Sandy - The Morning After
I'm posing a picture of the before and the after... from up above as the satellite sees our planet:
And After...........Tuesday Noon
Down here on Earth there are a million stories in between the "before" and the "after" in this disaster...
Some pics from trees down far from where she made landfall on the Upper West Side in Manhattan:
Mind you it might just be tree damage.. but if the tree falls on your car..
....and look at the width of that tree... bigger than most of the car
and...if someone would have been in the car.. it would have been loss of life
Some people get luckier... it was only the back window...
Yes, people are out and about on the Upper West Side...
but it is NOT business as usual..
Roads are one is going anywhere even up in the Upper West Side and in Mid Town Manhattan
The Lower East Side.. was pretty much sunk..
Water came in from all sides and up along the rivers (remember Manhattan is an island)
and flooded the area around The World Trade Center, the NYSE was flooded and not open
as if anyone could get to work..
Subways were flooded.
Tunnels were flooded.
This should not come as a surprise.. it's at sea level.
They were warned.. and yet no one believed
....the mind just doesn't comprehend the "worst case scenario" really happens..
It does...
The death toll climbs... as bodies are found
and images like the ones from Breezy Point where over 50 homes burned out of control last night
.....that was the burning smell all over Brooklyn..
Fire fighters could not get out to them on the barrier island
It was hell last night in parts of NYC

And... a worse hell in NJ..where the damage is unimaginable even by those who tried to imagine..
More later..
Besos Bobbi
Ps..for the teachers reading this..."thank you" I have read my email but have been unable to respond.
You are smart teachers to teach history as it is happening to your students
so they understand how history works..
in real time..
Ps.. my kids are okay....thank God!
Thanks for your prayers
Thanks Mendy for the pics of the trees down..
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