Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

TD2 Hangs In There & The Problem With Models

First off, as of 11 AM Tropical Depression TWO has managed to hang in there and maintain depression status but has not yet been able to get herself a name. IF she is able to fend off the hot, dry air visible on the water vapor imagery she might but that is still a fantasy until it is a fact.

She gets a B+ for spunk but I am worried on her failing the Mid-Term ...

This is from a post I wrote on and their amazing message board. Enjoy... more later after we see how she does handling all that dry air out there.


First off... when watching a model like the GFS as it grabs onto some faraway rain over in Africa is that it is like a 13 year old boy looking through his Daddy's girlie magazines hidden deep in the sock drawer. Easily excited but not sure what to do with it..

And, I mean that... think on it.

Second off... it's like some 40 year old guy in some chat room talking to someone named Delilah who says she is from Dallas and works as a snake charmer... he believes her, he really does yet he is clueless as to the fact that she just wants to be Delilah but she is really Debbie in Denver working two jobs as a single mom or even possibly David in Dalton, Georgia who really wants a sex change operation but has not yet gotten enough money from working as a waiter to pay for it so he's just playing around on chat.

Third of all... it shows a general pattern of behavior for anything coming off of the African Coast of anything that is out there...more than any one storm. Until a storm forms it is all mind games and visual fireworks. Today Tampa gets wiped off the map, tomorrow West Palm Beach, Wednesday Long Island gets ripped in two on the 15 day image.

They are run over and over for different areas...yes it does show the wave off of Africa getting a name and going the distance but it is Fantasy Tracking and not the NFL.

Until something gets a name and more so the hurricane hunters go out there and get GOOD data it is garbage in and garbage out but you can sift through the garbage for some real treasures, possibly Daddy's old Playboy and find a centerfold named Ana.

What the models show me is the current conditions and down the road possible conditions for anything caught in the tropical river of energy flowing from the equator to the poles...the path it will want to take.

And, what it shows me is a very strong high and an eventual re-curvature but... the waves are a bit high and not too connected to the moisture they need to generate energy. And, there isn't much moisture there even going low.

Worth watching but it's fantasy land not the real thing ...

Shows patterns.

Blend the models for this new wave and the models for TD2 and you get a futuristic view into what the Basin will do with the two.

That is my problem with the models...

And someone let Fred in Long Island know that he's in the cross hairs for a few runs lol.

Love you all... Bobbi


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