EPAC Firing UP ON TIME. Atlantic Hurricane Season Begins JUNE 1st. Hurricane Supplies Tax Break... Use it or Lose it! Do You Know How Long It Takes to Become a Cat 5 Hurricane? Don't Blink!
Touching base here on the possibility of development in the EPAC. It's worth noting chances are currently low but the persistent presence of tropical moisture congregating ups the ante for tropical development.
I've mentioned this over the last several days and pointed out the presence of possibilities and the official season in that region began yesterday so that's kind of normal all in all. Conditions are not perfect but in place to pay attention and see what if anything evolves.
Speaking of paying attention that goes for the Atlantic as well.
Development in late May around June 1st happens often.
Usually it's weak or subtropical but it does happen.
It happens often at the base of an old decaying trough.
We have such a trough currently in place.
The set up remains and is delivering rain to South Florida.

I keep posting this loop for a reason.
It's the season when daily monsoonal moisture flares up.
But this is more than "just afternoon rainstorms" in Miami.
Note the morning warning posts.
This is not common in May for early morning rain.
Late afternoon rain from the Everglades happens.
Early morning rain happens because there is a trough.
The reason for the early rainy season....
Not expecting anything huge to form.
But the possibility is there the longer this persists.
The good news is this is a great time to prepare ....
Hurricane Season officially begins June 1st.
There is a tax holiday on hurricane supplies coming.
Take advantage of it ... save money and be prepared.
"The sales tax holiday for hurricane supplies will run from May 31 to June 6 on items such as batteries, generators, weather radios and fuel cans."
Read the article in the link above and find out the details. Make a list for what you need as everyone has their own unique priorities when hurricane season is upon us and that depends on where you live, your health issues, whether you have pets or small children or teenagers who may try to party somewhere. Trust me this happens with teenagers, you may want to send them to Aunt Louise to visit if you are worried on that. Just saying.....
Tidbit of the day....
This fact has been all over Twitter recently and it's very true. I say it over and over in the blog yet it goes under the radar as most sayings go better with a good graphic. Worry more on years where storms are forecast to develop close in rather than waves rolling off of Africa so neatly formed that they develop immediately and become Fish Storms. Katrina, Andrew, the Labor Day Hurricane. Many form very close in to Florida and traveled fast and developed intensely over the Gulf of Mexico. And, it's worth nothing that all of the Category 5 Hurricanes that did make landfall developed close in and went from tropical storm status to Category 5 in 3 days time. So don't get caught with your pants down thinking nothing is gonna happen because you read some article somewhere and had a false sense of security because all the hurricanes were dying out over the Atlantic or going somewhere else and suddenly you wake up and find out that the tropical storm off the Florida or Louisiana coast is expected to be a Major Hurricane and they hoisted watches and warnings at 5 AM and by the time you got to Publix all the toilet paper you like was gone, gone, gone.
Don't say I didn't warn ya.....
Again look at the proximity of the storms to Florida and the Yucatan that developed into Category 5 Hurricanes and made landfall. If that doesn't make you start making lists and checking them twice nothing will .... until it's too late and your favorite toilet paper and snacks are gone, gone, gone.
For those of us who have been there....
...we do not forget.
Looks a lot like after Michael looked last year...
Please read yesterday's blog ..
it's filled with good links and information.
Besos BobbiStorm
Follow me @bobbistorm on Twitter and Instagram
Labels: epac, History, HurricaneANDREW, hurricanemichael, hurricanepreparation, hurricanes, hurricaneseason, music, tropics, weather
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