Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

INVEST 99 UP on Cape Verde System

colored shot below.. shows small red tower building, weak but there for now..

Getting nice marks on Dvorak as well and looks like a possible upgrade could be down the pike.

First thoughts?

Nice round ball of convection with neatly centered strongest convection. Bottom heavy with a long tail that can possibly pull up rich tropical moisture and steal her heart and make her grow big and strong and intense.

A lot of possibles... possibilities but there is an Invest up "99" and the models are sticking with her.

Faster she develops the easier it is for her to turn north and re-curve in the Atlantic. The slow she develops due to possible battle with a not so friendly, El Nino dominated weather pattern she could get further west than a storm this strong would that is developing close to the Islands this far out.

Either way, even if she fizzles out she is a site to behold while she sits by the CAPE VERDE ISLANDS catching her breath and wondering which way to go.

Stay tuned... this is one drama that may build into something...

Besos Bobbi

Ps... a long way to go before this is a sure thing but it is beautiful, even now. A rare site to see... a strong, well wrapped Cape Verde Wave.


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