Tropically Blue

Feeling a bit tropically blue today. Might need some sort of tropical drink by the end of the day with some pineapple spear or a little umbrella in it.
If this wave is any indicator of how this season goes it's going to be quite annoying.
There, not there, sort of there, there again, where is there?
Hard to count it out, yet it looks like it is giving up the Ghost of Dreams of Alex and yet not sure. On one hand it has a better circulation going for it, on the other hand it has lost it's convection.
Strong headwinds, a huge high is pressing down, strong storms in the mid part of the country and would give the northern part of the Tropical Atlantic an A for effort and the lower half of the Tropical Atlantic a C for Climatology.
Which leaves us with a B overall, B- perhaps.
The moisture in the Gulf of Mexico is the "dirty side" of the Upper Level Low that is spinning in the Gulf. The dirty side is referred to as the side that attracts rain and moisture like a butterfly plant attracts bees. But, nothing tropical going on at the surface though it looks a bit menacing.
As for me... I am going to go to stretch class and hope the kinks in my neck and my mood get worked out a bit and if that doesn't work... there is always another option in my bag of options. Might love it when a plan comes together, but if it doesn't come together there is always Plan B.
Besos Bobbi
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