Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Jose playing peek a boo games over the Cape Verde Islands

Yes.. I uttered the words.. the magical ones. The Cape Verde Islands.

A Cape Verde Storm is to trackers what the Holy Grail is to others... it is the big one, the waited for quest, the storm of the year.. sometimes the century.

CVS... it's more than a drug store.

Had a very good shabbos today in was peaceful, calm, great, nice.. good, restful and hot. Oh, so hot.

I read a lot, too.

Decided to finally read the Da Vinci Code and did so in several hours of off reading trying to rest to give my eyes some rest. My eyes ain't what they used to be. Could read for days on end and never blink. Now.. everything gets messy. Well, considering I am more used to reading online and in articles and ... my body still looks good, my mind comes and goes.. my eyes though adorable are not quite what they used to be. Otherwise I would have finished it by noon.

What can I say? Put off reading it for so many reasons, none of them logical and a lot of them logistical. Everytime I had it on my desk some person came crying to me at the library unable to find a copy and I gave it to them. I rarely read novels. I read non-fiction, my friend's fiction and articles and links and posts.. and essays and so rarely anymore do I ever read a big novel. Often I read an old novel or play I love.

I'm digressing.

Salable fact here.. Good book.

For me.. hits real close to home as I cannot tell you how many late night talks I have had on Essences and religion and Masons and "stuff like that" with someone. Or how many times I have played with Tarot cards enough to know almost all their is to know symbolically on them.. tho not convinced that they were not used more by Marranos and others before them to hide Torah study. Though the same could be said for not popular priests. Should write a book. All I know I learned from a Tarot deck.

I know that I know how that poor Albino feels in the book, not the movie, the book.. because I too feel someone hit me in my gut and want to vomit anytime I hear the word or think of Andorra. Or Lichentenstein and anyone who has never been "there" cannot know. Makes my world spin and I feel dizzy like I am sick, weak.. afraid, hurt, desperately trying to keep my balance and push those thoughts away from my brain. Or get drunk, which I rarely do but did this week... a few times. One for Israel, good old Meir and one for Andorra and Lichentenstein however the hell you spell it so imagine how wierd I felt dancing through the book and reading those words. But, I read on... despite the albino and the crippled guy and the great timing, fast paced editing... wanted to ask Yaffah if whats his name the V guy with the shlock rock CD..if he liked it.. I'll think of his name later.. Vendyl. Vendyl Jones.. smiling.. yes, yes.. I'm not as bad as I thought... I remembered before even going on.. Wondered what good old Vendyl however you spell it thought of it. Wonder if he still likes the Shlock Rock. Glad my son doesn't read my blog.

Anyway.......... who does? Does anyone of importance read it or am I rambling.

Does Eddie Boy read it or he is too busy with the bees... never did read that book. Sure he is busy with his little bees.. bzz bzz bzz. Warning, book has bad language. Picked it up at the library and somewhere deep down in my brain I decided.. no, no ... no Bobbi. Put it down. Step away from the book.

And, I did.

Well, HardCopy is gone off the air.. poof. Haha.. Cleo didn't see that one coming. So, am momentarily safe from cute reporters or annoying ones like Marc.

Where was I?

Great book... Great line. Our problems lie when we begin believing our own metaphors.

Question? Does it make a damn bit of difference?

Catholics still feel connected and things evolve and you get where you were meant to be however you got there.

Old argument with Joe.. Machivelli the ends justify the means?

All good Christians should obviously live the life that Jesus did... and yet they don't. Because somewhere, something changed and the religion that Jesus loved, protected and would die for was Judiasm really... and not Christianity which came later. Evolved... over a long political battle for the Holy Roman Empire that was the legacy of Rome.. Charlemagne and all those classes Chuckie boy and I sat through on European History. You think I forget everything? Nah.. I just pretend I do.

So.. does it matter if the Christianity that has evolved today is the way Jesus intended or God/Jesus intended..etc.. looking at this from the perspective of say a good Baptist Boy.. can he buy that someone for political reasons changed most of what Jesus started for their own intent. A religion was born..the end result being to live a Christian Life and some how, somewhere along the line..we got to someday down the road and it doesn't matter how it started? Does that take anything away from what we have today?

Were the Rabbis in the days of the Temple good men or good men gone wrong doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. Was my line first and enjoyed on the rooftop of a car staring up at the moonlight with a friend. I can use it. So? Was it? Why would we believe what they have to say on Jesus as they were so filled with Sinus Chinum.. baseless hatred that God destroyed the Temple and took it all away.

So, that all we have left today is a Temple Mount for another man, looking for his own power and political reasons walks around on the Temple Mount inciting the Arabs who believe it is theirs...

The Jews who are so holy as to not enter the Holy of Holies because the true state of Israel has not come yet as the Messiah has not come and the state is not a holy state based on religious law (oh did someone leave that part out to the settlers who were in Gaza and who are waiting to be evicted from the West Bank??? oops... Sharon's bad or blind desire for the reality of their dream in their lifetime)... Jews who would rather NOT walk on the Temple Mount and let Arabs pray there so many times a day because the time is not right... some day..when Messiah comes.

The Holy of Holies... everyone wants it. What is the holy of holies? Doesn't it sound sexual or sensual in odd ways.. enticing.. book makes a darn good case there because truth is only in the act of sex between two people totally bonded emotionally and in love and on fire sexually do you feel for a moment like you have touched Heaven. The power of creation... which comes from the holy of holies. One reason I like being a little Jewish Girl, even if it's out of vogue in Oklahoma or Kansas because jews are not taught that sex is bad, or evil or connected to the Original Sin. Thank God. Yes, makes it hard on men because they have to be real careful what they do and who they do it with so that when they fool around they are supposed to be fooling around with the vessel.. the woman.. and not playing around in the room by themself.. doing what comes easily. Which is what makes a good case that if God had to come down to an earthly plain it would have been for a few reasons and makes more sense that Mary and Jesus would have married..other wise Jesus would have been a bad role model.. Jews marry young... the men who say "well if you are learning, you can put it off..." No...not really. Not in Jesus day and not in this day does learning give you a free pass from sex or marriage.. it is the preferred state... we don't hold from Monks. Cute robes but nope.. not our perspective.

Does it really matter how we got here?

My daughter Dina who on occaision reads this... she always says go back to the beginning whenever you want to unwind a mystery.

The beginning.. well that would be with Cyclone at 2am talking about the weather and the Beatles. And, my first gut blink of an eye thought on who I was really talking to..

Or did it begin before that? Where did it begin? Love Story... Jr High...

Do you know I saw Love Story the day before the weekend I got pneumonia from walking home in the rain in a thin white peasant top and jeans and hippy style moccasins.. soaking wet. December 1970.. going into 1/71...

How did we get here?

Does it matter?

No. It doesn't. Not really.

It only matters that you are *there* and I am *here* and we are not together. You are reading this online on electronic beams and I am here, trying desperately not to think on Andorra or idiots on soap boxes or Chuck on the way home from school.

RAther think of nicer things...

We can search for the Holy Grail some other time. We can argue all about how Catholism has no bearing on Christianity or why a good little girl is worrying on such things another day.

We can track Jose.. one of my all time favorite names.. from JOE.. Joseph. Good name.

My great, great.. maybe great grandfather was named Joseph.. he was a famous Cantor who worked in England.. who knows where this really began, maybe it was life times ago?

Going to bed. Taking my secrets with me.
Me and My Shadow.

Imagine... that sweet little Sophie thing all those years being watched and protected by members of a secret cult that she didn't even know existed. My gosh.. ignorence can be such bliss.

Part that pisses me off the most is somewhere around Chapter 30 or so when I realized the book had chapters lol... was turning pages too fast to notice numbers just words.. I thought to myself. I bet this book has 105 chapters. A funny thought that jumped up and hit me.. and I knew deep down in my soul it did.. finally around 80 something I peaked. 105 exactly.

Go figure. How did I guess such a random thing as that?

A small secret about the world.. more than the whole thing about how our bodies are divided into parts.. numbers... there is no such thing as random.. it's meant to me and you can rearrage those letters any way your little heart desires. Everything is meant to be... has a reason and a purpose...



Jose should sorry... Jose may form tomorrow. Stay tuned... keep watching as the world keeps turning I have lost my sandman to drop sand in my eyes and sing me to sleep.

I remember.


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