and Nobles to get lost in... or at least pretend we are lost in.



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