Sat Night Late Update... Subtropical Storm Patty Forms in the Atlantic - Invest 97L in Carib.
Below you can see 97L highlighted in Carib.
Showing this loop to show the flow.
Note a good part of the flow is West to East.
Welcome to November.
When storms near the Azores are common.
The colorful area near PR is stuck there.
Invest 97L is 80% in 7 days, 70% in 2.
As for models...
You know... we've been seeing this.
Some variation of course...
Fair amount of agreement I'll add.
How far North it gets is a question.
How far West can it get in the GOM.
It hasn't formed yet.
Waiting to see a semblance of a center.
That's it for now. I have two things to say tonight. One is that the Fall Colors in NC this year has been one of the most beautiful displays, at least in the Piedmont areas where a few storms came through and weakened some branches enough to have an early display of Fall that shook up all the trees with the colors more beautiful than I can remember in a long time. The sky has been blue more often than not allowing spectacular scenes that are out of some book. A mother was with her child taking a walk and she pointed to the scenery and asked the little boy "doesn't it look like those puzzles we put together" and I smiled. Growing up in Miami my only understanding of Fall was the pictures on the puzzles we'd put together of some distant place where the scenery turns gold, orange and red though in Raleigh it's punctuated by green Pines and Magnoila Trees.
Secondly, it's nice to know The Biltmore is opening up as late Fall and into the Holidays is prime time for them tourist wise but if I have to see one long episode shown over and over on TWC and then on local channels I want to lose it as it gives the false impression that "everything is just fine, fine, fine in North Carolina" and no it's not. It fact in Western NC in the small towns, hollers and homesites someone bought to live out on a mountain in their retirement it's crappy, tragic and horrific and that's on a good day. Families are sleeping on tents on their land where the house used to be and trying to file claims and deal with government red tape.
Money somehow always goes to money when it comes to cleaning up after a hurricane. Take Wilma as an example, it flooded out apartments, condos and small homes in the parts of Key West the locals used to call Sears Town (really) and retirees who were living there on a fixed budget could not get workers to help if they had the money as all the big hotels and restaurants in Old Town near Duval Street locked up a the workers fast and I had friends who lived out of small rented apartments they rented for 2 years before they were able to get their Condo liveable again ... mold grows in Key West faster than it takes for the sun to go down.
Western North Carolina is a beautiful part of the world, but no it is not back open and fixed and fine.
Neither are the towns in Georgia and South Carolina where Helene cut her nasty swath of destruction in a land of the Pines and well Pines snap, crack and break slicing through roof tops and the heavy hardwood trees lose branches and well........... takes a lot of money and help and takes a village. It's especially hard to the size and scope of the damage from Hurricane Helene.
Just being honest.
Just don't think everything is fine, fine, fine because The Biltmore was able to get up and running fairly fast!
More tomorrow on Patty and the search for Rafael!
Stay tuned,
@bobbistorm on Twitter
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Very blessed to live up here. I'll say that much. Seasons are beautiful and Miami is always waiting when I'm in the mood ..
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