Fighting Off The Cold ...

And that's the truth and I'm sticking to it... both physically and healthwise...
Got to give it to Victoria Secrets, they make the nicest quality pajamas and bathrobes that feel all soft, warm and cuddly and in a few minutes I am going to go cuddle up under a bunch of covers and do some resting and might leave on TWC on mute to watch the progression of the front that is moving east from California towards the Carolinas and points to the south..
That pic up above is tracking the snowstorm NOT a Tropical Storm moving towards Cape Hatteras. Though it is possible that the Outer Banks may get some snow, as well as Atlanta, Charlotte and possibly a good part of I95 from the Carolinas to New York so if you are planning on taking a trip on Sunday... you might think on thinking twice.
Somewhere around the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Florida, will form and move across Florida and will look like some late season tropical system making a bee line for the Carolinas but staying safely offshore and blowing tropical kisses. But, these kisses will come more in the shape of snowflakes...each one different than the next.
And, down in Florida...South Florida ...people will complain it is too cold to walk their puppy dogs and they will layer on their fancy, sexy boots to take a walk on Lincoln Road.
Up north, they will watch the ACTUAL movement of the Low after it forms to see if they will or won't be getting the white stuff.
Good article by online.
Graphics from their site ...though it updates as new models warrant:

As for me... I have a stuffy nose and am going to go take care of it and worry on the models and tracks tomorrow. That's what we Southern Girls do you know... Grandma Mary taught me that well and she was as Southern a Belle as any of them. Of course, if everything I knew in life I had learned on Burn Notice I probably would know how to get rid of a runny nose ... oh well... tequila and tea?
So... where ever y'all are... stay safe...stay warm...enjoy the weather and if you are lucky enough to get Snow on Christmas, enjoy it. Nice to have special effects provided by God ;)
Two sides of the same storm and cold, cold winter are articles below...
As for the system in California, I am watching it but not posting on it. Tremendous damage in places I love such as San Diego and Laguna Beach (one of my favorite beaches) and hope they get a break soon, because I know what it's like to live out there when one Pineapple Express after another slams into the South Land..
Besos Bobbi
Ps for the cryptically minded ;)
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