TS Leslie Spins Stationary ... Play Pin the Head on TD 13
Tropical Storm Leslie is sitting in the Atlantic, west of the Bahamas and NNE of the islands spinning over very warm water and slowly intensifying... and as she does each new model run shows Tropical Storm Leslie coming closer and closer to land.
The problem with this is that Leslie currently is a moderately weak system trying to attain Hurricane Status. Like Isaac she is big, huge and after intensifying she may fill up a pocket hundreds of miles wide in all directions with storm force winds. Gales could reach out later in the week, according to the most westward of the models, to just off of Cape Hatteras and Cape Cod. Then again, the models that keep her safely out to sea have her taking the right side of the guidance package. For the sake of Bermuda, let's hope she temporarily moves NW and misses Bermuda, before swinging back out to sea.
Also, there is a Tropical Depression in the map above... if you can pin the head on Tropical Depression you will win a prize...the prize of Jr. Meteorologist and you deserve a gold star.. at least some chocolate chip cookies. Hint... it is NOT the colored dot down by the ITCZ. Good luck, because the amazing people at the NHC found it and are issuing advisories currently. Kudos to them on the busy Labor Day Weekend for finding this small, but important Tropical Depression.
And, more noticeable is the wave coming off of Africa in a day or so...still currently over Africa but oh wow what a wave that is...
Of course it should be very close to Leslie in a week or so as she isn't going anywhere. Okay, I'm being silly... she is moving out faster than that wave is getting there.. I just find it ironic and curious. I would love to see models for that wave.
If you live at the beach on the East Coast or are lingering at Cape Cod or Cape Hatteras or Virginia Beach... watch out for swells and waves from Leslie.
In Louisiana, people are STILL waiting to get back their electric and nothing is normal. So, if you are somewhere that is "normal" take a deep breath and enjoy it. Many people are still suffering greatly from the passage of Isaac across their towns, cities and counties.
As for Leslie... she sits in the same spot. Nothing is going to change in the next few hours other than she may intensify and if the shear lets up she may grow into her model predictions for intensity.
That's a wide cone with a wide degree of uncertainty
notice the end of the inner line is aimed to the left not the right...
this could change, pray she misses Bermuda
the dot to the NNE of the final position estimate
My big concern here is not a "landfall" of Leslie on the East Coast
but that someone, somewhere could have weather from her
and she should not be underestimated and..
worried on Bermuda

Again... extra credit if you find that Tropical Depression 13 lurking out there somewhere
Sweet Tropical Dreams
from On the Road Again
Besos Bobbi
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