Ever have one of those days?
The last two days have been like that.
Key West was wonderful. A trip to paradise in ways but more so a trip to the real world. Sanity is Key West in all of it's odd eccentricities it is more normal than any big city. People smile, they wave (talking locals..not the tourists on Duval Street) and they laugh..yawn.. slowly rush about on their chores. No one gives you a dirty look or attitude. It is as if there is no attitude there. Except the one that the Latitude makes..
There is a saying in Key West.. a county motto
One Human Family. No judged on color or religion or sex or life style or creative ability to write the Great American Novel. Everyone is a poet or essayist while they while away the hours talking. People talk. They converse. They nod their head when you walk by. They respond and react in kind when you ask a question or laugh. There is no traffic in Key West except to the airport on Roosevelt sometimes and on Duval Street in the evening around sunset and later. This isn't Atlanta.. Hot Atlanta with freeways and angry people and so much traffic that it adds to the afternoon thunderstorms. So much traffic or so much BS or just so hot..who knows? I don't. I don't live there. Does anyone? Who knows.
I just know that in Miami everyone is racing around, dividing themselves up into groups, nationalities. Little Havana. Little Haiti. Once a long time ago I lived off of Bird Road in an area that people used to call "Little Georgia." Though most the people were from the Carolinas or Kentucky. Really it was one step above trailer trash to some..to me it was the best darn place I ever did live. I was happy. Then there was THE ROADS section I grew up in before that. The Cuban Market here is really run by Arabs but everyone likes calling it the Cuban Market. Well, they do sell Goya. The Spanish Bakery is really the Argentinian Bakery. The Colombian restaurant is really now merged into the Peruvian restaurant. When I call the meat patties the dollar stores Haitian Patties (thats how I was introduced to them) some kids freak and tell me they are Jamaican Patties. Oh...... Okay.......... Then we have North Miami, North Miami Beach and Aventura though no one remembers where the boundaries are and all are congested. Speaking of congestion..we are waiting for the Super Walmart to open. They can't seem to get the Starbucks built ..must be an underground river or something. Everyone in Miami is racing around professing to be a Marlin, a Dolphin or a Heat Fan. Everyone needs a label and a street named after them. If you get famous..you get a street. I went to highschool on S.W. 16th Street but it is now Jose Canseco Blvd because he also went to Coral Park High. Hmmmm
I do love it but more so down by the river, the old area..Coral Gables (which is its own town, of course) and places beyond. It's just all gotten too much for me lately.
Which leaves me where?
Ha, ha.. Hurricane City which is nice but not real and Key West that no one can afford.
Where does a girl go who was conceived in Atlanta (parents were there 3 months, just long enough) who has lived in Brooklyn and L.A. Maybe Rio? I heard its big and on the water. Boston is big and expensive.. nice though. Who knows which way the wind blows.
I'm here one more year and that is it. Come hell or high water I am leaving. Alone or with someone.
As for hurricanes....................... in the words of the great Edward on the road somewhere in a lonely hotel doing his job ... WHOOOOOOOOSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Waiting for the big blow in Miami. So hot here. So damn hot that some hurricane will show.. and blow... aiming for Miami and other places near by like a heat seeking missle.. too hot not to get a Cane.
Course Ed's not in Hot Etlanna and he's not in Miami so where ever he is..I sure hope he likes his weather.. whooshy over his head.
Ed, Ted, Ned, how many other rhyming names can we get for the man hiding in a motel somewhere? Harsh, I know. You have an issue with it.. come and get me. Ha, ha.
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