Alex Goes Cat 2.. Strongest June Cane Since 1966?

Awesome power in the eye of Alex. Category 2 with 100 mph winds and strengthening.

Look at Alex just about to make landfall and developing still, barometric pressure dropping fast and the eye has turned into a pinpoint of light within a dangerous round circle of strengthening 100 mph winds. He is a Category 2 but to the naked eye he is beginning to look like a Cat 3. Officially, a Category 2 but keep watching.
A dramatic story is playing out here in the world of weather.
Also, because of the strange structure of this storm the area of strong winds is wide and spread out and will affect a huge area. This is not small Brett coming ashore, this is a HUGE storm.
Tornado Warnings are up for South Texas (means a tornado sighted and on the ground) near Brownsville. It will be a wicked night for people on both sides of the border tonight.
Will be back with the exact site of landfall, but for now... he is a thing of beauty for weather lovers everywhere. Intense, wild, spinning and the first in what will most likely be a string of spinners.
Loop that loop above and fall in love with a spinning hurricane.

Wiki on Alma, another infamous June storm.
More to come.... prayers for those in his path... my biggest fear here is that he acts more like a major hurricane yet many may think he is weaker and will not be prepared for how strong he really is... my prayers for those in his path...
Besos Bobbi
ps...Twister on the ground in Cameron County, Texas
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