Sandy No Longer a Hurricane---Makes Landfall Now As Post Tropical Cyclone Sandy

Seriously do they have nothing better to do? I love them but... really that was important?
She made landfall in
Why not just Superstorm Sandy?
So ...Sandy will make landfall in approximately the next hour or so as a Super Tropical Cyclone.
Superstorm Sandy...
What is in a name?
Sandy has caused so many calamities it's hard to list and I'l go with the basics:
There is a 4 story apartment building in NY in the East Side known as Chelsea (what is in a name?) that caught fire and collapsed... onto the neighboring building.

A view into the building...or one of the buildings. The story is evolving and developing.
As is the mess that Superstorm Sandy is making.
Look at this loop and see that Sandy has become the big Superstorm they thought she would and that the Navy predicted would affect so many people across the whole East Coast.

Here in North Carolina it is pouring outside, a heavy tropical rain yet it's freezing.
And, that train is from Sandy...
It's dark over the Lower East. I know my kids on the Upper West Side still have power because my son keeps sending me links. My daughter is at a wedding in Borough Park. Honest. It's just ten blocks from the house... weddings in Boro Park go on even in storms..
5902 14th Ave # B Brooklyn, NY 11219
Think good and it will be good is the logic and to be fair they moved up the wedding til 4 PM. My daughter made a quick stop with her husband... small crowd... Mazel Tov! So, then she went to her mother-in-law for dinner (nice dinner) and is back in her apartment "not far away"
What do kids not understand about "do not out anywhere" ... then again she's very "me" and well...
No words... she's home.
Cars submerged...on the Garden State Parkway. Chasers are on the scene and rescues are going on..
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