Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Things I HATE About the New World Order

Online for one.

I really hate online.

Suppose it is a love/hate thing because I love the ability to google anything I need. And, works as an intercom across the country for kids but then... do I really need to be disturbed when I am trying to google "just because I'm there" ???

It took over the world worse than Walmart and put everyone out of business as for small cute little shops where you could wander around, touch things, pick them up, look at that... get a feel for whether you want to buy it and bring it home. Now there are no cutesy "new age" sort of book stores or specialty shops. You are directed towards Barnes and Noble (a store I like) and Borders (I don't like) or some seller selling through Amazon or Ebay.

Used to be a store in Coconut Grove that was fun to waste time in (more fun than online if not as productive but filled a need), one on Lincoln Road which is I guess gone because no one can afford the rents anymore and used to be one out by the Blue Whale in LA that I would bet is gone. Used to be one in the Waterways by Aventura when the Unicorn was the Unicorn and not Whole Foods and then Whole Foods moved out of the Waterways.

Relationships used to be offline.. people were forced to put their clothes on, fix up what they had good that was worth fixing up, brushing what was left of their hair and going out to meet somewhere at a coffee shop or book store and take a chance on face to face meeting. And, taking a chance on making changes in their lives.

Now they can stay home, hide on message boards or online, go to some porn site when they want sex (with themself) and never get dressed, never worry on how they look, never take a chance on change.

We have become a nation of Cancerian Minded individuals living out of our homes, our computers afraid to interact.. to waste time driving through horrible traffice or wandering through a small little store someone used to own when rents were not too high in a cute funky part of town... our Uranus in Cancer (as a generation) has F-ed us up big time. We now have unusual homes..they are called screen names and laptops and those little drives that people keep on their key chain with all of their info.

We text message instead of touching skin to skin we touch keypads. The keypad makes a sound if we want it to and we can even adjust that. We text message ourselves the to do list, the shopping list.

Picking out a new laptop or phone is worse that what used to be buying a house.. I guess because it is our house now.

Uranus in Cancer.

Our heads in our butts.

Great generation. Makes you long for those older generations who took chances, went places, got to wander through book shops that weren't called "New Age" and places that were quiet, quirky and fun to kill time in.

Now we have online.

We have traded the ability to have information on anything or anyone for real lives and real places to go.

I'm the worst one, not throwing rocks at glass houses... being honest. It sucks.

As for the weather.........

Irene is moving west as I said she might last week. Remember when she formed high I said it was possible she could get pushed west under a building high later in the forecast period? ??? I said that. I was right. It happened. For how long is the question.

Wave down in the Caribbean. Waves by Cape Verde Islands rolling off like clock work being sucked up by dust, weighed down by dust. Everyone and everything it seems is allergic to dust.

Space Shuttle. Woke up this morning and turned on the TV to see whether it landed routinely or whether there was a new national tragedy. Postponed. Edwards Air Force Base landing was decided upon around 8am morning time. Like they really thought they could find a cloudless morning in Florida?? Or they could slip it in under the cloak of early morning darkness? Edwards was a sure thing. Will see. Will watch.

Really in a pissy mood on the New World Order that doesn't allow me to find a good New Age bookstore (call a spade a spade, used to be called Occult bookstore when you wanted to look through old books on astrology or other esoteric studies) and there are no more cute health food stores like the Spiral in the Gables used to be. A real bummer.

There aren't too many real men anymore and women have become so silicone enhanced or collagened out that they aren't too real either. Used to be when you wanted to find out whether the girl or guy that got away was still around you sat down, wrote a letter and sent it out. You didn't play James Bond online. People had pen pals and those relationships lasted for years or they met in person. At the library, in the archives is this beautiful copy of a letter some man wrote his future wife... old, like a valentine... told her how he couldn't wait to meet her and wanted to show her his face. Mind you I thought his face was really pretty geeky but she must not have thought so... they met, married... lived in early pioneer Miami somewhere and had a full life... sitting on the porch and watching sunsets and feeling it cool off... screened porch of course. Palmetto life style.

Doesn't happen anymore... nope.

I don't like the new world order much, don't even think it's worth capitalizing.

I don't like to be told what a storm will do when it forms far out at sea near Africa and be given a thumbs up or thumbs down. someone said online.. love it when they bust a forecast and someone somewhere has to get off their butt in front of some computer with more GBs and amps and memory than God and figure out what some interesting tropical storm is actually going to do because it didn't decide to play by the models or read message boards.

My son just announced "we won" and we beat the Rangers 11-6. Redsox.

Brock Berlin played a good game last night even though there was an interception. Takes chances, has an arm and the ability I believe to lead a team. Will see what everyone thinks later but I liked him. Fins game.. not Redsox.

Going to go make breakfast, organize my day, figure out where I am going... which Walmart or which Barnes and Noble or worse Borders or which Whole Foods or even worse Fresh Foods because the Unicorn Bookstore is no longer there, the Spiral no longer exists and Sharon doesn't even live here anymore.

I need to find a place that is in concert with who I am.
Key West is but how can I afford to live there?
Sure other places are.. but not sure where.

Well...there's always Brooklyn... somewhere there is still a small funky health food shop, a bookstore and people to meet.. places to go. Always that option if I want to leave South Florida. As much as people bitch about NY there is something for everyone there.. maybe even me.

praying the Space Shuttle lands safely.


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