Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Monday, August 10, 2009

NHC Shows TWO Alerts.. Possible Formation... ain't necessarily so....

I'm here blogging because that is what I do and I am wondering what Mister Joe is doing over at Accuweather. I mean he can talk and talk and yet am wondering what he is saying. Usually I join this time of year... usually we have something to talk about...

There are two systems in the Atlantic that could possibly do something...three if you consider the new wave that is being sacrificed to the Weather Gods who have been stolen away this year by the mean, angry, always hungry EL NINO.

Okay so here's the colored dots...and then I am going to give you my thoughts..

First off I have been staring at this most of the night:

Amazing view of the tropics... devilish in ways.

If you watch the wave by the islands you will see why the NHC went with the yellow upgrade of the old wave to giving it a small chance. Also, what you don't see is a model that indicated a wave gets into the Gulf later in the week and might cause a problem. The wave by the islands looked great in the first image and then at the end of the loop it goes POOF. But, it may blow up again tomorrow and it does BEAR WATCHING..

The waves off by Africa look great, one is too high, one is too low, one had moisture and one still does. This has been painful to watch as between the African Dust and the El Nino wind patterns and a witch named Stephanie that lives on Mars that put a spell on this year's hurricane season well... it just ain't necessarily so..

Even if the NHC which is the Bible of the Hour in the Weather World says it may develop, it ain't necessarily so... remember that...

OF course .. if you see a RED CIRCLE somewhere it's like TAKE COVER AND MAN THE TORPEDOES because they won't put it up until they see the stars in her eyes. And, probably means that some Shaman found a way to counter act Miss Stephanie's spell and well... stay tuned.

Just because something looks like a storm does not mean it is... looks can be deceiving.

For instance I went to Kroger's tonight to some cherries and all they had left was ONE bag and a pretty crummy looking one.. I actually WASHED the cherries for a change. But, they had big, black grapes for $1 a pound! They look a lot like blueberries but they are not blueberries... I mean they can pass for big blueberries if you are tired and not paying close attention but after close up inspection you see ... the blueberry has what looks like an eye... little dimple, an eye, an indent... and it's round and shaped more like a pumpkin whereas the grape is sort of oval shaped or more perfectly round. AHA!! It is a deceiver!! It is NOT a blueberry...not a large blueberry, it doesn't even taste a drop no NOOOOOO

And, these waves are a bit like that. Life is a bit like that... Take two brothers (and NO DO NOT SEND CORN) they may sound a like or look a like or think a like but they are NOT a like...similar genes, similar parents but so so so different. But, people will come along and say "hey, you twins or something?" and they think "duh, we don't look anything alike"

I guess it depends on who is looking and who knows berries and grapes.. Both fruit, both bluish-purple and both sort of explode in your mouth but one is bitter and one is sweet, unless you have good Maine blueberries but alas... I don't. Nope.

And, they are running out of CHERRIES!!! You get my drift here...

The summer is passing... people are coming back from the Cape... (Hatteras, stay on track) and school is starting and I am supposed to be tracking, swirly little balls of convection that twist and shout "look at me NHC" and begin to convect and towers start to climb up on satellite imagery and pressures drop and winds increase and colors burst forth onto the sats and trackers and forecasters and chasers sit up and take notice and scream, "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!"

El Nino keeps winning. And, that sucks. Royally.

Energy from the tropics NEEDS to be transferred to the poles or this planet could burst!!

Okay... so enough of illusions but before Indian Summer begins and corn starts to show up with pumpkins to put outside on cutesy little neighborhood displays.. I WANT A HURRICANE!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, now that I got that out of my system... I did try over and over and eventually managed to ...get this... ready??? I balanced a big grape on top of the smaller blueberry!!


Tomorrow we will delve into the world of almost extinct Tropical Weather Sites online.

No... I am not going to talk about the beautiful Miss Felicia because she is beautiful and she knows it and this is a site that is dedicated to tropical development in the ATLANTIC Basin.

Enjoy the pics... and be was just an example, would say it's all in the family but I don't want to go there.....

Besos Bobbi

Enjoy... a funky rendition of "It ain't necessarily so" that fits my mood... which is blue.......... going to go back to watching the loops alone because well ... I got hungry and ate the grape and blueberry...


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