Is Fernand Forming in the BOC? Could that be Garbielle Coming Off of Africa??

Models on Invest 95 show it likely to be the next named storm named Fernand. It's track would be west towards Mexico.

And goes possibly all the way into the very overactive Pacific Ocean.
So much for activity in the Atlantic Ocean.
The problem can be seen here in the Water Vapor Loop. Look to the right... the East and you'll see an area of extreme dryness. You've heard of the show Extreme Weight Loss? This 2013 Atlantic Hurricane Season is the year of the Extreme Dryness AKA Cousin SAL in the Atlantic. Everywhere you look in the Atlantic it's extremely dry. Every new wave is forecast to "wet" up the atmosphere and every new wave fails in doing that, because the next big blast of hot, dry, dusty air sends an additional blast of dryness into the already dry atmosphere above the ocean.

And, in the Caribbean there is a diving Upper Level Low that has been anchored there or over the Bahamas for most of the summer. In the BOC there is a possible system developing that is TEN TIMES BETTER looking than that last invest that I refuse to even use it's number for...
It may develop, but it may move into the Pacific.
What is with the Atlantic? It's time to begin to wonder...
Truth is I'm busy personally with a wedding for a close friend who is getting remarried and moving to the land of Haboobs and leaving the land of Hurricanes. She hasn't really heard about the dust storms and I'm not telling her. I want her to be married, happy and start over. And, she's a tough girl... she can deal with any kind of storms.
That is the reality of life.... no matter where you move, where you live there is some kind of natural disaster be it fire, famine, flood or freezing cold. You can choose between Twisters or Earthquakes or Hurricanes. What's that old saying "you can't adjust the wind, but you can adjust the sails" . . . .
Roll with the punches in life, do what you got to do and if you have lemons make lemonade and if you want to mix it up a bit add in some grape juice and make pink lemonade!
I'm helping make a wedding today. Tomorrow we can talk hurricanes again.
Here's an interesting look at hurricanes by Presidents. Love this list.
Shows you that it's not about Global Warming or the planets or Venus being close to the Earth or Mars. It's a cycle up and down that goes on all the time.

Seems during the time of Abraham Lincoln and Herbert Hoover and Obama we have had the least amount of any hurricanes during any other time. Grover Cleveland it seems was flush in hurricanes on the planet during his term in office. GWB did pretty well too. Obama seems to be protecting us from hurricanes. If so... the next President is going to have to live up to that bar in protecting us from hurricanes.
:) Love it...
I'm going to go finish my Starbucks and go to my friend's house and set up for a beautiful wedding for my wonderful friend and tomorrow... Let the Hurricanes Begin.
Enjoy the hurricane free Sunday. Go to some beach somewhere and put some money into their local economy! This is their time, their season to make money and it's your time to have fun and enjoy life without the worries that some hurricane named Gabrielle will blow your favorite beach inland across the bay or the sound and they will have to start over and rebuild.
My best friend likes this wave and she is very discriminating.... she says it's spinning and she is right :)
Go on.... find some beach, some where and enjoy life!
Besos Bobbi
Could be Gabrielle.............some models do get it past 55W..........

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