Exit Leslie, Enter Nadine & What Makes a Meteorologist?
This is a great loop that is current to this morning, that shows Leslie moving towards her ultimate target and Nadine...or what will be Nadine soon...trying to wrap some convection.

If you are watching this morning, 9/11/12
Leslie who would not move for days is now moving NNE at 45 mph forward speed.
HIGH SURF and HIGH WAVES... think the book or the movie "The Perfect Storm" and that's what that part of the woods looks like...
The cities in her woods are as follows:
HIBERNIA OILFD 34 41 X(41) X(41) X(41) X(41) X(41) X(41) CAPE RACE NFLD 34 99 X(99) X(99) X(99) X(99) X(99) X(99) CAPE RACE NFLD 50 94 X(94) X(94) X(94) X(94) X(94) X(94) ILE ST PIERRE 34 99 X(99) X(99) X(99) X(99) X(99) X(99) ILE ST PIERRE 50 77 X(77) X(77) X(77) X(77) X(77) X(77) BURGEO NFLD 34 78 X(78) X(78) X(78) X(78) X(78) X(78) PTX BASQUES 34 7 X( 7) X( 7) X( 7) X( 7) X( 7) X( 7) SYDNEY NS 34 3 X( 3) X( 3) X( 3) X( 3) X( 3) X( 3) SABLE ISLAND 34 99 X(99) X(99) X(99) X(99) X(99) X(99)
Why do I put in this data? Because in the old days before we could read long, evolved model discussion and before they had fancy graphics this is what we went by. Weather is math, plain and simple. If our odds went up to 50 we knew we had a pretty good chance of the storm... when it went up to the 70s we battened down the hatches.
I'm not THAT old, but I am old enough to remember a time before the cone and before the red line down the center of the cone that they tell you now not to pay attention to... and the old ways still work in some ways. It also gives you an appreciation for geography, for the world.. for places you may not know or have ever heard of such as ILL ST. PIERRE or PTX BASQUES.
This village.... is Port-aux-Basques.
Doesn't look very tropical, but it gets extratropical storms like Leslie often and more so it gets severe winter storms.
Some great images online of a road trip that someone took on his bike. If you are into the great outdoors, motorcycles, camping, the open road in far away places please look through this link.. you'll love it. If you are a "need palm trees on a beach in Florida" sort of person, you will still enjoy it...though you may not want to duplicate it as fast as others in the first category.
http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=472456picture from above link:
and another:![]()
See...there is a whole world out there you didn't even know about. And, Tropical Storm Leslie who sat for days in the same spot ...is finally seeing a whole new world.
Ptx Basques aka Port aux Basqes is that tip on the SW corner of Newfoundland...immediately to the left of St. Pierre of Miquelon. As the crow flies it's not so far from Cape Cod. Another question in trivia you may want to know the answer to and remember is... parts of Nova Scotia are SE of Maine.
Some interesting trivia tidbits about a place on the map that is so rarely mentioned. Yes, there is a connection to Basque country in Europe.
Port aux Basques refers to the harbour that was a favoured sheltering and watering place for Basque whalers who hailed from the Basque region of the Pyrenees of France andSpain during the early 16th century. After leaving the harbour the whalers either proceeded to the main whaling grounds off southern Labrador, or headed home to the Basque country. They almost certainly took on fresh water from Dead Man's Brook, which flows into Port aux Basques harbour, during their stopovers.Port aux Basques is first seen on a 1687 Johannes van Keulen map of the area. Permanent settlement came from French fishermen who overwintered on this, the "French shore", using rights given under the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht which saw France cede its claims in Newfoundland to Great Britain in exchange for right of use of coastal lands for the fishery. With the fishery being the economic mainstay for both French and British settlers in the area, Channel-Port aux Basques [5] appeared destined to remain a collection of small fishing villages."http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channel-Port_aux_BasquesThere is a railroad and a lighthouse :) I know how much my readers love trains and lighthouses...
http://www.lighthousefriends.com/light.asp?ID=1262Picture from 1909...looks like Maine to me..
From that link I posted above... the cute traveler on his motorcycle..there's a train too...
Now that we have covered some history and geography, we are going to cover a drop of science...astronomy.
Seems there was an explosion on Jupiter yesterday, for real, as a supposed asteroid hit the planet. It was posted with some pics on www.spaceweather.com. Check it out.
The point of all of this is.........this is what makes up a meteorologist or a "weather nut"
One part love of weather.
One part love of maps.
One part love of geography.
One part love of history.
One part love of astronomy.
You put it all together and you get a meteorologist or a weather nut AKA "weather weenie" or just a person with a passion for watching the weather.
As for the future Tropical Storm Nadine.. I think they are waiting to write off Michael or Leslie before doing the official upgrade. Sounds very unscientific, but I have noticed they are prone to do that sometimes...if they can wait an advisory or two for a weak storm, far out at sea not bothering anyone.
Nadine fits that description:
Looks like she is ready to upgrade, as soon as they get done with Leslie who is making landfall as I get ready to go into the shower.
I'll update later on all the systems named and not yet named and I'll write a bit about 911. Where was I when I heard the plane crashed into the Twin Towers. Watching what was soon to be Hurricane Felix form, talking to my weather friend online..like any other September morning... watching hurricanes.
Again...what makes a meteorologist?
One part love of weather.
One part love of maps.
One part love of geography.
One part love of history.
One part love of astronomy.
Yup... you heard it here first.
Besos Bobbi
Ps... Satellite image from 911.
Erin a Leslie like storm moving north and Felix at the bottom trying to form... a storm with a track much like Nadine's may be... stay tuned.
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