Hurricane Harbor

A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of humor and trying to make sense of it all!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sunday Morning Thoughts... Tropics on a leave of absence

A bit quiet in the tropics today. Yes, Harvey is out there but he's really a bit far north to be truly tropical or topical and TD9 is either going to make one hell of a comeback of it's almost toast time.

Reposting this from because it's just easier.

Tired this morning. Woke up with wierd dreams that I have had before that were not "bad" but were disturbing. I couldn't get back to sleep. Took Sweet Dreams tea.. didn't help.

Going through a hard spot emotionally the last few days.. week and having some problems keeping up.

Key West was good.. unfortunately was a big waste of money for me not for my son who had a good time. Not the type of trip I would choose for me but sometimes you have to put others before your own needs. And, coming home was a real bitch and about as depressing as it could be and now I feel trapped, landlocked and unable to live whereI want because simple millionaires don't have enough money these days to live there. And, yet..some do.. somehow. How do they? This is the question..

Anyway... and just silly old crap that goes on and on without end and not my game or song that I started so I have little power to end it and as it is portable.. it's not worth running away from so...hanging in there.

So..these are my tropical thoughts. Think they were wrong to rush out and up the numbers because I don't think we will have two dozen named storms unless you consider all these joke type storms storms..which technically they are but telling you a whole bunch of storms on the chart so far for 2005 that I know without a doubt that Bob Sheets would not have made named storms let alone depressions. He was hardline in his decisions. Old school.

So.. my thoughts.. take care, will write later have to go buy school stuff as school starts tomorrow in Miami-Dade County.

Take care.. Bobbi

Posted by bobbistorm on 8/7/2005, 6:57 am
User logged in as: Bobbistorm

I'm going to be the voice of reason here.. or at least try.
It is a slow time.

Harvey is as was expected to be (my me) annoying and I think even Franklin was more interesting. He will not leave. He is sitting there messing up the short term tropical picture.

TD9 is a washout for now and may be one of the few TD's that doesn't get a name. I waver between that and it pulling itself together and being a threat down the road.. much like Andrew who sputtered along too far north and barely hanging in there. Then again Andrew didn't have to deal with Harvey it was the A storm.

A lot of upper level lows and a whole lot of Saharan Dust out there.

Am out right shocked that every agency and researcher around has rushed to up the numbers and worry on what will happen if we run out of names.

May I go on record as saying I don't think it's going to happen and the conditions in June and July do not portend what will happen later.

This is not a matter of climo it's a matter of weather. Weather happens today .. climo is long term.

You don't bring this all down to some simple math problem where you say the season will not really start til Mid-August therefore you must add in the current total of storms with what you expected 2005 to be and get a simple answer.

Conditions in the "real part" of the Hurricane season may be less than favorable for various reasons and we may have a season where Cape Verde storms cannot and will not develop close in due to dust storms and other conditions and we may have an early winter in which case the season would be cut short and the patterns go zonal.

Too many upper level lows will inhibit things from forming no matter how hot the water is..

Andrew was barely within range of a designated system based on its pressure being so high but was low only in comparison to the enviornment around it.

In years like this when there is no real rule hard or set and you fly by the seat of your pants the thought of simply adding in .. in a very panicky fashion.. your previous figures for storm days from 8/1/2005 on is sort of so closed minded, left brain that it is ridiculous.

A good look at why 1933 was 1933 might be better evaluated than rushing off to the store to buy cases of duct tape and flashlights, invest in generators when you can't really afford them (if you don't have special needs for health or business... just live with the heat for several out.. its not the end of the world) and settle down ..

Global warming does not start over night like the movie previews are over and now we are ready for the main feature.

It's a slow building process.

It could be argued it is going on since Hugo in that usually we don't have so many category 5 storms.. etc and now we do. It could also be argued that we now see everything going on like some 24/7 cam into every wave and there were many Cat 3 storms that out in the ocean were Cat 4 and 5's for a few advisories and were missed because they didn't have hurricane hunters flying around in them.

2005 is not a simple addition problem to correct and think Gray and NOAA and everyone else is rushing out to shut the barn door after a few horses got away they didn't realize would and they aren't sure how many horses are left that even might bother escaping.

My thoughts.

It's a slow weekend.

Don't expect anything tropically BIG or huge to happen for a good week..

Glad Mr. Bastardi has other hobbies.. weight lifting, football..etc... or he would be as nuts as everyone here biting their nails and fighting over word usage, literary styles and linquistical linquini ..

Relax, enjoy the weekend if you are blessed enough to have someone to share it with and if you are that much of a happy, hermit loner... be happy you are alone.

ps...hope canetrakker under any name shows up when the real stuff starts spinning and hope Medic and all the North Carolina people are happy and even those people who are missing in action in the woods up in Michigan and Wisconsin. Tennessee not included. A joke, haha.. don't take it personally

look a bit at the infamous 1933 season.. how much does it really compare?

I'd bet on that October storm track for south florida.. my tip on the betting side of life even though I am not a gambler.

Remember something...all that glitters is not gold


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